After the prisoners’ drinks in Vilnius, even 9 times in search of a convicted repeat offender – he ran over the fence


After the criminal escaped, a large force of officers was forced to search for him; Although the prisoner was not convicted of serious crimes, he escaped from the prison under the influence of alcohol, so he could still endanger those around him.

Fortunately, everything ended well: a prisoner who had left the prison was found wandering the streets of Vilnius about an hour later.

“It’s all due to alcohol,” Mantas Razevičius, a 26-year-old resident of Kėdainiai, who was recognized as a repeat offender, was later convicted of theft, fraud, driving under the influence, serious health problems and other crimes.

When the fugitive escaped from the prison, his situation was further aggravated by the fact that, as a result of his good behavior, he was allowed to serve a custodial sentence under milder conditions than in November last year; The man was transferred to the House of the Midway, he was given the right to leave unguarded or unaccompanied outside the prison from 7.30 am to 7 pm.

But now he has lost this right: M. Razevičius has been sentenced for the tenth time for escaping from prison: the judge of the Vilnius City District Court, Aušra Dambrauskienė, has decided to impose a prison sentence of six months, thus that he can only be released after the tenth month. If the prisoner had not escaped from the penitentiary, he would have had the opportunity to be released early; now you will not be able to benefit from that relief.

According to the court, “the crime was not planned in advance, more spontaneous”, so the imposition of a prison sentence will help Razevičius to achieve the objectives of punishment provided for in criminal law, as well as to meet the criteria of justice , proportionality and reasonableness.

According to the case, M. Razevičius, who worked as an electrician at the Pusiaukelė house on Sniego Street, belonging to the Vilnius prison, fled on April 13, around 11 at night, when “he jumped the outer perimeter fence and crossed the fence. “

After the drinks of the prisoners in Vilnius, even 9 times in search of a convicted repeat offender - ran over the fence

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

Prisoner around 00.40. The patrols of the Vilnius Police Mobile Company noticed and detained the convict; The escape of the convict was reported not only to the police officers, but also to the administration of the prison, the Department of Prisons and the Ministry of Justice.

M. Razevičius, who was released from prison at the time, blamed alcohol more for his behavior: that if he had been sober that night and thought about his head, he would not have left the area.

“That day, my colleagues and I decided to celebrate Easter: we drank and then went to bed, but around 11 pm the officers came and checked it with a breathalyzer, said M. Razevičius in court. – Most of The convicts inflated, they checked me one last, – and I inflated. And then I went to my room to collect things, we had to transport ourselves to a good isolator. I don’t even know how it happened, I got dressed and left, the supervisors didn’t even give account, there was no one at the door. “

The convict said that he had initially climbed out the window and left the protected area of ​​the prison by stepping over the fence.

“There were ladders in the garage, I took them, stood by the fence and climbed,” said M. Razevičius.

The inmate, who was released from jail, said that only when he was released did he realize that he did not have much to do: “I was just walking, I went to the store because I wanted to buy a cigarette, but it was closed.”

The convict said he did not want to avoid incarceration.

“I didn’t think about running, but only after drinking, due to the stress I inflated on the breathalyzer, it happened,” said M. Razevičius. “I understand that I did the most stupid thing because I had tried so hard to move to the House of Midway, and I screwed up everything during this stupid act.”

The day M. Razevičius was found intoxicated in a prison, he was given 1.41 prom on a breath test. drunkenness.

Immediately after the escape, the convict, who was detained by police officers, said he had been drinking one in prison that day: a pint of vodka. It is true that the prisoner admitted that other prisoners had been intoxicated with alcohol, only that “I do not know those friends.”

After the prisoners' drinks in Vilnius, even 9 times in search of a convicted repeat offender - he ran over the fence

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

During the investigation, it became clear that on the night of April 13, the officers of the Security Management Division of the Vilnius Correctional Center received an instruction from the management to review the convicted persons, who have the right to leave without guard or without company, due to alcohol consumption. Nineteen convicts were inspected, not all were under the influence of alcohol: drunkenness was found in six people. Up to 2.52 avg were set for a prisoner. Intoxication – He was aggressive and repressed, so he had to use reinforcement to help.

The officers noted that M. Razevičius had left the prison not immediately.

“After inspecting the territory, it was established that at the time the inmate had to collect his belongings, he possibly disembarked through the window of the living space on the 2nd floor of the living room (it was found usable), supported by a ladder ”Said a prison official.

According to him, after announcing the prisoner’s registration, the phone numbers of his mother and friend were found, officials who contacted the women asked for help to return the prisoner to prison. However, they were unable to contact M. Razevičius, he did not respond to his calls.

But the man was soon arrested: the police learned of his release from prison, which immediately arrested him after noticing the convict. He did not resist and agreed to return immediately to the penitentiary.

M. Razevičius has been incarcerated since 2017.

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