Signs that your neighbor is dealing drugs


Observe people who visit you frequently and for a short time

The main sign that drug trafficking has started near you is that you have started to meet a lot of strangers in the yard or on the stairs. They can wait one or more at the stair door or a little further away. You can enter the stairs or go directly to the door of the dealer. If the merchant lives on the ground floor, buyers can also wait on the balcony.

Drug buyers generally try not to get caught. Your goal is to buy a dose and withdraw it as soon as possible. This visit usually lasts 3 to 5 minutes.

If you come to buy drugs by car, a person often waits in the car. Sometimes a car of this type is parked unevenly and can obstruct traffic or the way.

It happens that people buy drugs to drive the same car, the so-called narcotics. However, you won’t notice any insignia on it. He’s just someone known to a drug dealer who brings him addicted clients for a fee.

So if cars or people come to your yard every day and leave after a few minutes, it’s worth worrying about.

You started to notice syringes, pieces of aluminum foil

If heroin, fentanyl, or other intravenous drugs are trafficked, you may see discarded syringes and small aluminum foil in the stairwell, patio, under balcony, or in remote areas.
pieces in which the doses are packed.

Drug dealing “>
Drug dealing

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Drug dealing

You will most likely notice these signs a little further from home. Addicts try to release heroin a little further from the place of purchase. They are usually prohibited by the sellers themselves. They are right to fear that neighbors who see intoxicated people will report them to the police and thus put them in danger.

Therefore, buyers of legal drugs try to find the remote and slightly hidden location closest to the point of purchase from the point of purchase and inject the desired dose there.

If smoked or pill drugs are marketed, buyers often do not consume them locally: they take them home or to entertainment venues. In this case, you will not notice any distinctive signs.

The number of “guests” increases before the weekend.

Drugs are generally trafficked at youth gatherings – clubs, concerts, schools, student residences, and other places. Another common place is where the merchant himself lives. It can be your own house, an apartment building, or your yard.

The timing of drug trafficking can vary. It all depends on when the seller is home. Some may trade during the day, others at night. Third: twenty-four hours a day.

If mood-enhancing substances are marketed, invisible people and cars may appear in the yard more frequently as weekends and holidays approach. People who use these drugs often buy them before planned weekend parties.

The transfer goes unnoticed

Drugs and money can be transmitted in different ways. One of them is the hand during the hand and the greeting. The small dose fits perfectly in the palm of your hand. The sign of such a transfer is that the incoming customer clenches his fist or hands in his pocket after the greeting.

The buyer can go to the seller to the apartment. As nobody sees, in this case everything happens openly. Usually the customer leaves after a few minutes. There are cases where a salesman living on the ground floor delivers drugs from his balcony.

It is possible for a neighbor who distributes prohibited substances to get into a car that has arrived and deliver drugs and carry money there. In this case, the main feature remains the same: all the action takes a few minutes.

Treated by both minors and grandmothers

It is a mistake to think that a drug dealer is nothing more than a naked young man wearing a tracksuit and driving a car with tinted windows. This type of drug dealer happens
not as often, but this is far from the only description of them.

Drug dealing “>
Drug dealing

© Shutterstock

Drug dealing

A wide variety of people can trade drugs. Some may lack money for food, others for a new machine or science. It could also be a tattoo that just got back from jail.
an ornate young man who lived in a rented apartment and a well-educated fifteen-year-old who lived with his mother.

Students, the unemployed, builders, and people with high-paying jobs are arrested for distributing drugs. Recently, an 80-year-old grandmother was arrested for drug trafficking in Vilnius. So in this case, there is no sign of what a drug dealer would look like. Can be anything. It is true that the vast majority of merchants are men. Although women are arrested every year for distributing various drugs, they generally avoid participating in this criminal activity.

Customers can go both groomed and in costumes.

The appearance of people who buy drugs depends on what drugs are sold. If intravenous drugs are trafficked, most clients will have a lower social status
layer of people. They are usually in evening dresses, sometimes with hoods on their heads. Come on foot or by taxi. Usually they do not smile, they show almost no emotion. People who use heroin often have “dry”, thin and bony faces.

If other types of drugs are marketed: herbs, amphetamines, cocaine, LSD, the people who will come will not be exceptional. They can be young teenagers, workers, and entrepreneurs alike. Both men
both women. These people can adapt perfectly to the environment, be pleasant, communicate and laugh.

What to do if you suspect a crime is being committed

The symptoms described above are not evidence of drug trafficking near you, but are worth pointing out. If you are suspected of receiving short and frequent visits from strangers, try to make note of details that can help officers find out about the crime. It is not enough for them to know it, they also need to prove it. Therefore, the more information you provide the police, the easier it will be for them to remove business from your neighborhood.

What information will help the police investigate the crime more quickly? If you already suspect drug trafficking is taking place near you, try to find out when customers usually come to buy drugs, how long it takes, where to stop, where to access, what cars are coming, and other details.

There are several ways to share your suspicions with the police. Submit this information directly to your local police station. In this case, everything will depend on the officials who work there, but there should be an answer. The second way is to provide all the information online. The third and one of the most reliable is to call the emergency number 112 and make suspicions. Try to speak clearly, without emotion. Be prepared with available information: indicate numbers or other information. Respect the work of the emergency services and listen to their instructions.
