The universal quarantine is coming into force in Lithuania: how daily life is changing and where it will no longer be possible to visit


Lithuanian doctors are even more skeptical, when the government decided to introduce a universal quarantine regime on Wednesday, they shared ideas that three weeks will definitely be too short to control the situation.

Delfi provides readers with a memorandum of what will work in Lithuania during the quarantine, what activities will be forgotten for a while, and what rules should be visited.

No more than 5 in public places, 10 at funerals

The quarantine regime stipulates that it will be possible to meet in public places only in small groups, that is, no more than 5 people each. There are several exceptions to this restriction:

“Excluding family members (spouse or person with whom a registered partnership contract has been concluded, children (adopted), including minor children, parents (adoptive parents), guardians of the person and their spouse or person with whom they are has entered into a registered partnership agreement) “, In a government document.

Furthermore, from now on, all public places, even outdoors, must keep a distance of 2 meters between individuals or groups of no more than 5 people. Direct physical contact and personal hygiene should be avoided.

Restrictions also apply and funerals can be attended by a maximum of 10 people.

Universal quarantine is coming into force in Lithuania: how daily life is changing and where it will no longer be possible to visit

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

Masks: everywhere and always

Along with the quarantine, the obligation to wear protective masks in all public places, open or closed, comes into force. The masks must be worn by anyone over 6 years of age. people.

It is mandatory that the masks are close to the face, cover the mouth and nose.

“This requirement does not apply to: people who exercise outdoors; High-performance sports and physical activity specialists, high-performance sports and physical activity instructors and judges who participate in high-performance sports exercises or competitions; during the provision of the service, when the service cannot be provided while the recipient of the service is wearing a mask; people with disabilities who, due to their health, cannot wear masks or their use could endanger a person’s health. These people are recommended to wear a face shield; outside the place of residence (cities, towns, villages, single-family communities, gardeners associations) and in the absence of other people within a radius of 20 meters, with the exception of family members (spouse or registered partner, children (adopted ), including minor children, parents (adoptive parents), guardians of the spouse or a person with whom a registered partnership agreement has been entered into) ”, indicates the government document.

Universal quarantine is coming into force in Lithuania: how daily life is changing and where it will no longer be possible to visit

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

Delfi provides a memorandum of which establishments will operate during the quarantine and whose doors will be closed:

Kids and adults alike will have to forget about circles for a while

It is important for both parents and their children to know that even if the educational institution is partially operational, some students study by contact, or students are accepted up to 4th grade, after-school activities are prohibited after the quarantine enters validity. It is true that there are some exceptions.

“The non-formal education of children will be carried out remotely or suspended, except in programs that ensure the conditions of traffic management, safety distance and other conditions necessary for public health, hygiene and personal protective equipment established by the Emergency Operations Manual at the state level and:

– implemented in schools where education is provided on a daily basis or in combination with distance learning on a daily basis, in accordance with that school’s curriculum, extended day group or full-time school activities;

– organized in open spaces (outdoors);

– carried out in the form of individual teaching / education;

– They are carried out in the facilities of a teacher who works with a single group of no more than 5 students and only in one institution, guaranteeing an area of ​​10 m2 per student ”, explains the Government document.

The universal quarantine is coming into force in Lithuania: how daily life is changing and where it will no longer be possible to visit

After-work activities should also be introduced to adults, as according to quarantine rules, non-formal adult education or non-formal vocational training can only be provided remotely. Otherwise it stops. There is also an exception here.

“Except when the training is carried out in accordance with the instructions of the Statewide Emergency Operations Manual on traffic management, safe distance and other conditions necessary for public health, hygiene, provision of personal protective equipment necessary for groups of up to 5 people, in the training facilities, ensuring an area of ​​10 m2 per student ”, – establishes the resolution.

It is recommended to give up unnecessary trips within the country, work remotely.

During quarantine, long-distance, urban and suburban passenger transport should be aware that it is only possible to sit down, there must be a distance of 1 meter between people.

Although the movement of people in the country is not restricted, residents are advised not to travel.

The universal quarantine is coming into force in Lithuania: how daily life is changing and where it will no longer be possible to visit

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

“Is recommended:

to restrict movement for unnecessary reasons: to leave the place of residence only on the way to work, place of sale, medical care and other services;

do not organize personal celebrations in private spaces or organize them with the participation of no more than 10 masked people;

to limit close contact with members of other families and / or households or to meet with members of no more than two families and / or households with masks, ”states the Government’s resolution.

The private sector is encouraged to telecommute whenever possible.

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