In Maxima stores – nine more boxes of COVID-19, one of them – in Vilnius “Akropolis”


“Over the past day, there has been a significant increase in COVID-19 infections among our employees. We are pleased that more people have recovered every day and that 14 employees have already recovered this week.

However, coronavirus was detected in nine more workers yesterday. All are treated at home. Employees who had potentially close contact with colleagues who developed COVID-19 became isolated. The premises of the store where the staff infected with the coronavirus worked were cleaned and completely disinfected internally.

We are consulting with the National Center for Public Health and taking all recommended preventive actions that would help prevent the spread of COVID-19 diseases, ”says Ernesta Dapkienė, Director of the Communication and Image Department of the Maxima retail chain.

New cases: throughout Lithuania

Retail chain Maxima has been informing the public about all cases of workers infected with COVID-19 since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Yesterday, COVID-19 infection was detected in three employees in Vilnius. Coronavirus infection by Acropolis Maxima XXXX workers was detected by COVID-19 prophylactic testing. He was last at his workplace on November 11. A colleague who had a possible contact with a COVID-19 patient isolated himself.

Another patient at the Vilnius Maxima X store, Rinktinės str. 38, the employee last visited the workplace on November 6. There were no close contacts with other people.

The coronavirus was also diagnosed at the Maxima X store in Vilnius, Parko str. 60А, employees. He was last at his workplace on November 10. Four colleagues who had potentially close contact isolated themselves.

COVID-19 illnesses were diagnosed in two employees in Kaunas. Maxima XX Store, Jonavos str. 60, the employee was at his workplace for the last time on November 8. A colleague who may have been in contact with the sick person became isolated.

An employee of the food production workshop that operates the Maxima XXX store, Veiverių 150 B, also fell ill. He was last at work on November 7. No close contacts were found.

COVID-19 has also been established for another employee of the food production workshop located at the Maxima XXX store in Šiauliai Akropolis. The activities of this unit have been suspended for some time and the employees are in self-isolation. All are tested for COVID-19.

Maxima XX stores infected with coronavirus in Kretinga, Rotušės a. 15, the employee was last at work on November 8. Close personal contact with others is not identified.

COVID-19 was also diagnosed at the Maxima X store in Žiežmariai, Žaslių str. 78, employees. He last visited the job on November 7. A colleague who had a possible contact with a COVID-19 patient isolated himself.

The Maxima X stores for Sale, Žemaičių str., Were also infected with coronavirus. 37-1, employee. He last visited the job on November 11. He could have had close contact with a colleague who became isolated.

In total, COVID-19 was established for 133 Maxima employees

Stores and other premises where workers infected with COVID-19 worked were completely cleaned and disinfected. According to E. Dapkienė, the employees and buyers of the Maxima store can feel safe and continue to visit these stores.

“Today, we meet extremely strict hygiene requirements: shopping carts, baskets and other miscellaneous surfaces are regularly disinfected, and fresh air circulation is increased for store ventilation. Employees are informed of additional recommendations to avoid direct contact between them and to maintain a safe distance. We also encourage our employees to test for COVID-19 for prevention purposes in all municipalities that only organize such tests, “says E. Dapkienė.

Maxima has special coronavirus insurance for its current and future employees. Employees receive the necessary protective equipment: medical masks or safety shields, gloves, hand sanitizing liquids. Temperature is measured daily for Maxima employees. If employees feel unwell, have symptoms of a cold or the flu, they are asked to stay home.

Currently, the flow of shoppers entering the stores is limited in Lithuania. Shoppers are asked to keep a safe distance of 2 meters in stores, not to forget to wear protective masks, disinfect their hands and wear free disposable gloves, which can be found at the entrance. All Maxima stores have free access to a protective mask.

A total of 133 Maxima workers have been diagnosed with COVID-19 infection since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, of whom 45 have fully recovered and returned to work. To date, 1,385 employees of the Maxima retail chain have been investigated for COVID-19. Currently, 67 employee test responses are still pending.
