Record number of COVID-19 infected in Rokiškis district after weekend


According to Andrius Burnickas, director of the municipal administration of the Rokiškis district, this is the “Late Effect”, because after that weekend the number of sick people almost doubled, the situation is repeated today.

Information on the number of infected people and virus outbreaks in Rokiškis district institutions is shared by Daivutė Bulovienė, Chief Specialist of the Rokiškis Division of the National Center for Public Health, serving as Head of the Division.

“November 11 15 new cases of coronavirus were confirmed. Therefore, currently 52 people with COVID-19 infection in Rokiškis district are ill,” said D. Bulovienė.

Outbreaks have been confirmed in several companies located in the Rokiškis district. A fireplace is considered a business when there are 2 or more employees working in it. “Currently, two companies have been approved as chimneys: AB Rokiškio sūris and UAB Daivida. The chimneys are being investigated, ”said D. Bulovienė.

In the Panevėžys district, there are already seven deaths from COVID-19 infection, in the Kupiškis, Pasvalys and Rokiškis districts, one in each, in the Biržai district. – none.
