Action Needed for Investigation – Nearly Last Day: Market Disruptions Occur


NVSPL announced an urgent purchase of 220.5 thousand. Pipes after the September failure announced 410 thousand. purchase of tubes. According to the head of the laboratory, purchases stalled after several suppliers reported that they could no longer deliver the required quantities of tubes.

As Lina Bušinskaitė, Advisor to the Minister of Health, announced at the press conference, a large part of the shipment was delivered today – more than 100,000. tubes for coronavirus tests.

“Today we have more than 110 thousand. tubes, quantity is in stock today, after a good week we will have a 100 thousand addition. We hope that during that time the public procurement procedures, which are stagnant, will end and we will have 410 thousand more. tubes, ”said D. Bakšta.

According to him, 100 thousand. 3-4 weeks should be enough for the tube test.

Market failures

Asked if the fact that the tubes arrived on the last day was already a bad sign that problems were resurfacing in the markets, the head of the NSVPL confirmed that the nuances were noticeable.

“It is difficult to say exactly what is happening in the market, we have seen situations where some countries no longer ship. Why is that? It is clear that the incidence of the disease in the world is increasing and, consequently, they are emerging supply problems. But that was not the last day, because we still had a constant supply yesterday and the day before, but the quantities are interrupted. Of course, I would always like to have more stock in stock. But because of that, there were no conditions prior to interrupting the investigation ”, explained D. Bakša.

He stated that he was not a manufacturer or an epidemiologist, so he could not guarantee that such situations would not occur in the future.

Today Baksha

“What can I guarantee that I will do everything possible to take all possible measures to ensure that the investigation is not interrupted and that all necessary measures are provided,” said the director of NVSLP.

At the same time, he stressed that there is no shortage of facilities for the laboratory at the moment, all facilities are equally operational in December.

Although the volumes of research conducted are large, whether they are expected to decrease or increase, the director of the institution did not make a decision.

Veryga suggested not attacking the hysteria.

The portal recalls that on Wednesday the head of the Municipal Administration of the City of Vilnius, Povilas Poderskis, stated that the National Health Laboratory (NVSLP) had used the means for the investigation of COVID-19, the institution itself clarified that it was tubes.

The Minister of Health, Aurelius Veryga, for his part, stressed that even with threatening information, hysteria should not be raised.

“We have heard many times that the public wants to know, even if there are certain difficulties or risks. We name them without hiding anything, if there is one. And more than one may arise in the future, because Lithuania does not produce the absolute majority of tools, it has to buy them.

Therefore, we are not insured against challenges and difficulties, but solutions are sought when they arise. But the fact that it is said that there are threats should not be a pretext for hysteria and cause panic in society, to name yourself, to generate doubts in state institutions, ”said the Minister.

Images from the Covid-19 study – video report:
