Nausėda addressed the new Seimas: the whole country is on fire in the red of infectious danger


The government led by Saulius Skvernelis will return powers to the elected parliament in October today.

The first session of the Seimas began at noon with a solemn part in the historic Assembly Hall on March 11.

As established in the Statute of the Seimas, the first session of the mandate was opened by the oldest elected member of the Seimas: Antanas Vinkus, 77 years old. The Seimas member stated that the new Seimas would begin his work in an extraordinary period when the coronavirus pandemic is raging in the country. A. Vinkus will preside until the president of the Seimas is elected.

“Soon he will swear to serve his homeland, democracy and the welfare of the Lithuanian people in good faith. By voting in the elections, the people gave you a credit of confidence, they entrusted you with the future of the state. This is a great responsibility that you will have to take over for the next four years, ”said G. Nausėda.

The president stressed that many people in the new Seimas expected high moral standards for themselves, would renounce conflict, narrow group interests, and “unanimously pursue the common good.”

“You start working at a difficult time. You, the new Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, together with the future Government, will have the responsibility of managing one of the biggest crises in recent times. They gathered for the first meeting at a time when the entire country is ablaze in the red of contagion danger, when doctors are anxiously counting the beds left for the seriously ill and companies racking up losses.

The coronavirus has become a serious test for all areas of life in the state, from health care and education to social security and defense, ”said G. Nausėda.

The president recalled that public health today limits the ability of people and companies to operate freely.

“For many Lithuanians, this means lower income, unemployment and poorer physical and mental well-being. Many vulnerable people, lacking access to basic services, feel the lack of care from the state. The virus is here and now.” said.

According to him, today doctors and the entire Lithuanian health system are facing the greatest stress, there is a risk that the gap between the country’s population will widen even further. According to the president, the country’s business and economic competitiveness are also at stake.

“The virus is weakening the state, which means that the threat to its security is growing. Therefore, we cannot afford to speak in the future. It must be absolutely clear that we must now make decisions that help protect health. of the Lithuanian people and not leave business to chance, ”said G. Nausėda.

“Now is the best time to reduce all forms of exclusion, fight inequality and oppose society. Now we have to take care of the disabled, the elderly who live in poverty, “he added.

The President reiterated that the word “later” could not stand up to such judgments.

“Social exclusion will not disappear on its own like a bad dream. For a long time in our country it was honored with words aloud, but ignored as soon as it was time to make difficult decisions. For too long, we have been guided by the idea that an emerging economy will elevate everyone to a dignified life. This has not happened and without our determined efforts it will not happen in the near future, “said G. Nausėda.

He also highlighted the bad situation of education, which is affecting the entire country.

“This should not be the case, such a situation should damage the sense of justice of each one of us,” said G. Nausėda. He called on the new Seimas to strive for Lithuania to be “strong, fair, green”.

“We will get more significant changes if we learn to seek consensus even when it seems difficult, when old disputes and the desire for new political victories get in the way.” There will be no greater public trust in the Seimas without a higher level of political culture. I am convinced of that ”, continued G. Nausėda his speech.

He offered his support to the new members of the Seimas: “I am willing not only to speak, but also to listen. Not only to demand, but also to acknowledge the weight of the other party’s arguments. “

However, G. Nausėda assured that he would be strict and critical of all the new laws. The president said he hopes MPs will take a responsible approach to the legislative process.

“We cannot afford to rush to legislate, we need to act quickly and prudently,” said G. Nausėda.

In the first session, the President of the Central Election Commission, Laura Matjošaitytė, will announce the decision of the Central Election Commission on the final results of the Seimas elections and will read the list of elected members of the Seimas. After that, the swearing-in ceremony of the Seimas members will begin.

Only by swearing allegiance to the Republic of Lithuania does the parliamentarian acquire the authority to work. The president of the Constitutional Court, Dainius Žalimas, will take the oath of office from the members of the Seimas.

According to preliminary data, isolated or ill politicians will not be able to swear the COVID-19 on Friday: the social democrat Eugenijus Sabutis, the “social worker” Andrius Palionis, Rimantė Šalaševičiūtė elected with “peasants”, with conservatives – Justas Džiugelis and with the Party of Freedom – Evelina

The sworn members of the Seimas for the period 2020-2024 will continue their work in the usual plenary hall. The Speaker of the Seimas and their alternates will be elected, and the composition of the Board and the Conference of Elders will be approved.

Under the agreement of the center-right coalition, the president of the Liberal Movement, Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, will be appointed head of parliament.

The president of the Seimas is elected by secret ballot by a simple majority of votes.

81 former MPs were re-elected to the thirteenth Seimas and 60 new members were elected. The Seimas will be made up of 38 women and 103 men. Their average age is 49 years, 99 percent. future parliamentarians have higher education, mainly law and political science.

Representatives from ten parties will work in the new parliament, the largest member – 50 – will have members of the Christian Democratic faction of the National-Lithuanian Union.

When the new parliament takes office, the government of Prime Minister S. Skvernel will return its powers to the president. She should be appointed to a temporary post until a new center-right government is formed, led by Ingrida Šimonytė.

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