Different reactions of the Seimas members after the coronavirus approved for the Seimas Member: Gentvilas has already closed his office


Jackal: I didn’t realize I was close

Dovilė Šakalienė, a parliamentarian standing next to Rimante Šalaševičiūt general in the overall photo, was surprised when she asked her if she did not intend to isolate herself.

“Was I there? Oh my God, I didn’t realize it,” he said.

According to her, the Seimas members stopped to take the photo quickly enough and it didn’t take long.

“We stopped so suddenly, very disorganized, that I didn’t even realize what was next to me. You really surprised me a lot, because no, I didn’t know,” he said.

The deputy said she needs to consult with professionals on how to treat now, as she was wearing a mask and the contact was less than 15 minutes.

“It simply came to our knowledge then. I will explain to you how it should be. I imagine that in this place the Seimas Chancellery must inform those people who, according to epidemiological requirements, are considered to have had close contact,” said the interlocutor and assured that if necessary, he would definitely isolate himself.

Gentville: I have closed my office so far

Seimas member Eugenijus Gentvilas, who, as can be seen from the photo, was also with R. Šalaševičiūtė, claimed that he had already inspected the photo himself. According to the MP, the contact was minute and only.

“When they invited me, I was still talking about why spread the virus here, who needs that photo here. Well, well, I took a photo. Now I have come to work, my colleagues say: Šalaševičiūtė is ill. Then he discovered the image, he says: oh, he’s standing behind your back, ”said E. Gentvilas.

The politician said the photo was taken on Tuesday, and on Wednesday he did an investigation into the coronavirus, since that opportunity was offered to all members of the new Seimas before the oath.

“I am waiting for an answer. That is, if Šalaševičiūtė cut me or hit me there, it was on Tuesday. I did a test on Wednesday, I hope to get a quick answer and I hope it is negative,” laughed E. Gentvilas.

Eugenijus Gentvilas

Eugenijus Gentvilas

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

Asked if he is currently isolated after the investigation, the politician said: “I found out 10 minutes ago. I was in the “Senukai” shopping center, I came to work, my colleagues began to tell me and I discovered that photo, I closed it in my office until now ”.

After clarifying whether the members of the Seimas do not have a general rule that while waiting for the result of the investigation one must isolate oneself, E. Gentvilas stated that this rule applies only when a person investigates when they feel symptoms. And since he did the research prophylactically, that’s not necessary.

Facilities will be disinfected and the entire committee office will be isolated.

Justė Radzevičiūtė-Laugalienė, Head of the Seimas Press Office, told Delfi that some of R. Šalaševičiūtė’s contacts are partially clear, but are still being collected.

“We are still choosing, both the Seimas member actively lists their contacts and the Foreign Ministry as much as possible. Yes, those who have had a longer close contact will be isolated,” he said.

When asked if it is tentatively clear how many people will have to be isolated, J. Radzevičiūtė-Laugalienė replied: “I will not say the exact number. I know the committee table will be isolated. Most likely all office workers. And among the members of the Seimas, at least the ones who sit next to him are really into it. “

R. Šalaševičiūtė is the Chairperson of the Committee on Labor and Social Affairs. Andrius Palionis and Vytautas Kamblevičius usually sit next to the MP in the Seimas room.

On Tuesday, A. Palionis did not register in the last vote, but did register in the morning session of the Seimas. V. Kamblevičius also participated in the evening meeting.

According to the representative of the Seimas Chancellery, the Seimas facilities are currently being disinfected and other preventive measures are being taken.

The oath procedure cannot be changed

Tomorrow, the new Seimas will meet for the first session and the parliamentarians will also be sworn in. According to J. Radzevičiūtė-Laugalienė, there will be no guests at the solemn gathering.

“And the members of the Seimas will be more seated, but everything else is very limited by that oath ceremony, because it is quite strict for that oath to be valid. It has to come out as it has to,” he said.

According to the interlocutor, the Seimas Chancellery has already consulted with the president of the Constitutional Court on this matter.

“It just came to our attention then. In a word, we cannot do much so that then there is no doubt about whether the oath is valid and whether the member of the Seimas is actually sworn in,” explained J. Radzevičiūtė-Laugalienė.

He said that only pens will be given, the Constitution will be covered with film.

“Distances and everything else. But again, the measures we take under oath lose their meaning after they meet in the work room, because there are no more distances there, it is impossible to keep them there ”, he commented.

I learned about the case yesterday, epidemiologists who work

Rolanda Lingienė, head of the Vilnius department of the National Center for Public Health (NVSC), said the case was known to specialists yesterday.

“The epidemiologists are working, in fact we found out yesterday about the case,” he said.

R. Lingienė said he could not comment further as he was at the meeting, but assured that the Seimas members would be informed that they would need to be isolated.

Asked if the members of the Seimas should not take any action and isolate themselves, the interlocutor replied:

“The epidemiologists are really working this morning, I’m just not getting results,” he said, adding that all necessary measures would be taken.

R. Šalaševičiūtė was elected a member of the Seimas in the October elections with the list of “peasants” for another four-year term and would have been sworn in as a member of the Seimas on Friday.

Previously, the coronavirus was identified for three members of the Seimas: Irina Rozova, representative of the Polish Lithuanian Election Campaign, Union of Christian Families, Valerijus Simulik, a “peasant” and Paulis Saudargas, a conservative.

The coronation was also set for the newly elected member of the Seimas, the representative of the Freedom Party Evelina Dobrovolska.

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