Maybe a couple of mirrors? – Business beginnings


Photo by Judita Grigelyts (V)

The final rope of the Twelfth Seimas’ work was the approval of the request of the Polish Lithuanian Electoral Campaign (LLRAKS) to request the Constitutional Court (CC) to annul the electoral results. The desperate politicians, who had lost their attempts to chase the train, were widely supported by fellow peasants and social workers. The opposition and the lawyers do not rule out that the CC does not accept this request, since the deadlines established by law for the election of the electoral results have already expired.

Tomaevskinink’s claims were previously rejected by the Central Election Commission, as was President Gitan Nausda. Now a group of parliamentarians, who yesterday supported the election and made complaints from colleagues, decided to ask the CC.

The party, which did not prepare a 5% voting barrier in the elections, affirms that the laws of the Seimas elections violated the campaign initiated by the public figure, the leader Andrius Tapinas, to prevent the party from entering parliament. The CCA has stated that the All the Best, Voldemortai campaign and the All the Best, Valdemarai publication were a negative advertisement for LLRAKS, but did not miss the electoral campaign, because neither A. Tapinas nor Laisvs TV participated in the political campaign.

During yesterday’s discussion at the Seimas, the conservative Jurgis Razma pointed out that the time to file a complaint with the court is up.

We will laugh a bit with this appeal due to our legal instability, since it was only possible to apply to the CC until November 3. inclusive. We all see what today’s date is, he says.

But LLRAKS representative Rita Tamaunien argued that it was still necessary to submit a query to the CC. Again he accused the president of the Seimas, Viktoras Pranckieis, of not fulfilling in time his duty to call an extraordinary session in such cases to solve the problem.

Slavic Olevskis, another member of this faction, also said in his comment.

Lithuanian Polish election campaign Krikionik eim sjunga on October 31. 8 pm 19 min. appealed to the President of the Republic of Lithuania and the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania regarding the violations that may have had a significant impact on the results of the Seimas elections. The documents were sent electronically. The same day, October 31. 9 pm 36 minutes, the documents were downloaded by registered patta. The president received and read the appeal, and the president of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania was unable to verify the patent. After all, he apparently had a day off. The EU appeal was timely, just over 4 hours after the Central Election Commission officially announced the election results.

V. Pranckieis V’s answer says: October 31 mentioned by a member of the Seimas. The president of the Seimas did not confirm the deadline for the adoption of the Seimas until November 1. 16.37, that is, after the time provided by law for the election of the approved electoral results.

This is confirmed by a facsimile of said time, which shows that said time expires on at least November 1. 4 pm 37 min.

Therefore, if the draft address reaches the President of the Seimas later than provided by law, he did not invite an extraordinary session of the Seimas to consider this issue. By the way, the lawyers of the Seimas also warned about the non-compliance with the deadlines for the results of the election of the CC.

In yesterday’s session, the head of parliament offered to accept the request with special urgency, so that all these defenses could be concluded as soon as possible, leaving the decision on this matter to the CC. Representatives from LLRAKS, along with members of the outgoing coalition, took advantage of this urgently.

The opposition social democrat Julius Sabatauskas spoke in the discussion: We have the first session of the new Seimas meeting three days later, that is, on Friday (…) Therefore, the CC will have no choice but to reject the complaint, since the victims are already in the afternoon. Therefore, I considered the appeal only as a political statement from the Seimas, nothing more.

What do the Tomaevskians really want? They hardly expect (or believe) that the CC will celebrate and cancel the Seimas elections. Another attempt to remind voters about themselves? But it’s late enough. Rather, it is the last blow, full of despair.

It is delayed in every way. Surprisingly, if they hadn’t realized yet that the electorate had simply turned away from them. It surprised me even more that they were used to leaving A. Tapinas alone and together with the action and the publication they made a party with their Christian families about art.

By the way, foreigners and supporters of the Tomaevskininkai, the peasants led by Ramnas Karbauskis, made no less effort to discredit the conservatives by distributing several thousand samples of the respective publication. However, the maneuver did not work: conservative voters did not send the story to the contrary, they mobilized even more and gave them more votes.

A. Tapin LLRAKS action respects respect. And Voldemar Tomaevsky’s party did not understand that the Seimas needed to work in such a way that the voters would respect them and want to see them in power. It took four years, time and an electoral campaign. K did tomaevskininkai? He beat the government on paved roads, defended committed colleagues, did not hesitate to take advantage of the turmoil of the new highway prime minister and his wife, etc. The Polish leader’s face with populist whistles did not make voters spy, his eyes were closed in almost every public corner of the Vilnius capital and district: not even the former Tomaevskininkai voter would attack a leader dressed in colorful symbols.

As Vra showed, the elections to the Seimas: what is new is that the younger generation elects other parties or presents their position without voting. They believe that more can be achieved with such accustomed Polish leaders as former Energy Minister Jaroslav Neverov or lawyer Eslav Okinic. Their good upbringing, broad horizons and ability to make dialogue arguments earn them the respect of Lithuanian society, and their advice is listened to by both smart Lithuanian presidents and prime ministers.

It is probably only in the past that the strikers will not realize that such a constructive position is a more direct and fundamental way of solving national problems than the one in which the Minister of Transport and Communications Jaroslav Narkeviius, representative of the old guard LLRAKS, placed the state budget.

Young people no longer want to live in the past, only the gentlemen of the LLRA waving a mothball flag have not realized that the rhetoric of this party has long been unacceptable because they feel they are full citizens of this country and of the UE and want to live a full and normal life.

Therefore, it is not necessary for the CC to appeal and blame all the fiasco in all its corners, but first to eat and bury itself in the courtyard of its own ideology. Or continue being moved by a politician who leads nowhere.

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