Introduced a device to help stop the coronavirus – within 24 hours. find out if you’ve been in contact with an infected person


Opportunity to know the contact you have

At the initiative of the Lithuanian Ministry of Health and the National Center for Public Health, the open source program “Korona Stop LT” initiated by the European Commission has been adapted, which can help to break the chain of spread of coronavirus infection.

It is possible that a person infected with the virus does not know it without experiencing any symptoms, so it was decided to adapt an application that will allow people who have voluntarily downloaded from the App Store or Google Play Store to receive not only warnings about being around of a person infected by COVID-19, but also recommendations. how you should proceed to protect yourself and others.

It is important to note that this type of application, widely used in Europe, captures the potential contact with an infected coronavirus, the duration and risk of the contact, and not the location of the person. The information collected by the device is stored on the user’s device and private data is not accessible to third parties. This prevents the collection and storage of private data. The mobile device on which the app is installed only detects that its owner has been around another person who has the app for some time and then voluntarily reports COVID-19 through it. This is called “Proximity Capture” in the application.

How does the gadget work?

1. Residents download the “Korona Stop LT” app on their mobile devices.

2. The phones with the device exchange keys and randomly generated data with each other when, when, at what distance and for how long they use Bluetooth.

3. When a coronavirus infection is detected in one of the applet users, he can voluntarily publish it himself, without publishing any personal data.

4. In this way, users of the application who have been close to the infected person for more than 15 minutes at a distance of less than 2 meters in the last 14 days will be notified of a possible previous contact.

5. Device users who have received reports of exposure to infected coronavirus should follow the follow-up recommendations provided on the device.

The gadget is completely safe

While phones exchange information via Bluetooth, app users need not fear personal data, as the developers emphasize that it is not possible to identify a person with random keys and users who reported the infection are not disclosed. by coronavirus.

Furthermore, no other information that can directly identify the infected person is disclosed. However, it is very important that when using the Korona Stop LT application, an infected person can quickly warn other users of the application who are near them. In this way, other people using this application can learn early about the possible infection and take steps to protect themselves and others.

The developers also pointed out that everyone who uses the app shouldn’t have to worry about their personal data and the fact that information about being around an infected coronavirus infection is never centrally stored. After all, the system only knows at any time that the case confirmation code belongs to the person who was confirmed to be infected with COVID-19. The system does not know with whom that person met or when and where the meeting took place. The app does not need to identify a person infected with COVID-19 to alert users who have been near them.

It is important that the Korona Stop LT app updates the information on the risk of COVID-19 infection at least every 24 hours. The actual time may be a few hours behind the previous day. The update in this interval is due to API limitations and the need to ensure consistency between the Korona Stop LT versions for iOS and Android.

Important answers

The professionals who have adapted the application also provide answers to the 10 most frequently asked questions:

1. Is it possible to guarantee data privacy?

Yes. Decentralized data storage on the device of the device user ensures data privacy. You can find a document on data privacy here.

2. Is it really safe to use a Bluetooth connection? What can I do to prevent attackers from installing malware on my phone?

To increase the security of your device, you should always install the latest security updates and the latest version of the operating system. This will ensure that your device complies with the latest Bluetooth security specifications.

It is very important to use the latest version of the Android operating system (updates are usually announced one month in advance).

3. Why do I request that the application allow location services on Android phones?

The app’s proximity capture functionality requires Bluetooth technology, which is formally part of Android’s location services, so you are required to allow the app to use location services.

Korona Stop LT does not monitor your location and does not have permission to do so. According to the requirements of the Android operating system, Bluetooth devices near your phone can only be detected if “Use location” is enabled on the phone. Enabling this option does not mean that applications using Bluetooth can automatically track your location.

With the system’s general “Use location information” setting enabled, the application will not record your location and will never use GPS. You can check it yourself:

  1. Open Settings on your phone (not in the app)
  2. Choose Location & security info> Location info> Gadget-level permissions (Location & security> Location ‘> App-level permissions).
  3. A list of gadgets that can use your location information will open if you give them permission. The Korona Stop LT gadget will not be on this list. In this section, you can allow or disallow other devices to use your location, but the Korona Stop LT device will not be on this list because it does not require this permission.

4. Why are there different age restrictions on using the gadget?

The application for Lithuanian users can be used by people over 16 years old. The age limit of 16 years or older applies because the application handles data that is critical for protection under the General Data Protection Regulation (BDAR) of the European Union. According to BDAR, minors can consent to processing only after the age of 16. In principle, this restriction applies to both Google Play and the App Store.

The only difference is their level of rigor: Apple applies stricter criteria in its store, including data protection and BDAR age limits. As a result, the App Store has an age rating of “17+”. Apple may require proof of age. Google Play Store only applies to Voluntary Entertainment Software Oversight Organization (Voluntary Oversight Organization). This gadget is approved for all ages according to the USK requirements, so the minimum age in the Google Play Store is 0 years old.

5. Will the Korona Stop LT app work not only on phones, but also tablets, smart watches, or other devices?

The device is not programmed to run on tablets, smartphones, or other laptops.

6. I received an increased risk notification in the app. Does that mean I’m sick now?

If a message arrived on the device, it means that it was probably close to a person infected with the coronavirus. That doesn’t mean you really get sick. Now it is important to stay home and monitor your symptoms. For example, if you have a dry cough, fever, or shortness of breath, talk to your GP. Additional information and recommendations will be provided in the app.

7. What happens if I turn off Bluetooth and, in the case of Android, location services?

In this case, the presence close to other users of the application will not be registered, that is, the phones will not change with random keys. Therefore, make sure that Bluetooth and, in the case of Android, location services are always active.

The location service must be active on phones running the Android operating system, but Korona Stop LT does not use location information. If you don’t want other apps to use location services, you can turn it off: see I’m asked to turn on location function.

8. I have a hearing disability, so I cannot call the phone number that appears in the application. How do I get a case verification code?

You don’t need to make a phone call as the case confirmation code is sent via SMS to app users who want to report a COVID-19 infection. To receive a case confirmation code, you can email [email protected].

9. How often is the risk information updated on the gadget?

The Korona Stop LT app updates the information on the risk of COVID-19 infection at least every 24 hours. The actual time may be a few hours behind the previous day.
The update in this interval is due to API limitations and the need to ensure consistency between the Korona Stop LT versions for iOS and Android.

10. Who can help with questions about the “Korona Stop LT” app?

If you have any questions about the Korona Stop LT app, you can contact tel. +370 5 264 9676 (on the website during inquiry line business hours) or email. E-mail [email protected] The price of the call depends on the rate or service plan of your telephone service provider.
General information about the application is published on the website of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania.
