Three Maxima employees have been diagnosed with coronavirus and the number of people recovering is increasing


“With the increasing number of COVID-19 infections in the country every day, illnesses are also occurring among our employees. Yesterday, three more Maxima employees were diagnosed with coronavirus, but we are very happy that every day more employees are By this week, six workers had recovered and overcome the coronavirus. Stores and other premises where coronavirus-infected workers worked have also been completely cleaned and disinfected internally. We are consulting with the National Center for Public Health and taking all recommended preventive actions that would help prevent the spread of COVID-19 diseases, “says Ernesta Dapkienė, Director of the Department of Communication and Image of the Maxima retail chain.

Retail chain Maxima has been informing the public of all cases of workers infected with COVID-19 since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Yesterday, employees of the Maxima XXXX store in Vilnius Akropolis detected the COVID-19 infection. He was last at work on November 3. Two colleagues who may have been in contact with COVID-19 self-isolated. A member of the Maxima administration was also infected with the coronavirus.

Infected by coronavirus in Kretinga, Žemaitijos al. The 29-year-old store clerk Maxima X was last at her workplace on November 2. There were no close contacts with buyers or other colleagues.

Stores where COVID-19 infected workers worked were thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. According to E. Dapkienė, the employees and customers of this Maxima store can feel safe and continue to visit these stores.

A total of 93 Maxima workers have been diagnosed with COVID-19 infection since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, of whom 31 have fully recovered and returned to work. To date, 1237 employees of the Maxima retail chain have been investigated for COVID-19. Currently 100 employee test responses are pending.

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