Parapsychologist Azanov: “If you are well, what disease can come?”


Kristina Rimienė, the host of the show, who spoke together with one of the most famous Lithuanian parapsychologists, astrologer Vladimir Azanov, discussed the themes of the afterlife.

Vladimir clearly sees and understands the afterlife. He felt extrasensory abilities as a child, had visions, and after learning about the incurable disease and the miracle of moving on with life again, he set out to develop his abilities and help other people.

Life is a pleasure

When the hosts ask if that life is not complicated for the parapsychologist himself, the man simply smiles saying that life is really nice.

“Life is like music, painting, poetry. I love writing poems and painting. I’ve always wanted to help people in some way: either with advice or words. You see that a person is bad and a word can help a person, trust me that it will be fine ”, explains the interlocutor.

Azanov says that many things have changed when he fell ill with a serious illness at the age of 32. Then the man could not sleep at night because it seemed that death was already around the corner.

“All night I wrote poems about death when morning came, other patients got up, I went to bed. In that way I did not allow myself to leave this earth with nothing. I have something to leave. Life is nice, you need to enjoy it at every moment.

We keep thinking, someone said something wrong, someone did something wrong, maybe let’s look at it from a different angle: why did they do it? Maybe everything is inside, a change is needed, but no, a person does not want to change. The man goes to church, prays and thinks he is clean. He does the same thing every day, but he goes to church again … ”, explains the parapsychologist.

V. Azanov spoke about the afterlife (Copyright

A good person will not be attacked by any disease.

The man assures that perhaps the Lord will forgive the people, but the most important thing is to forgive the man himself:

“I don’t want to talk about the elderly, they ask for health in the church. I’m talking about those people who don’t understand and don’t realize that no one will forgive your sins, yes, maybe the Lord will forgive you, but will you, man, forgive yourself? And this is the question. Life depends on it. “

Bioenergy points out that our health also depends on all of our actions in life. After all, if there are no conflicts and a person is good, what kind of illness can come?

“If you are good, there are no conflicts, what disease can come? Explain. If you do bad things, first you do bad things to yourself and then to those around you. Everything is within us, a calm soul means a peaceful life “.

Help souls find their way

Azanov also does not deny that he has repeatedly had to cleanse his house of souls trapped between the earth and the rest of the world. According to the bioenergetic, in such cases he shows them the way.

“There have been several cases in which the house needs to be cleaned, such as danger, souls making noise at night, many footsteps are heard, lights are turned on, televisions or plates begin to fly.

You must be able to understand whether it is a cabin or a dead soul. If it is a soul, it means that it has one foot here, the other there.

Then I get in touch with them, show the corridor and the soul comes out. Not all dead souls can communicate in this way, not all of them obey. People who do not die by their own death and commit suicide tend to remain stagnant, then the souls float in the air ”, says the interlocutor.

V. Azanov spoke about the afterlife (Photo from

No karma points

The parapsychologist believes that there are no karma points in this life, but a person pays for all his bad deeds in another life.

What is karma? Our destiny, how can we earn destiny? How can I earn points? There is karma, there are no karmic points, if you did something, why did you do it? You have to repent and fix it. Bad actions do not respond to a person, a person has to change his opinion, habits and behavior.

<...> In this life a person will not earn anything, in another life he will come with all his earnings. Why are people with disabilities born? Reincarnation, man does something wrong and is reborn with suffering. It is not he who has to suffer, but his parents who must help him on this path. It is a very complex subject, not everyone can understand and understand karmic things. Maybe I don’t need it, “the man openly adds.

I would love to be reborn as a painter

During the “World by Women” program, V. Azanov touches on another sensitive topic: love. According to him, only if we fully think about our loved one can we feel true love.

“Love is when you realize that you cannot live without that person for a minute. For twenty-four hours you have to think about the person you love, no matter what you do. They have to be together twenty-four hours a day, it is love, and when they think twenty minutes a day, there is no love, “he says.

When asked if a man would like to be reborn as a parapsychologist in his next life, he simply smiles because he has much bigger dreams.

“I have seen my many pasts, in one of them I was a herbalist, wise man. In the next life I will try to change my role, I wanted to become a photojournalist, artist, maybe my soul and follow that path. For the second time, it will not be interesting to follow the same path, so in the next life I want to become a good painter like Michelangelo or Picasso ”, V. Azanov concludes the conversation with hope.
