The Seimas wish list counting down the last days to the next government: it would take around 500 million LTL to get started. euros


Although this year’s elected Seimas meets for its first session on Friday, the outgoing MPs still hope to supplement the budget for next year with their proposals.

“Now we will consider it, and soon there will be another government, so our work will be meaningless. Is it worth spending time on that work?” Asked Seimas member Kęstutis Glaveckas at the Seimas Budget and Finance Committee session. Monday.

To this, the chairman of the commission, Valius Ąžuolas, replied: “Procedurally we have to do it.”

For his part, the deputy of Seimas Mykolas Majauskas added that it is necessary to discuss the proposals of the commissions.

“It is worth noting that some of his proposals are very rational. The question is why the budget presented did not provide those funds, “he said.

Kęstutis Glaveckas

Kęstutis Glaveckas

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

Ends on wednesday

The conclusions of 8 of the 15 Seimas committees and a commission on the budget proposal were debated in Monday’s session. All proposals were accepted.

For example, the Public Administration and Municipalities Committee approved the proposals of the Association of Municipalities of Lithuania, which would allocate an additional 262.92 million LTL to municipalities. euros.
The Seimas Chancellery’s proposal to allocate an additional 32,313 million LTL was also approved. for the modernization of the video and audio transmission system, for the repair of the January 13 memorial and for the virtualization of the physical infrastructure equipment of the Registry of Legal Acts and other state information systems administered by the Seimas Chancellery.

64,646 million are proposed to the Ministry of the Interior. 487 thousand euros for firefighting and civil protection functions, for the Central Electoral Commission. for the elections to the mayor of the municipality of Radviliškis.

The Rural Affairs Commission approved proposals to increase the allocations of the Ministry of Agriculture by 121.4 thousand. and 10 thousand. Euros from the DNA plan for the projects “Development of the implementation of innovative smart technology in the agricultural sector” and “General dairy logistics of Lithuania”.

It was also approved to allocate an additional 2.1 million LTL to the State Food and Veterinary Service. 1.4 million euros for wages and salaries. 530 thousand euros to cover the liability with the Property Bank. 40 thousand euros for the collection and supply of state control data, 100 thousand euros for the control of the exchange of control data on the volume of food products sold in the markets and the accounting of the income received, 100 thousand euros . EUR for the current repair of facilities and equipment at border veterinary posts

1.63 million is proposed for the National Land Service. EUR, the Ministry of Agriculture – 180 thousand. 6,099 million euros for wages and salaries. 481 thousand euros for the performance of functions, 481 thousand euros for the Fisheries Service. 250 thousand euros for the reconstruction of ponds and hydrotechnical structures in the fish farming subdivision of the eastern region, 250 thousand euros for the National Payment Agency. 214 thousand euros for server software update works for the Rural Business and Markets Development Agency. 33.2 million euros for the execution of state investment projects for land rehabilitation. euros.

The Public Order Commission approved the Constitutional Court’s proposal for an additional 98,000. for the rotation of judges and compensation for dismissal of retiring judges, the Council of Judges for an additional 1.61 million euros 1,118 million euros for the Administration of National Courts. 1 million euros for state pensions and laptops, the Attorney General’s 1 million euros. 1,489 million euros for the Ministry of Justice. 1,577 million euros for the Registry Center and the Ministry of the Interior. for the salaries of the health specialists of the Medical Center and the employees of the Migration Department.

The Environmental Protection Committee has approved the proposals of the Lithuanian Environmental Protection System Workers’ Union to allocate 2.84 million LTL to the Department of Environmental Protection. EUR and 885.5 thousand. EUR to the State Service for Protected Areas for reconstruction. An additional amount of 681,632 euros is proposed for the reorganization of the institutions to create new jobs.

The Foreign Affairs Committee has endorsed the proposal to allocate a total of 2.35 million euros to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. for the Foreign Policy Program.

The European Affairs Committee did not have any new proposals for the draft, but noted that in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic and the uncertainty about its development and its economic and health impact, the focus should not only be on the EU and co-financing. financing directions: health and system strengthening, productive, long-term and high-value-added investments that stimulate economic recovery and increase economic potential, and implement structural reforms that substantially improve public administration (for example, education, health, etc.) .

The Human Rights Committee approved the proposals of the Ombudsman’s Office for Equal Opportunities to allocate an additional 282 thousand. 19 thousand euros for salary, severance pay, internal audit, educational and preventive activities, proposed by the Children’s Ombudsman. EUR for partial office upgrade, IT equipment, software, document management system upgrade, price increase and services for services necessary for the maintenance of office premises (utilities, etc.)

The Seimas wish list counting down the last days to the next government: it would take around 500 million LTL to get started.  euros

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

In total, the aforementioned proposals would cost the state budget an additional 420.67 million LTL. euros. However, they have yet to be approved by the Seimas members, and the government has to find funds.

As you know, according to the latest draft, the budget deficit in 2021 could reach 4.11 billion. and be equal to 5%. gross domestic product.

In 2021, it is planned to raise 11.38 billion in the state budget. 150 million euros of income. EUR or 1.26%. less than planned this year. The draft, approved by the government, says spending next year will be $ 15.49 billion. 271 million euros. EUR or 21.22%. more than planned this year.

To be decided by the Government

The Seimas BFK also approved some of the proposals, the financing of which remained in the hands of the Government.

The Health Affairs Committee commissioned the Government to decide on the proposals of the Seimas members, K. Bartkevičius and V. Ąžuolas, to allocate LTL 3.077 million to the Mažeikiai hospital. and 1.8 million. EUR R. million for the modernization of S. Kudirka Hospital in Alytus County. for the reconstruction of the surgical department facilities.

The Youth Affairs and Sports Committee proposes to the Government to decide on the proposal of the member of the Seimas Kęstutis Bartkevičius to allocate 180 thousand. 1.2 million euros for the reconstruction of the swimming pool of the Mažeikiai “Delfinas” kindergarten and the proposal of the Seimas member Jonas Varkalis for the reconstruction of the swimming pool of the public institution “Veiklus Rietavas”.

The draft budget is scheduled to be considered in the plenary session of the Seimas on November 24 and December 17 and approved shortly thereafter.

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