There will be no letters yet to stop the teachers: the decision is stalled


Already this year, all employees and self-employed in the construction sector had to acquire a special identity card. The Government has promised such a measure in the fight against the black economy.

The card itself had to include the mandatory identification of the employer, the declaration of the construction objects and the accounting of the working time in real time. The card would be independent of trade associations.

This did not happen: the government projects presented together with this year’s budget indicate that it is proposed to complete the project for the development and modernization of the information system for the identification of builders of the State Labor Inspectorate. It was decided to eliminate the project from the “Reduction of the shadow economy” program.

The value of this project is indicated – 520 thousand. Euros, of which 100 thousand. It is planned to use the euro in 2020.

Ministry: No laws were passed

The Ministry of Social Security and Labor explains that the builder card and its information system are provided for in the Construction Law project and the accompanying legal acts, but have not yet been considered by the Seimas committees.

“The bills were presented to the Seimas in 2019. October 16 They have been debated in the Environment Commission and the Social Affairs and Labor Commission, and not in the Budget and Finance Commission and the Public Order Commission. As the projects have not been thoroughly discussed in the committees, it is unclear when the legislation could be passed in plenary session, and when the legislation has not been passed, it is impossible to plan the continuation of the project for 2021 ”, says Eglė Samoškaitė , advisor to Minister Linas Kukuraitis.

According to her, no final decision has been made.

“100,000. The euro has not been used, although initial preparations have been made. If the bills are passed, the project can be resumed,” says E. Samoškaitė.

Political will was lacking

The original idea and the Builder Identification Card project were presented by the Lithuanian Builders Association (LSA) a few years ago. For a long time it was proposed to the State to use the system developed by the LSA, imposing legal obligations on builders.

LSA President Dalius Gedvilas confirms that the project’s implementation at the state level has not started.

Dalius gedvilas

Dalius gedvilas

© Photo of the organizers

“The introduction of the Builder Card lacked the political will and determination to make a bold and meaningful decision at the state level to begin using the company-created Builder Card system, which would not only significantly reduce the shadow market in the construction market, but would also promote progress in the sector. ” D. Gedvilas.

It appreciates that the authorities were able to understand and stop because they had chosen a different concept of constructors’ cards than in other European countries.

“Perhaps it is because of the understanding that it is not necessary to ‘invent a bicycle’ and it is possible to take and use what has already been created. After all, pilot experiments shouldn’t waste state budget funds, which could be earmarked for education and innovation. The state must seek effective solutions that help generate progress in the country, ”says D. Gedvilas.

Builder card

Builder card


Make sure the shade is cool, the card is still needed

The LSA estimates that construction is one of the largest “hidden” activities to date.

“For example, in the construction sector, up to two-thirds of all people working illegally in Lithuania work. The introduction of builder cards on the market within a year would make it possible to supplement the country’s budget and get 200 million out of the “shadow.” Eur, given that the mandatory accounting of working time on construction sites would allow all people working in queues and subcontractors to be counted. Without this change, measures to reduce the “shadow” in construction are meaningless and do not create a breakthrough “, is convinced D. Gedvilas.

It ensures that the idea of ​​the builder card (STATREG) created by them in Lithuania was actively supported not only by employers, but also by trade unions.

“The STATREG constructor card issuance system has been developed and has been operating since 2018. The most modern IT solutions were used to create the system and it is an investment in the construction business of our country. Today, Lithuanian construction companies voluntarily install builder cards. The card contains all the necessary information about the builder: accounting of working time, past and present workplace, confirmation of existing skills, accounting of tools and materials used ”, says D. Gedvilas.

Builder card

Builder card


According to him, no one would receive a builder card: it is issued with at least one passed construction competition, it is tested by an exam.

“Most of the” shadow “in the construction sector in monetary terms is on construction sites that have a building permit, and natural persons constitute only a small part of the illegal labor market. In a first stage , we propose not to “impose” the obligation to record the working time of people who work at the household level, without generating a very high additional burden on society “, says D. Gedvilas.

Section: The idea is good

Rūta Skyrienė, President of the Tripartite Council and Executive Director of the Investor Forum, says that Lithuania would need a well-functioning mechanism to identify and monitor builders. Builder cards are kept in many neighboring states.

“I think that if a mechanism worked well, with all the data protection, etc., it would be a really good tool to reduce the black economy. If you check that card right away and you know where the person is, what legal form they use to pay for their work, if they are self-employed or somewhere. It seems to me that this would bring more transparency ”, says R. Skyrienė.

Rūta Skyrienė

Rūta Skyrienė

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

Supports the LSA position so the state can benefit from an existing LSA project.

“LSAs are self-regulating, they regulate themselves internally. That’s what I’ve said before, if it’s really worth the investment of the state and still create something else of your own card. It’s always possible, if something isn’t appropriate. , discuss, complement ”, says R. Skyrienė

Small business representatives did not want the obligation

It has already been announced that Dalia Matukienė, president of the Council of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises of Lithuania, does not support the mandatory builder identification card, in her opinion it would be an increase in administrative burden and a waste of state money.

Andrius Kerevičius, director of the Association of Log House Manufacturers, assures that “each company decides whether it needs it or not.

“If you want to have a card, you have to pay a contribution. What does compulsory mean?” Says A. Kerevičius and points out that it would be the additional costs that would increase the price of services.

There will be no letters yet to stop the teachers: the decision is stalled

However, it lacks greater control in the construction sector.

“Everyone who builds structures should have qualifications, supervision, maybe a limited liability company. If a person works with an individual activity certificate or a business license, he cannot perform the basic construction of the building. Such a restriction would be necessary, because if a person with a business license makes roofs, lays the foundation and has no responsibility, the customer has no right to do to anyone ”, A. Kerevičius mentioned the problem.

However, according to him, it is almost impossible to control interior decoration workers, who do not make decisions about the main structures of the building; They work indoors, where it would be extremely difficult to check, check if any mandatory card breaks.

“The builder’s card is probably the association’s desire to attract the builder to itself. (…) Well, maybe that control would be, but what would be here on control if the LSA offered to buy it and pay for it? The question is how to limit the auctions that come, work inside, closed. There are many of them, unprofessional. How to limit them? He will not be forced to buy a builder card “, doubted A. Kerevičius.

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