A.Veryga: Some medical institutions refuse to accept COVID-19 patients, ask for money for major repairs, cars


According to A. Veryga, there will be a coordinator who will monitor the services provided in medical institutions.

“Last week I mentioned that this will be a challenge for our system, it is already there, some institutions have to reorganize their services. We have examples both bad and difficult to explain logically. “Some institutions refuse to restructure their activities and prescribe them to coronavirus patients, providing lists of tools that should be purchased,” he said.

According to the minister, there have been cases in which medical institutions would like to use the money allocated for the fight against COVID-19 for repairs or the purchase of cars.

According to A. Veryga, there have been cases where several hundred thousand euros for major repairs, money beds, lung ventilation.

“Sometimes the impression is that until then the medical institution did not work at all, it did not provide services, because the hospital does not have beds, equipment or X-rays. It is not the stage in which major repairs must be carried out in the apartments, ”he said.

He later claimed that a medical institution had provided him with the wish list. Which – he did not mean, emphasizing that his representatives had to identify themselves.

According to A.Veryga, there are hardly any mechanisms to deal with persuasions, there are binding mechanisms, they will not be able to give up.

What will happen after we run out of beds and maybe even doctors in the Vilnius region?

Veryga says that as a result, new medical institutions will be included, where coronavirus patients will be treated, they will have doctors.

“We won’t really get any additional medicine from anywhere,” he said.

There has been a significant increase in the incidence of older people.

R.Veryga was outraged by the behavior of some people and companies when people were urged to celebrate before the quarantine.

“I have no doubt that we will see the results of all this after a good week,” he said.

According to A.Veryga, we are already seeing the results of the long weekend of November 1.

“Unfortunately, those results are very sad because we are seeing a very significant increase in the incidence of older people. This means that a large number of these people will be in medical institutions and this will cause an even greater burden on doctors, and some lives will be lost, ”he said.

160 doctors got sick over the weekend

The NVSC representative, Daiva Razmuvienė, announced that only last Saturday and Sunday 160 infected doctors were registered.

“Today 1405 health professionals are infected. Those numbers are increasing every day. Not only are new chimneys forming, but old ones are also expanding,” he said.

D.Razmuvienė agreed that fewer tests are done on weekends; For example, yesterday only more than 4 thousand tests were carried out, on business days that number is from 12 to 15 thousand.

“Every quarter is positive, the process is not yet calm,” he emphasized.

An NVSC representative expected that in two weeks the number would begin to decline.

The gadget was already experiencing problems.

The Minister announced that since the launch of the KoronaSTOP LT application, it has been installed by more than 57,000 people. Lithuanian population.

“It is very good, about 2 percent. It is clear that it would have the maximum effect if implemented by 60% of the population. Lithuanian population. Of course, it would be difficult to find countries that use that much,” he said.

According to A.Veryga, for example, in Finland, 40% have an application of this type installed. people.

NVSC specialist Brigita Rašimaitė stated that on Sunday the application had encountered certain problems. He noted that not all people read what is written on the device, they only try to enter the code after installing the device, which is issued only if the person has a positive coronary heart test.

According to the specialist, the gadget consulting line is still not working properly.

More than a thousand new cases

In the last day 1,056 new cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in Lithuania, and three people have died from coronavirus.

In Lithuanian hospitals, 944 people are being treated for COVID-19, 80 of them in resuscitation. Oxygen masks are used to treat 445 patients, and 50 people receive artificial lung ventilation.

There are currently 44,000 in isolation. 688 people.

Of the 1,056 new cases, 305 were confirmed in Kaunas, 293 in Vilnius, 157 in Klaipėda, 76 in Telšiai, 75 in Panevėžys, 41 in Alytus, 36 in Šiauliai, 35 in Marijampolė, 26 in Tauragė and seven in Utena counties .
