In Lithuania – 1,033 new coronavirus cases, 3 more deaths confirmed


In Kaunas, the COVID-19 disease affects more than 2,500 people

The number of new cases of COVID-19 in Kaunas during the last 14 days has reached 683.2 – 100 thousand inhabitants. The Kaunas City Municipality, which announced this on Monday morning, reports that 2582 people are ill on Monday, the number of deaths has risen to 22. The number of those who recovered was 539.

There were 179 new cases of coronavirus infection in the second largest city, a total of 3,150 were diagnosed. Over the past 7 days, the number of new cases in Kaunas increased by 42.79 percent.
The highest incidence was recorded in the active age groups (17-30, 31-40 and 41-50 years), slightly lower in the age groups of seventy and 51-60, and the lowest in the group under 16 years. More than half of all combat patients, as in previous days, are women.

With the increase in the number of patients across the country, late last week, the Ministry of Health (SAM) announced the possibility of registering for the COVID-19 study online as well. This will allow residents to complete the registration process more quickly and conveniently, as it will not be necessary to call the 1808 hotline.

According to SAM representatives, this decision was made together with the Kaunas City Ambulance Station in search of solutions to solve the challenge of the increasing flow of calls and a part of the population was unable to call the Hotline. People who have experienced characteristic symptoms of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) can also register for the test at the mobile point by completing a special form on the website

Online registration is possible if you experience at least one characteristic symptom of the coronavirus: fever, cough, shortness of breath, sudden odor, loss of taste or weakness. Other less specific symptoms may include headache and muscle aches, chills, fatigue, vomiting, and diarrhea.

SAM recalls that residents also have the opportunity to call 1808 when they need to register for a coronavirus test at a mobile point, need advice on isolation or advice on how to proceed when returning from a country affected by the coronavirus.

You can call the hotline throughout Lithuania from 8 am to 8 pm. free daily from all networks. The direct line receives around 12-13 thousand calls on business days in 1808, the numbers are slightly lower on weekends and non-business days: around 4-6 thousand calls. It is planned to further expand Covid – 19’s investigative capabilities in the near future.

21 people were fined over the weekend

The quarantine violations and self-isolation punished 21 people over the weekend, police said.

According to Revita Janavičiūtė, representative of the Police Department, on Saturday and Sunday people from all over the country were punished for not complying with the self-isolation procedure, not wearing masks, meeting and not respecting distances.

Starting from Saturday, after the introduction of quarantine in Lithuania for three weeks, it is possible to wear protective masks in groups of no more than five people, except family members.

The number of people cared for in shops or service establishments is also limited.

According to the police, the same number of people were punished during the first two days of the last long weekend.

The Code of Administrative Violations provides for a fine of 500 to 1,000 for quarantine violations. EUR, for managers of legal entities or other responsible persons – from 1,5 thousand. up to 6 thousand. euros. For the first time, half of the minimum fine is imposed.

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