The situation in Klaipeda hospitals is very tense


According to data from Monday, another 157 cases of the COVID-19 disease have been identified in Klaipeda County. Two deaths were also recorded: one person was infected with coronavirus but died from other causes, and the other person belonged to the age group 90-99 and had chronic diseases. According to V. Janušonis, the situation in Klaipėda is becoming increasingly tense.

“There are a lot of patients at the moment, we have filled almost everything we had. Currently, there are a total of 119 patients and 11 in the resuscitation room. Klaipėda University Hospital, as the institution managing the COVID-19 situation, has issued a decision that coronavirus patients will now be transported to the Republican Hospital Klaipėda and other institutions.

“Currently, all institutions must treat COVID-19 patients, and the Klaipeda University Hospital will only accept extremely severe cases. According to the plan, the Klaipeda Republican Hospital must have a separate building, which should already be installed. It should already be in place. working in order and the patients should already be transported there, because now we are almost 100% full “, assured V. Janušonis. Due to the huge workload, according to the chief doctor, there are also problems with the hospital staff .

“The situation with regard to personnel is very complicated, because they need to be directed from other departments, and other departments have to work as well. You know that outpatient and planned care does not stop, it is necessary to do it together ”, said V. Janušonis. Zigmas Juzumas, deputy director of the Klaipėda Republican Hospital, assured that the situation in the hospital is also bad and that the 25 available places will soon be filled.

“There are currently 22 patients with COVID-19. Two patients have ventilated lungs, the others need oxygen, but their condition is not critical, “said Z. Juzumas. The deputy director stressed that the Republican Hospital is not adapted for patients with coronavirus, since it provides emergency care to surgeons, cardiologists, gynecologists and traumatologists.

“We are already building a second combat hospital without conditions. According to the requirements of the Ministry of Health, we are obliged to admit patients with COVID-19, but only when the University Hospital is full. As far as I know, it is not full yet, but it is no longer accepting our patients. This is a big problem in Klaipeda, because the city does not use the existing infectious body for some reason, ”said Z. Juzumas.

The Republican Hospital in Klaipėda is also facing a shortage of staff. Due to the epidemic situation within the hospital, some of the staff isolate themselves. The situation is a bit easier at Klaipeda Seamen’s Hospital, where only 4 coronavirus patients are being treated.

“Currently, the hospital has 4 COVID-19 patients who need hospital treatment. They were admitted to the hospital not for a coronavirus infection, but for group services. Another 4 COVID-19 patients are being treated at the Švėkšna Department of Psychiatry, ”said the head of the Klaip’sda Marine Hospital. Dr. John Condition.

The hospital still provides not only emergency care, but also outpatient and scheduled services. Every day, the Outpatient Consultation Department consults about 200 patients, scheduled hospital-admitted patients and unplanned group patients from all over the Western Lithuania region who need to be rescued due to an acute myocardial infarction or accident cerebrovascular.

Klaipeda district hospitals are ready

Klaipeda district hospitals, as well as the city, must accept COVID-19 patients. After asking about the situation in the Klaipėda district hospitals regarding coronavirus patients, hospital managers assured that they were ready.

“We currently have no patients with COVID-19. We had three patients, but we sent a child home, he was a patient from Mažeikiai, so we transferred him according to his place of residence, we transferred the other to another hospital. On request, we have to have 5 beds, we have them. There are also certain requirements with oxygen, but everything is ready, we don’t know what may change, so we are planning and preparing for it, “said the head of the Gargždai Hospital of the Klaipėda District Municipality doctor. Virgina Ruškienė.

Head of the Kretinga Hospital Deputy Director of Medicine Alexander Salavej also assured that the situation is currently under control.

“We currently have 4 patients. Their condition is not critical, but not easy either. We are ready, but we are still increasing the number of oxygen beds at the moment, it is not that simple, it takes time, but we are trying to work quickly. The situation it is under control and we have security measures in place, “said A. Salavėjus.
