The scandalous fugitive offers to be imprisoned at his home for the night


The file of Domininkas Armalis, who twice escaped from LSMU Kaunas Hospital, where he was treated for COVID-19, was handed over to the Kaunas District Court yesterday.

Not everyone is civilized

The aforementioned material, which is accompanied by the statement of the prosecutor Dalia Pangonienė, who led the pre-trial investigation, to the court in relation to the termination of the process by criminal order, identifies and has not yet made public the details of 54 vagrants of Armalis after escaping from the hospital.

For example, in the case of the first escape, having arrived at the Kaunas bus station on a regular city bus, while there was still a long time before the bus left in the direction of Lazdijai, D. Armalis visited the casino right here. However, there he was asked for his identity document, according to which the refugee was identified. But when D. Armalis said the police were looking for him, he escaped from the casino.

There is no data in the event that D. Armalis’s performance at the casino was reported to the police. Otherwise, it is possible that he would not have been able to reach Seiria successfully. As already written, detained for seven hours after escaping in Lazdijai district, D. Armal wore a protective mask, which may also be part of the answer to why a large number of Kaunas police forces were thrown at the detainee for your arrest.

According to the file, D. Armalis was assisted in his arrest by the salesman of one of the stores he visited after getting off the bus in Seiriai. He also identified the fugitive wanted in the morning and reported him to the local police. These officials, who had been told in which direction Armal was headed, soon arrested him.

Proposed punishment

Violation of the rules to combat epidemics or communicable diseases, without finding that someone was infected, the prosecutor offers to restrict the freedom of the accused D. Armalis, who has already been convicted three times, prohibiting it from 11 to 6 in the morning. leave. For the first escape, for eight months. For the second, for ten. These penalties are combined for one year and three months. As Armalis admits his guilt and says he regrets it, the final sentence should be reduced from one third to ten months.

According to D. Armalis, for the first time, on July 23, he arbitrarily went out of the window of his room on the first floor, because he was already bored in the hospital. He also missed his home. He knew he had been diagnosed with coronavirus but had no symptoms. The second time, three days later, she did the same thing again because she wanted to go shopping. His words are corroborated by a video attached to the Maxima case file next to the hospital, where Armalis himself had returned after some time.

Depending on the charge against D. Armalis, the Penal Code provides for a fine or restriction of liberty, or arrest or imprisonment for up to one year. The court must rule on your case no later than seven days after receiving it. There are three options: write a criminal court order, leave or modify the sentence proposed by the prosecutor, refer the case to a court hearing, if additional questions arise, or end the criminal process. In the first case, which is very likely, D. Armalis would not have to go to court.

It was changed before the coronavirus spread. And now behaving even more inappropriately.

Hazelnut abscess

Armal agreed with the punishment proposed by the prosecutor. Although he said he would prefer fines.

He expressed this request to the local police officer, who complied with the request of the Kaunas law enforcement officers to question him further, because it was not possible to summon D. Armalis to Kaunas.

However, the prosecutor, having previously read the survey by Linas Jarmala, Lazdijai’s eldest, on D. Armalis, which had become a headache for the local community and officials, decided not to impose the slightest punishment that he had requested, as he had already been the target of the bailiffs.

“It was strange even before the coronavirus was spread. An example of such a claim is Armalis’ attack on the local Maxima. He poured the juice on the head of the cashier, who ordered him to pay for it. Also, according to L. Jarmala, D Armalis is still in constant conflict with his neighbors. And the local police were powerless against him. These officers should be able to transport him in their official transport like a taxi. “I saw myself being driven home from somewhere intoxicated twice, because there are no more detention centers in Lazdijai. And he wrote down the protocols, which D. Armalis traditionally threw away and put them back in motion as soon as the officials left, “said Jarmala, according to which, all of this usually happens when benefits are paid. And Lately, D. Armal has been improving it, as if he were looking for work. However, there are orgies in his social housing for these benefits. Also, not a penny can be deducted from them, although the full amount of the fines imposed on D Armalis for various fouls, according to the major, is already four digits.

Photo of a “Kauno diena” reader.

Psychiatrists see no problems

In the last four years, Mr. Armal has been sanctioned 50 times in an administrative procedure. And after the brother stabbed a drinker with a knife, who was sentenced to seven years in prison in 2001 but released earlier, he heard two more convictions, in 2010 for robbery and in 2014 for property damage.

However, the State Court Psychiatric Service, addressed to law enforcement officers who had initiated pre-trial investigations into the escape of D. Armalis from Kaunas hospital, declared that it was not appropriate to assign him a psychiatric examination. Although this summer D. Armalis had even been admitted to a special purpose martyrdom hospital twice.

For the first time, even before you are diagnosed with COVID-19. Later, Armal was transferred to this hospital in an ambulance, accompanied by the police, directly from the court. And in this he found himself in the wake of another month of drunkenness crowned by another conflict with the neighbors. When this story reached court, D. Armalis collapsed on it again. The specialists of the aforementioned Hospital de Palaunas did not identify any serious health problem for D. Armalis. Only problems with alcohol consumption.

He was again in this throat hospital in early August, when he was transferred here after two negative coronavirus tests. However, even then he did not stay there because he began threatening to go on a hunger strike.
