In the renovation of J.Narkevičius’s house – from the rose window to the ceiling Business


Most of the invoices and performance reports the STT is now considering were issued in October 2010, but there are also previous reports. It has already been written that the renovation of J.Narkevičius’s house, which was carried out by the now bankrupt UAB Sodžiaus Būstas, took 2.5 years.

15min photo / House of the Minister of Transport and Communications J.Narkevičius

15min photo / House of the Minister of Transport and Communications J.Narkevičius

Invoices – four

The largest VAT invoice was issued on October 31, 2009. 353.9 thousand were issued for the construction of houses and repair work in accordance with acts No.1. LTL, VAT included.

A little earlier, on October 29, 88.5 thousand were issued. LTL account “for home repairs and materials”. As a basis for this, the acts of work performed with which 15 minutes Also met.

On August 31, 2009 another invoice with VAT for repairs was issued. The amount entered is 63.2 thousand LTL, including VAT. On July 31 of the same year, another similar invoice was issued for 27 thousand. LTL, VAT included.

Therefore, the amount of the invoices presented to the Attorney General and the STT exceeds half a million litas. Aleksandras Ribnikov, the former owner of Sodžius Būstas, stated that J.Narkevičius had not paid him more than 400 thousand litas.

It is true that only Sodžius Būsto stamps are affixed to these invoices, but there are no customer signatures. Irena Narkevič is named as the buyer.

In the works carried out, everything is in detail.

Many details are explained in the working deeds concluded in 2008-2010. They consisted of Sodžius Būstas.

For example, a working deed issued in July 2008 lists the cost of building the floors of J. Narcevičius’s house, building walls, and earthworks around the house. The amount entered is 103.6 thousand. LTL.

15min photo / House of the Minister of Transport and Communications J.Narkevičius

15min photo / House of the Minister of Transport and Communications J.Narkevičius

The roof installation works included in the act of works carried out in September of the same year cost 47 thousand. LTL.

Finishing the roof, the rainwater pipes sifted another 18 thousand litas. Other acts set forth in detail and in detail the cost of finishing work and the window law.

Internal electrical installation work is also listed here in detail, including luminaires and switches. The installation of the electricity grid alone, as announced in the law, cost more than 15,000 LTL.

Much has also been invested in the home environment. Workers installed an outdoor terrace at J.Narkevičius’s house, which was also decorated with a wooden frame, installed outdoor lighting, and built an outdoor fireplace.

15min photo / House of the Minister of Transport and Communications J.Narkevičius

15min photo / House of the Minister of Transport and Communications J.Narkevičius

The outdoor environmental works were valued at LTL 12 thousand. It is true that the painting of the exterior walls and the installation of the exterior terrace by concreting the piles were additionally segregated. The last working deed made by LTL 12 thousand was issued in October 2010.

Alexander Ribnikov, former owner of Sodžius Būsto, was interviewed 15 minutes He stated that he had not received money for the work done: “At that time he owed me more than 400 thousand litas. J.Narkevičius also demanded invoices from me. I bought materials for your house with my company’s money, hoping that I would return it. But it was not like that. He lies and says he doesn’t remember the “Farmer’s House”. After all, you must have bills for 80 thousand litas. I gave them to him. “

When asked if J.Narkevičius paid at least a little for the reconstruction of the house, A.Ribnikov said: “Yes, but a very small part. In 2009, he paid me 8 thousand litas twice. The other total amount, more than 400 thousand LTL, was in debt. But after all, this is money from my company, which has already filed for bankruptcy. I hired people, I bought materials.

Sigismund Gedvila photo / 15min / Alexander Ribnikov

Sigismund Gedvila photo / 15min / Alexander Ribnikov

It is true that I have deceived him. I asked him to lend him three thousand euros because he needed to somehow recover his debt. At a Seimas member’s office, he gave me that amount, but obviously I didn’t return it.

Incidentally, my company’s bankruptcy trustee has sold that debt to an attorney. Maybe this is how to get that money back?

Ukrainians also worked at home

The STT also provided a list of workers and companies that worked on the renovation of the J. Narkevičius house on behalf of Sodžius Būsto. Therefore, in the court case, they could testify that they had done the work.

The material shows that a great team worked on the house. The material indicates specific people who have worked in the decoration of the house, electrical installation. Those who installed windows, doors, ceilings are also clear.

It turns out that four Ukrainian citizens also worked on the house, laying the foundation, laying the walls, assembling the roof of the house, installing and plastering the interior and exterior walls, making ceilings, dismantling the roof of the old house, and doing other work. Ukrainian surnames are also published and known by the STT.

The researchers also know the companies that carried out some of the installation work at J.Narkevičius’s house. They were hired in total by Sodžius Housing.

He was successful in both Trakai and Vilnius.

Last week, the LRT announced that J.Narkevičius, who held a senior position in the Vilnius City Municipality Administration in 2007–2008, and his wife Irena Narkevič, who worked in the Trakai District Municipality, could influence at the construction company Sodžiaus Būstas by winning tenders for the repair of kindergartens and schools in Vilnius and Trakai. percent The sums earned would be used to rebuild a politician’s house in Trakai.

According to the LRT Research Department, Sodžius Būstas won at least ten projects in Vilnius in 2008-2012 and at least five in the Trakai district. The total value of the works carried out is more than one million euros (4 million 435 thousand litas).

According to public documents, Sodžius Būstas actually managed to win tenders in 2008-2012.

15 minutes provides a complete list of kindergartens and schools where Sodžiaus Būstas has won renovation tenders. The work was carried out for 4.43 million. LTL, VAT included. So ten percent of that amount is in line with the home renovation estimate.

The data shows that Sodžius Būstas managed to win not only in Trakai, but also in Vilnius.

J.Narkevičius: the renovation was carried out by the parents

The minister in government on Tuesday only reiterated that the renovation of the house was carried out by the parents.

“It was done by my parents, they settled down, I, when I lived together, contributed to this as much as possible. There are documents that confirm that, as far as it was found, they are. They will be sent to the police and on time, perhaps to you. Parents paid, I contributed in part, “said J. Narkevičius.

Photo by Lukas Balandi / 15min / Jaroslavas Narkevičius

Photo by Lukas Balandi / 15min / Jaroslavas Narkevičius

He admitted that the amount assigned for the reconstruction of the house was considerable, but it corresponded to the price of the house that was being rebuilt. The minister rejected the allegations of corruption made by A. Ribnikov that he was never responsible for public procurement.

“I was not involved in any public procurement, I was not a member of any public procurement commission, I was not the head of the institution or organization that organized the procurement. I could not influence purchases in any way, even if I wanted to,” he said.

“I am sure of my innocence, and in time people will find out, and people who try to slander me will have to answer,” said J. Narkevičius.

STT is currently conducting an investigation into the construction of the house, and former Sodžius Būstas owner A. Ribnikov is a special witness.
