The Seimas completed its work as the institution with the least public trust: the ratings of the rulers fell


Over the past 4 years, parliament has only been able to improve its image in the public eye for a short time and only slightly. Finally, a month before the end of the work, distrust in the Seimas grew the fastest among all other state structures.



Sociological surveys conducted between the first and second rounds of the Seimas elections also show the changes that have occurred in society in the evaluation of individual politicians. The favorable assessment of Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis, Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius and other politicians whose political forces he or she represented failed in the Seimas elections. Only President Gitanas Nausėda can boast an ascending rating during the electoral period.
The Seimas completed their work without public trust

The survey data compiled by Baltic Research shows that during the entire term of this Seimas, the Lithuanian population evaluated the parliament more favorably 2 months after the 2016 Seimas elections. 2016 In December, parliament trusted 40 percent. citizens and 52%. residents claimed to say the same about Seimas’ disability. The Seimas was rated most unfavorably for this period exactly one year ago, in October 2019. Then 22 percent. 75 percent of the population said they trusted the Seimas. respondents stated otherwise. Thus, when the Seimas, dominated by “peasants”, which had already finished its work almost 4 years ago, was rated as the best by the public, the balance of negative and positive evaluations reached minus 12 (December 2016). Meanwhile, in October 2019, in the worst case scenario, the balance of positive and negative evaluations was minus 53.



Finally, in 2016 the elected Seimas completes its work as an institution that the public no longer trusts. According to a survey carried out by the ELTA news agency on October 13 and 23, only three in ten (29%) citizens say they trust parliament. Meanwhile, nearly seven in ten (67 percent) said they couldn’t trust one of the country’s largest institutions.

The latest sociological polls carried out between the first and second rounds of the Seimas elections show that the negative assessment of parliament increased by another 6 percentage points compared to the September results. Thus, in the last month of its work, the Seimas consolidated its “leadership” in the lower part of the qualification table.

Trust in the government has declined

Ratings for the outgoing government led by Saulius Skvernelis have also slipped last month. Compared with the data systematized in September, confidence in the government fell 5 percentage points in October. Currently, 46 percent say they trust the government. 50% of those surveyed declare the opposite. Although the balance of favorable and unfavorable evaluations of the Cabinet of Ministers (minus 4) is currently much better than that of the Seimas (minus 38), this is one of the worst results in the general rating of trust in institutions. Without parliament, for

Only the courts rate the government worse (41% trust and 48 do not).

It is true that in October confidence in the Presidency also fell by 3 percentage points (74% trust, 21% distrust). However, the Presidency remains one of the three most trusted institutions. Only the Fire and Rescue Service (90% and 8% trust) and the police (76% trust and 21% do not trust) better rate the institution represented by G. Nausėda. Those who say they trust the latter structure have increased by 3 percentage points in the last month.

The rating of politicians who did not win in the Seimas elections lowered

Observing the public’s assessment of politicians immediately after the first round of the Seimas elections, Naglis Puteikis, the chairman of the Center party, the nationalist party that is no longer elected to parliament, suffered the biggest losses in qualification. When comparing the October data with the results of a survey conducted in September, the number of those who rated this policy well decreased by as much as 12 percentage points. Currently, N. Puteikis is favored by 18 percent. and unfavorably 64 percent. surveyed. Only Valdemaras Tomaševskis, president of the Polish Lithuanian Election Campaign – Union of Christian Families, shows a worse result (15% are in favor and 69% are unfavorable).

Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius, who has been raising his grades for some time, has suffered no fewer losses. However, after the first round of the Seimas elections, the list of “social workers” he led did not exceed 5%. cartels, personal ratings have also dropped significantly. During the month, the number of supporters of the Lithuanian head of diplomacy, who had not won a term in the new Seimas, decreased by 8 percentage points. However, L. Linkevičius (53% in favor and 35% in favor) remains among the top five public figures.

The rating of other politicians for whom or whose political forces they represent also declined. Gediminas Kirkilas, a former parliamentary president of the “social workers” who no longer had a successful election (decreased by 25% and 65% against), and Remigijus Žemaitaitis, the leader of the political party “Laisvė ir Justice” (37 %), also decreased by 4 percentage points. unfavorably). The MEPs representing the Social Democrats who ran in the Seimas elections also decreased by 4 percentage points

Vilija Blinkevičiūtė’s rating (44% and 40%, respectively).

S. Skvernelis’s rating is critical, but still outperforms I. Šimonytė

Prime Minister S. Skvernelis, who has been counting as prime minister for the past few weeks, also did not escape losses. Its favorable rating also fell 4 percent. and currently 47 percent. the citizens welcome it and 45%. unfavorably. However, so far S. Skvernelis remains among the ten most favored politicians and has a much better rating than Ingrida Šimonytė, who will replace the Government. According to October data, I. Šimonytė is in the late twenties: 37 percent appreciate it. population and unfavorably 54 percent.

The favorable evaluation of G. Nausėda grew more

Meanwhile, in the context of the Seimas elections, P-president G. Nausėda can be proud of the increase in ratings. The participation of the public with a favorable opinion of him was 5 percentage points higher in October than in September. At present, G. Nausėdas is favored by 78%. citizens and unfavorably 15%. With such indicators, he only lags behind the outgoing president Valdas Adamkus (80% in favor and 10% against). In third place on the leaderboard is the next outgoing president, Dalia Grybauskaitė. Its favorable rating has increased by 4 percentage points during the month and is currently at 63 percent. welcomes the president and 30% unfavorably.

List of less favored politicians

In October, the Lithuanian population rated 5% as the worst. V. Tomaševskis, the president of the Union of Christian Families (who evaluated 69 percent unfavorably and 15 percent favorably), did not win the Lithuanian Polish electoral campaign that did not defeat the cartel in the Seimas elections.

This is the absolute worst result on a favorable rating. The list of lowest rated politicians also includes G. Kirkilas, Minister of Health Aurelijus Veryga (27% in favor and 65% against), N. Puteikis, Conservative leader Gabrielius Landsbergis (27% and 64%), Professor Vytautas Landsbergis (26% and 62%) and Ramūnas Karbauskis (30% and 62%), the leader of the “peasants”.

The survey was conducted in 2020. October 13-23. During the research, 1000 Lithuanian residents (aged 18 years and over) were interviewed by personal interview, and the survey was conducted at 118 sampling points. The composition of the respondents corresponds to the composition of the Lithuanian population aged 18 or over by sex, age, nationality and type of settlement. The opinion of the people surveyed reflects the opinion of the Lithuanian population aged 18 and over. The error of the research results is up to 3.1 percent.

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