Chaplinsky rebuttal: we will definitely appeal against Veryga’s decision


“A press release issued today by SAM contains false information.
Veryga’s decisions on the validity of the transmission of the Information System on Communicable Diseases and their Pathogens (ULSVIS) have been appealed to the court. It will be recalled that all statistics relating to COVID-19 are recorded in a new information system designed specifically for the disease, managed by the National Center for Public Health (NVSC).

This is provided by the Minister of SAM on May 5, 2020. No. Order V-1067 “On the establishment of an information system for the monitoring and control of communicable diseases that can spread and threaten, and approval of its regulations and data security regulations, “wrote S. Čaplinskas on Facebook.

Therefore, according to him, the SAM report notes that “the NVSCs, unable to take over ULSVIS, cannot perform their assigned functions, provide timely data to the responsible authorities, which complicates the prompt investigation of outbreaks and identification of outbreaks and does not ensure adequate epidemiological surveillance of communicable diseases. therefore, provide the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control with data on coronavirus infection rates, etc. ”Is unjustified and unrealistic.

“As I mentioned, they have all the data on COVID-19 because they are stored in another, that is, a new information system that has nothing to do with ULSVIS. I note that NVSC’s problem is not a lack of data, but a lack of modern analytical skills, ”wrote S. Čaplinskas.

According to him, the ULSIVIS system, which has existed for more than a decade, collected and analyzed data on the other 103 communicable diseases and their agents, with whom ULAC doctors, epidemiologists and analysts worked.

“There are reasonable doubts that the minister ordered ULAC to transfer said information system to another organization (NVSC) as a matter of urgency, precisely after ULAC received the approval of 420,000 euros of support from the EU for the modernization of this system” said S. Čaplinskas.

He said he wanted to remind that such a decision by the SAM Minister to change surveillance of communicable diseases during the pandemic by increasing the burden on the NVSC is irresponsible to say the least.

“I note that ULAC has been successful in monitoring all communicable diseases, and ULAC’s epidemiologists and analysts have kept the public informed and have kept no secrets hidden. I will remind you that there is not a single person in the NVSC who has worked with such a complex ULSVIS system as to be able to take it on a suborder without losing all the morbidity data of the Lithuanian population accumulated during the decade. Feeling responsible for the information system (ULSVIS) and the sensitive data stored in it, realizing the possible negative consequences of such a hasty decision by Veryga and the additional burden that falls on another institution, we appeal this decision to the court. To my knowledge, this Veryga decision has also been appealed by Seimas member A. Matulas, “wrote S. Čaplinskas.

According to him, the fabrication of various accusations and institutional and personal mobbing, the attempt to destroy the institution, “sew the mouth”, persecutions, prohibitions, have been going on for several years.

“It just came to our attention then. Everyone knows that I was very humiliated, constantly humiliated, mocked, lied to, threatened to face up. For example, I have written explanations of why I provided the public with information about the flu, why I shared information on my Facebook account and more .. elements of mobbing.

Thus, for a possible dismissal. When we get acquainted with the documents, we will definitely complain about Veryga’s decision as unfounded. It is obvious that the outgoing government is preparing jobs in this way, “wrote S. Čaplinskas.

Dismissal is based on irregularities

Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga bases his decision to dismiss S. Čaplinskas on rapes.

“Of course, everything coincided ungratefully with the election, but violations of labor discipline and non-compliance with instructions occurred long before the elections, before there were speeches that colleague Čaplinskas plans to participate in them,” the minister said. on Delfi Day.

“There have been many violations and this should not be associated with any inappropriate speech, these are violations of a completely different nature. One of them refers to the transfer of the information system to the NVSC, where the country could face very serious consequences. The manager’s direct instructions and my orders were not carried out, ”says the Minister of Health.

According to him, if the aforementioned data is not sent to the European Center for Disease Control, Lithuanian citizens could be subject to more travel restrictions in the first place.
“If Lithuania did not provide data to the European Center for Disease Control in time, our country would be on the list of so-called gray countries that have not provided data.” So countries that apply movement restrictions would also apply them to Lithuania. This means that it would be more difficult for our citizens to travel somewhere, some restrictions would come into force ”, said A. Veryga in the“ Delfi diena ”program.

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