Residents in the center of Vilnius are afraid to drink water with feces, providers are reassuring – this is not possible


Scared by sewage pollution

Residents claim that the water is not what they used to drink or otherwise use, as they noticed in the first half of October. They applied to the SFVS Vilnius Department. Its inspectors received a complaint “about the possible poor quality of drinking water on J.Jasinskio / A.Rotundo street. In Vilnius. “A drinking water sample was taken from the entrance of a residential building at the 7th house on J. Jasinskio Street for microbiological and chemical investigation.

During them, it was established that the amount of coliform bacteria in the sample does not meet the requirements of the Lithuanian hygiene standard for drinking water, these bacteria must not be present in the water we drink at all and their presence may indicate fecal contamination. .

The number of coliform bacteria in the sample does not meet the requirements of the Lithuanian hygiene standard for drinking water, these bacteria should not be present in the water at all.

All other results showed no contamination. However, even this was enough to force Vilniaus Vandenys to remedy the situation in the most urgent and efficient way possible and to guarantee the quality of drinking water. The SFVS informed residents that they wrote the complaint on October 26. after receiving the response from the company that unscheduled washing and disinfection work had been carried out in this part of the city and the repeated results of the water test no longer showed contamination.

Cleaned and disinfected

Vilniaus Vandenys claims that there was no fecal contamination. “We know about this case, we also receive information directly from the client about the fact that the quality of our drinking water has temporarily deteriorated. After receiving information about the suspicious water quality, J.Jasinskio str. 7, Vilnius, the company’s specialists operationally, that is, in 2020. October 19 took a water sample. A microbiological contamination study in water showed a small amount of coliform bacteria: 5.0 / 100 ml.

Although these bacteria should not be present in the water, this amount of bacteria found does not yet pose any risk to human health. This is just one indicator that identifies a slight deterioration in water quality. No other indicators of contamination were detected in the sample: the test results met the limit values ​​set by the Lithuanian hygiene standard “Requirements for safety and quality of drinking water”, said the comment of “Vilniaus vandenai”.

Photo by Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min / Vilnius Waters

Photo by Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min / Vilnius Waters

According to company representatives, the unplanned washing and disinfection of the pipes took place the day after the sampling. As a result of this work, on October 21 and 26. new sampling of water quality. The conclusions provided by the laboratory indicate that in both cases the number of coliform bacteria is 0/100 ml and meets the requirements of the Lithuanian hygiene standard.

However, the company categorically denies that drinking water can be contaminated with sewage.

Still, we categorically rule out the possibility of wastewater contamination. Technologically, this is not possible.

“In explaining the reasons for a momentary deterioration in water quality on J.Jasinskio Street, Vilnius, we found that the deterioration could be due to sedimentation of water in the pipes. In this stretch of the pipeline, the water is stagnant due to the old infrastructure and the solutions that were used to build it decades ago. Still, we categorically rule out the possibility of wastewater contamination. Technologically, this is not possible ”, says Vilniaus Vandenys.

Company representatives state that the goal is to provide customers with impeccable quality water, which is why solutions are sought both in the short and long term: “After this case, this house is included in the active monitoring zone – water intake from this house sampled periodically. No more cases of microbiological contamination were detected. The preventive washing of the water supply network on J.Jasinskio and A.Rotundo streets is included in the planned washing program, washing in these sections is carried out once a month ”.

It is also planned to rebuild the section of the pipeline next year, the water supply will be cut off. This technological solution should help prevent water from settling in the network and improve water quality.
