Stasiulytė spoke about a delicate public issue: no need to preach


The presentation of a sensitive video clip, in which three well-known mothers in the country were filmed, did not leave anyone indifferent, the press release reads.

(19 photos)

PHOTO GALLERY. Famous moms send an important message

“After all, just a cup, nothing like that” is a video that sheds light on the problem of fetal alcohol syndrome. Unfortunately, it often happens that women do not give up alcohol during pregnancy, which inevitably leaves irreparable consequences for the baby in her womb. It is this syndrome that causes developmental and developmental disorders in a child, can lead to long-term aggression, irritability and even predisposition to addiction.

Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga says this is a delicate and painful problem that is rarely discussed publicly. Every drop of alcohol consumed during pregnancy can leave irreversible and irreparable damage to the baby, its development, health and future. Any situation of this type is a tragedy that can still be prevented.

“Alcohol use is already a problem, but it is much more painful when a pregnant woman uses it. Even if it is in small amounts. This is what causes fetal alcohol syndrome, which is not curable, but can actually be With this social campaign, we want to draw the public’s attention to this issue and spread the message that there is no safe amount of alcohol during pregnancy. Therefore, we invite all mothers to remain aware, not to give up love for themselves and their future child ”, says Minister A. Veryga.

According to statistics, although in Lithuania in 2018 only 0.1 percent used alcohol or drugs. mothers, but in practice the numbers are much higher. This is also confirmed by the director of the Kaunas Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic, Prof. Dr. Rūta Nadišauskienė, claiming that it is extremely difficult to determine exactly how many women consume alcohol during pregnancy, because not everyone dares to admit it.

“There is no safe amount of alcohol during pregnancy and we cannot know how that amount of alcohol, in one way or another, will affect fetal cells that develop very quickly. The statistics available to date are scarce and we cannot draw any conclusions from them. Looking at the situations that occur in practice, there are 1-2 women intoxicated per month in the Perinatology Center of the Kaunas Clinics. However, if we carry out a thorough investigation in all hospitals that claim midwifery services, I think we would get incomparably higher figures, ”says prof. R. Nadišauskienė.

When a pregnant woman consumes alcohol, it also enters the baby’s body in her uterus through the placenta, causing blood alcohol levels equal to or even higher than pregnant women who have consumed alcohol. This can lead to the development of fetal alcohol syndrome with specific characteristics such as low head circumference, low nasal spine, thin upper lip. However, an even greater risk is the emotional disorders of the child, which cause a slower development of the child according to his age or behavioral and intellectual disorders that occur in old age. A great challenge is also facing the entire healthcare system to ensure the continued growth of a healthy child already born into an alcohol-affected family.

“We are glad that women are becoming more and more concerned about their health before becoming pregnant, but the entire health system should also aim to help those women who consume alcohol during pregnancy for various reasons. This topic is not relevant for families that carry out responsible family planning, but it is very important to spread the message so that this information reaches the women we must reach. We must not rush to condemn and condemn them, we must try to understand why they live so long, why they are so sunk and with the help of modern and effective means to help them and at the same time help them to be born as a new, healthier generation ”, he says prof. R. Nadišauskienė.

The well-known Lithuanian mothers who agreed to film on a social video and become messengers of the message that alcohol and pregnancy are not compatible, also remained indifferent to this problem. Actress Ineta Stasiulytė affirms that with her contribution she wants to support all women and encourage them to solve this problem not with fear of possible consequences in life, but with love for herself and her son.

“I want to support those women and tell them that I understand them. You don’t need to preach or intimidate, you need to invite them to love yourself. A person does not begin to drink from a good life and, like every alcoholic, a pregnant mother who drinks has those moments when she sits alone and thinks about what she is doing with herself, with her baby. Steps as decisive as alcohol during pregnancy are born from internal disagreements and a lack of friendship with oneself, but by spreading the message that everything begins with love for oneself, for love for the baby, we can begin to change this situation ”, says I. Stasiulytė.

She is supported by the well-known TV presenter Indrė Stonkuvienė. The woman says that she has personally heard many myths that low alcohol levels will not hurt during pregnancy. However, it is often overlooked that irresponsible behavior can have irreversible consequences.

“It is something natural in my life that if you wait, you stop drinking and it is like an indisputable issue, but it does not mean that the same provisions apply in the lives of others. In this social clip, my words that a glass of wine is nothing like that, and 50 grams of stronger alcohol can improve pressure, I have heard it personally. Still, not everyone has a strong will, and for people who also have problems with alcohol, it often ends in more than one glass of wine and continues in bottles and over several days. We have to talk about this problem out loud, we have to educate young families, presenting them with evils as soon as possible, so that we can avoid their painful consequences, ”says I. Stonkuvienė.

Erika Vitulskienė, the founder of the fashion house that bears her name in the clip, does not hide that she is surprised by the choice of pregnant women to drink alcohol. According to her, every mother who respects herself and loves her children should not risk the future, health and well-being of the child in this way. Fetal alcohol syndrome is not curable, but it can be prevented by simply quitting alcohol during pregnancy.

“There are many false myths that circulate in society, and even some doctors say that a small amount of alcohol during pregnancy does not hurt. I do not think that a competent doctor can recommend alcohol during pregnancy. Alcohol is not good in any situation and I believe that many tragic and painful events could be avoided if we eliminated alcohol in time. Its use during pregnancy is an extremely serious problem that must be addressed by educating people and encouraging their indifference. It is not necessary to remain silent if this problem affects you or the people around you. There is help, you just need it ”, says E. Vitulskienė.

You can see the sensitive and moving social clip here:
