A Responsible Approach to Buying a Pet: Weigh the Options for Both Choosing and Investing in a Pet


The most important step before choosing an animal is to evaluate your options.

According to Kristina Stakytė, an advisor to the SFVS Department of Animal Health and Welfare, every potential buyer of an animal must first clearly answer for himself / herself about the purpose for which he intends to purchase a pet, evaluate their lifestyle, opportunities and responsibilities in caring for it. If the enthusiasm has not disappeared in this place, K. Stakytė advises to move on to the decision of whether to breed a breeding animal or a non-breeding animal.

“If appearance is less important and you just want to have a cute and loyal friend, visit an animal shelter first. This will help not only you, but the shelter as well. You can also see advertisements about donated animals; in this situation you can also receive more information about who the animal’s parents are, how it was raised, why it is given away ”, says the specialist.

However, if you have decided that you want a breeding animal, then, according to K. Stakytė, it is necessary to do an additional task: take an interest in the kennels, the owners, assess the conditions of the animals kept there, issue documents.

“Remember that reputable and legally operating kennels do not hide your details, they do not advertise the breeds of dogs bred, the names and titles of the paired animals, they provide information on what health tests were performed on them, the arrival date of puppies and what documents will be attached when buying a pet. All pet breeders must register their activities with the SFVS territorial units. We publish a publicly available list on our website, so you can always check here first. Kennels too are registered with the Lithuanian Kennel Club (LKD) or the Lithuanian Animal Breeders Center (LGAC), and there are more cat breeder organizations, such as the Lithuanian Association of Felinologists “Bubastė”, the International Association of Felinologists ” Alpha Catum “and others”. says K. Stakytė.

Breeder: The main criterion is not the price but the health of the animal

“When a buyer calling a kennel starts a conversation with a question about price, breeders who respect themselves and their activities can often stop the dialogue. However, the main criterion to decide which pet to want should not be the price, nor the appearance, but its health, ”said Jurgita Gustaitien N, head of the Nuaras animal care home, veterinarian and international judge of cats with many years of experience as a breeder.

According to the woman, a high price is not set for you, it is determined by certain practices and achievements. At this point, he argues, it is very important to document the animal, which ensures that the pet will have its shape, appearance, coat, and other breed-specific characteristics.

“I would highlight that the source documents are a confirmation of the animal’s genotype, not its welfare. In other words, if the animals are sold with documentation in the corresponding kennel, it does not mean that they are better cared for there, they are given more attention ”, says J. Gustaitienė.

A professional hatchery at the forefront with its owners, according to the interlocutor, usually also makes a significant contribution in communicating with a potential buyer.

“Not everything happens during the day, communication usually begins with a call or a letter, visits continue, needs are clarified. A good breeder will always present you the values ​​of his activity, demonstrate the breeding conditions, give a detailed account of the desired animal, provide all the necessary documents and, finally, adequately assess the buyer’s ability to care for the pet. ”

Recommend concluding a sales contract

According to K. Stakytė, Advisor to the SFVS Animal Health and Welfare Division, in case of suspicions about the origin or other characteristics of the animal, the buyer has the right to request the breeder to provide information about the female and the male, show the rest of the litter and clarify the facts.

The specialist emphasizes that pets sold or transferred must be microchipped and registered in the pet registry. In addition, the breeder must provide complete information about the vaccines that are applied to him. Vaccination against rabies is only available after three months, but it is also very important to vaccinate pets against other infectious diseases. Studies are also carried out on genetically inherited diseases in breeding animals.

J. Gustaitienė, the head of the SFVS specialist, the head of the Nuaras animal care home and the breeder, have another advice for future buyers: conclude a purchase agreement.

“I always recommend concluding a purchase agreement, both when buying and when taking care of an animal. Usually it contains all the necessary data about the animal: subcutaneous chip number, sex, breed, age. In addition, the details of the seller and the buyer, the guarantees of the seller and the obligations of the buyer are attached. Such an agreement is a matter of agreement, in which you can participate at times that are relevant to both parties. These agreements are a great guarantee in the future, in addition, they help to track down irresponsible sellers and buyers and thus reduce the number of animals used for breeding and suffering ”, says J. Gustaitienė.

Saugirdas Vaitulionis cat breeder: animal documents, not just for shows

Saugirdas Vaitulionis, communication specialist and editor of the men’s magazine “L’Officiel Hommes,” admits that he loves animals madly, and his followers have noticed the Sphinx cat wandering around in the man’s house. According to S. Vaitulionis, when the scandals related to illegal animal husbandry farms in Lithuania disappointed, they cut a long swollen pus.

“Another big problem has arisen with these scandals: the duplicity of people. Let’s be honest with ourselves: how many people have dogs or cats bought without documents at home? For me, personally, that” I do not buy for exhibitions, but for the joy of being home “is the stupidest excuse for me”, resents S. Vaitulionis.

According to him, he also did not intend to prepare his cat for the shows, but bought it officially, with documents, to be sure of the origin and health of the pet.

“I think that anyone who caresses a cute puppy at home” without documents, not for shows, but bought cheaper “has contributed both to the national scandal and to that breeding and raising of animals in inhuman conditions. After all, as long as there are “non-show” buyers, there will be those who keep them in such condition and sell them without regret. Unpleasant truth, I get it. If you no longer want to buy in the kennel, without documents and cheaper, it is better to go to the nearest animal shelter, there are many looks that yearn for love and warmth waiting for you ”, S. Vaitulionis is convinced.
