The change of order sparked a wave of lies: it is announced that children die in Germany due to masks and the virus spreads only through surfaces


All viruses are spread only through human hands by touching contaminated surfaces; In Germany, children die from wearing masks.

Andrius Lobov, a known opponent of the vaccine who has been spreading false information about the new coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic, shared a video on his Facebook account expressing his dissatisfaction with the decision to bring masks to children in educational institutions.

Misleading message

Misleading message

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The man calls this instruction nonsense, stating that all viruses spread only through human hands, touching contaminated surfaces, so wearing masks is pointless.

In addition, masks are said to kill children: in Germany, according to him, two children have already died at school forced to wear masks, moreover, children’s lungs are not physiologically developed, so wearing a mask will surely make them will damage.

These statements are full of factual errors.

How is the new coronavirus spreading?

The official website of the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists several ways in which the new coronavirus can be spread. The virus is most commonly transmitted through close contact (approximately 2 meters away).

The most common way of spreading the virus is through tiny droplets and particles in the air when a person becomes infected by sneezing, coughing, singing, talking, or even breathing. Inhaling these particles infects the virus.

Another way that the virus spreads is through infected surfaces, on which droplets and particles spread by the infected person have settled. Touching infected surfaces and then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes with your hands also infects the virus. A. Lobov talks about this method of infection in a video, but this method is neither the only nor the main one.

Because the virus is most commonly transmitted by airborne droplets, wearing a mask can be considered an effective means of reducing the likelihood of infection.

Nor can it be said that all viruses are spread through infected surfaces by touching them with the hands and then touching the face. The ability of viruses to remain active after leaving an infected organism depends on many biological, physical and chemical factors.

For example, when the HIV that causes HIV enters the environment, it becomes inactive within a few hours and the remaining active virus particles are not enough to infect a new victim. Therefore, no cases of HIV transmission have been reported so far through surfaces, such as toilet seats.

In Germany, children did not die from wearing masks

Rumors that children dying in Germany have been forced to wear masks surfaced online in early October. It’s true that the sources referred to three mask victims, not two, as Lobov claims in the video. The rumors were spread by one of the fiercest and most frequent opponents and skeptics of the new coronavirus, Bodo Schiffmann, and the “Lie Detector” unmasked his claims.

One of those mentioned is that six-year-old Lisa, who died of carbon dioxide poisoning, was actually made up: the event and that girl were not registered by the local police and she publicly urged the population not to believe this story .

Another incident, when a 13-year-old boy wearing a mask died on the bus under unclear circumstances, did not occur due to wearing the mask. On October 20, the German media reported receiving an explanation from the Landau prosecutor that the test did not link the student’s death to carbon poisoning, but did not indicate the exact cause of death.

The forensic experts’ findings emphasize that normally worn mouth and nose protection cannot cause carbon poisoning. Carbon dioxide does not stay inside the mask because these mouth and nose covers are made of a partially breathable material and the sides of the mask are open to remove the gas.

Earlier, Delfi wrote about the fact that the decision to admit children to educational institutions wearing masks greatly angered those who opposed the use of this preventive measure. There have been reports on social media that wearing a mask damages children’s brains, but with the facts, such claims go further. According to the World Health Organization, a mask that is used correctly does not cause a lack of oxygen or CO2 poisoning.

There are a few rules to follow when wearing a mask: make sure the mask fits snugly, but does not interfere with breathing; do not use a disposable mask two or more times; Always replace the mask with another if it gets wet. The WHO recommends that tissue masks be used for preventive purposes, but people at risk over the age of 60 or with chronic diseases, as well as those experiencing symptoms or caring for the sick, should take care of medical masks.

According to the information provided, A. Lobov, who shared statements about the spread of the virus and the use of masks in the video, was wrong: the spread of the virus through infected surfaces is neither the only nor the main form of spread; In Germany no child deaths have been reported from mask use.

  • Sources
  • Tips for the Public on Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): When and How to Wear Masks;
  • Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Frequently Asked Questions;
  • Survival issues of viruses on surfaces;

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