Polish leader Andrzej Duda to visit Lithuania next week


The presidents of Lithuania and Poland will discuss bilateral cooperation in the fight against the pandemic, the procurement of vaccines, regional security and defense issues, the implementation of strategic energy and transport projects, transatlantic relations and the situation in the eastern neighborhood of The EU.

“The visit takes place under special conditions: both Lithuania and Poland are fighting the coronavirus. Our countries have mobilized all their capacity to control the spread of the virus and minimize its effects on the economy. We need to coordinate cooperation and make decisions at the level of the EU to prevent the spread of the pandemic, decide on the purchase of the vaccine and achieve a faster economic recovery, “said G. Nausėda.

During the visit, it is planned to establish the Council of Presidents of Lithuania and Poland. This Council will mark a qualitatively new phase of enhanced cooperation between countries at the level of bilateral relations, NATO and the EU.

During the visit, a tete-a-tete talk by the presidents and a meeting with representatives of Lithuania and Poland will be organized.

On the occasion of the visit of the Polish leader, on November 18, the Presidency together with Versli Lietuva, the Polish-Lithuanian Chamber of Commerce and the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists will organize a remote forum of Lithuanian and Polish business communities, which will be opened by Lithuanian and Polish leaders.

The President of Poland is scheduled to meet Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis and the candidate for this position Ingrid Šimonyte. The Polish leader will also visit the Antakalnis and Rasai cemeteries.

The President of Poland will be accompanied by Ms. Agata Kornhauser-Duda, who will have a separate program.

The visit of the first couple from Poland coincides with an important historical date for Lithuania and Poland: the 500th anniversary of the birth of the last king of Jagiellonia, Poland, and the Grand Duke of Lithuania, Sigismund Augustus.

The visit of the Polish leader is organized to ensure compliance with the quarantine requirements established in Lithuania, in consultation with experts from the Ministry of Health and health care specialists. During the visit, the presidential press conference will be organized remotely.

The changes were dictated by the threat of the coronavirus

Antanas Bubnelis, spokesman for President G. Nausėda, reported on the necessary security measures, which are already planned.

“The visit of the Polish leader and the first lady is organized and will be carried out in accordance with quarantine requirements, in consultation with specialists from the Ministry of Health and other experts. During the visit, the number of representatives from both countries participating in the visit, and most of the usual events for this type of visit were abandoned.

The trust of the President of Poland with the soldiers of the Honor Guard has been rejected and no official dinner is being organized. However, the main element of the visit, the meeting of presidents aunt to aunt, will remain largely unchanged. It will be carried out at a safe distance, with masks. The presidential press conference will be held remotely, all the necessary security measures will be guaranteed, the distances between people and the duration of contact, ”wrote A. Bubnelis.

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