Alytus City Township Invites: Let’s Support Doctors!


“I share information about the COVID situation in Alytus every day. Today will also be the last figures. Numbers. Growing daily, cause for concern. But what exactly are these numbers? Dry statistics. And behind that: people, experiences. Let’s think about the doctors who work directly with Covid, fighting for our lives on the front lines, not skimping ourselves and not counting working hours, ”writes Jurgita Šukevičienė, Deputy Mayor of Alytus, on her Facebook profile every day.

According to the deputy mayor, the increasing number of people with coronavirus infection in Alytus and the surrounding cities and districts increases the workload of doctors every day, increases tensions, requires strength and the working hours become innumerable. For this reason, municipal leaders and the administration in the fight against the COVID-19 virus call on everyone to concentrate and facilitate the work of the doctors and the tension they live.

“Let us help them to help us,” says J. Šukevičienė, who invites those who want to support the personal health care institutions of the city of Alytus to contact Povilas Jagelavičius, director of the Emergency Operations Center. Your contact tel. +370 612 46 005.

Support account at Šiaulių bankas LT 62 7181 2000 0213 0490.

“The main goal is to buy what the doctors lack most with the funds raised. Let’s ask them. We don’t know how people will respond to this call. Hopefully, not angry, but understanding. During the first wave, even uninvited ones contributed donating face masks. And now any support is important. Perhaps one catering establishment wants to contribute, perhaps another. The most important thing is to focus on supporting each other, “said J. Šukevičienė.

According to the Deputy Mayor for Health, COVID-19 has affected, changed, influenced everyone’s lives. “If we look around a bit during the first wave and ask if there were people somewhere, now we can probably find infected, sick, cured people in every family, circle of friends,” says the interlocutor.

He communicates remotely every day with the directors of medical institutions and doctors. “I know the situation closely. Great respect for the doctors who take risks for all of us. Here, when communicating with a doctor, she did not hide that she has staff to continue working for the moment, but the situation is complicated, because she also has to be a psychologist, to calm her emotions. Still, in the words of that doctor, everything is bought back by a great hospital team! So let’s be in solidarity with the doctors. Let’s be aware, “said Deputy Mayor J. Šukevičienė.
