R. Šalaševičiūtė, infected with COVID-19, posed for a general photo of MPs


When the Seimas member, Rimante Šalaševičiūtė, detected the COVID-19 virus, the Seimas member said that she did not understand how it could have happened, because she did not participate in any celebration, there were no meetings or encounters.

“I did not even go to the cemetery during the celebrations to honor the dead, I also very rarely go to the shops, I produce it myself,” the parliamentarian told Eltai.

He said he feels fine and has no symptoms.

The parliamentarian took the invitation of Seimas Spokesperson Viktoras Pranckietis and took the COVID-19 test, and on Wednesday found out the answer, after which she had to isolate herself. The BNS news agency was the first to report R. Šalaševičūtė’s infection in COVID-19.

I am in self-isolation and will not be able to participate in the first session of the new Seimas.

“I am in self-isolation and will not be able to participate in the first session of the new Seimas. I didn’t even manage to move into a new office, “he told Eltai.

Although R. Šalaševičiūtė regretted not being able to participate in the first session of the Seimas, the policy said that it understood that it was necessary to comply with the requirements and protect the health of others, so it would act with great responsibility.

The Seimas member last spoke on the Seimas on Tuesday, but claimed to have had “short-term contacts.”

“Everyone was short-lived, there were no long conversations with anyone. It is true that yesterday there was a meeting of the Parliamentary Control Commission for Criminal Intelligence, but we sat at a distance, wearing masks, ”said R. Šalaševičiūtė.

According to delfi.lt, on Tuesday night the parliamentarian posed for a general photo of the members of the Seimas, ending the last session of the legislature.

MEPs Dovilė Šakalienė and Eugenijus Gentvilas were together with R. Šalaševičiūtė. According to them, the contact was very brief.

This situation was also evaluated by the Minister of Health, Aurelijus Veryga, announces delfi.lt.

When asked if MPs had not violated quarantine rules, Veryga replied, “Good question. I do not know. Even so, the Seimas room is considered a workplace, it is not a kind of public place where the number of meetings is limited, because the members of the Seimas meet there to work ”, said the Minister.

ELTA recalls that until now the infection by COVID-19 has been confirmed to Valerijus Simulikas, member of the Union of Peasants and Greens of Lithuania, Paulius Saudargas, to the conservative Irina Rozova, representative of the Polish Lithuanian Electoral Campaign, and new member of the Evelina Dobrovsk Freedom Party.
