Coronavirus statistics: SAM explained why there are discrepancies


This information is published by SAM from Monday to Friday and by the National Public Health Center (NVSC) on weekends and holidays.

The data is provided in accordance with the standards of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). Uniform standards allow these international organizations to more accurately assess the situation in different countries, provide recommendations and suggestions, and create forecasts.

The number of studies carried out and the number of confirmed cases do not necessarily coincide

The Ministry notes that the number of new people confirmed by COVID-19 in a single day should not be the same as the number of positive samples analyzed in laboratories, since the test can be carried out more than once per person. Additionally, NVSC specialists have yet to link the investigation results to specific cases. This means that the case may not be confirmed on the same day as the lab test. For example, if a person receives a test result in the evening, the test result will be imported into the NVSC information system late at night and, as a new case, on the same day, the test result will no longer be validated; it will be included in the next day’s statistics.

It should be noted that so far the NVSC test result has only been confirmed as a positive case when an epidemiological study has been performed. However, as the number of infections increases, epidemiologists are unable to do so immediately. Therefore, test results are currently validated first as new cases and only then through epidemiological investigations.

Report on patients in detail

The Ministry also draws attention to the fact that information on the number of hospital beds available in Lithuania is made public on a daily basis (furthermore, this information is broken down according to the beds available in the resuscitation-intensive care units, as well as the beds with artificial lung ventilators and oxygen). The ministry also publishes information on patients with confirmed COVID-19 disease and who are hospitalized. The amount and type of treatment applied to patients is detailed separately.

The Ministry recalls that these data are provided by the State Health Insurance Fund (VLK), which receives data from hospital care centers. It should be noted that not all personal health care institutions that provide inpatient services provide information on bed occupancy, for example, on Friday a medical institution did not provide such information.
