The first day of quarantine in Kaunas: no one to ignore the masks


From Friday to Saturday, at midnight, the second quarantine began in Lithuania. At the moment, it is scheduled to last three weeks, which would mean November 29. it would be the last day of quarantine.

A growing number of coronavirus cases, a growing number of deaths affected by the COVID-19 virus and higher restrictions have been re-announced, but the situation in the city is fundamentally little different than before the quarantine.

If in the spring, after the quarantine was announced, the city was clearly emptied, and when you went to the store you saw the masks blown by the wind more often than people, then the first Saturday in November was a little different than last November, when we had never heard of the coronavirus.

Townspeople were walking down Laisvės alley, there was a major commotion in the streets of February 16 and Maironis due to the filming that was taking place there, and security guard David, who was on duty at the sign of traffic ban, claimed to be observing Kaunas residents wearing masks.

“I am not a resident of Kaunas. I live in the Prienai district, so I cannot compare more or fewer people in Laivės Alley, but there are walkers. I follow the requirements myself, wear a mask, disinfect my hands and hope that the virus me Ignore. You know, I live in the village, it’s so difficult, “smiled David.

However, we met more than one who ignored the masks. These brave men are more reminiscent of rabbits who know they are doing bad things, so it is better to move on than to stop talking and justify that position.

How different is the situation at Station Marketplace. Shoppers have been down significantly here, but traders have felt that it wasn’t just the quarantine that went into effect on Saturday that had an impact on that.

“It’s all about quarantine, air, and the main reason is that people don’t have money. After all, only older people buy here, young people buy in supermarkets. Older people buy the cheapest, ”shared Vitalija, who sells smoked products.

Vytautas, who sells cereals, dairy products and cookies, boasted that his wife had fitted him a shield that covered his mouth and nose.

“It is much more comfortable than a medical mask. The mask gets wet, you have to change it, and this dress, if necessary, is everything ”, Vytautas demonstrated with the ear and chin protector that covers the mouth and nose.

This quarantine is not as terrible as spring. Just wear masks and follow the recommendations.

In the market on the side of Vytautas avenue in the closed premises of the sewing workshop, the woman who sold masks at 5 euros each was without a mask, but she assured that she would put the mask on the table and put it on when the buyer arrived .

“How to keep that mask on all day,” the saleswoman was reluctant to introduce herself. – I don’t sew masks, I just sell them. Such a pocket is made here and you can put a protective part on the mask. I am not afraid of that virus, I do not know anyone sick. That virus was invented ”, the salesperson did not hide her skepticism.

However, most of the merchants and buyers wore masks correctly. Forgotten the lens of a particularly disciplined camera: a mask that was accidentally dropped or a specially hung one was quickly grabbed.

“This quarantine is not as terrible as the spring. Then we did not know what was too much, and now perhaps a little calmer, although the numbers are higher. We simply wear masks and follow the recommendations”, Elvyra, who reached the market of the station from Išlaužas, I was already in a hurry to get home.

True, both Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis and Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga have already said that the quarantine may need to be extended if the number of new coronavirus infections does not decrease.

Kaunodiena. An exception also applies to people with disabilities if they are unable to wear the mask due to a medical condition.

All events are prohibited, with the exception of high quality sports competitions without spectators, and gatherings of more than five people (excluding families), with the exception of funerals for up to 10 people.

People or groups of people should keep a distance of 2 meters from each other. It is also recommended to refrain from personal celebrations, contact with other family members or meet no more than two families wearing masks, restrict movement and, if necessary, go alone to work, the store or medical facilities. Recreation and leisure. The activities of health service centers that provide recreational services, as well as visits to cultural, recreational, entertainment and sports institutions are prohibited. Highly qualified athletes will be able to train, as well as individual workouts will be allowed.

The activities of restaurants, cafes, bars, discos, casinos and other entertainment venues are prohibited, except when the food service is provided to take away or in the facilities and premises of institutions, companies.

10 m2. It must be provided in stores and service points. meters per visitor, all security requirements are met, service providers must also provide an area of ​​10 square meters to the customer or serve only one person at a time.

Photo by Laimutis Brundza
