Health services during quarantine: what is changing?


Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga said that health services are not artificially stopped or restricted in any way.

“There is talk of the so-called cluster or regional principles of organization of personal health services, which is still being done. We have five regions, five of the so-called clusters, are organizing institutions that supervise and coordinate the provision of hospital services, ”he said after the government meeting.

Services would be reduced due to COVID-19 treatment

As indicated in the introduction of the proposed changes after the introduction of quarantine, planned emergency care must be fully guaranteed, without which the patient’s condition may deteriorate significantly.

COVID-19 emergency care and diagnosis, treatment and isolation are also provided.

It is emphasized that only in facilities where Covid-19 treatment is provided, planned care can be proportionally limited to ensure compliance with the principles described above.

A. Veryga (photo by Justinas Auškelis / Photo Day)

Ms. Veryga has emphasized this before:

“If all currently available beds for Covid-19 patients are covered, the scheduled patient rooms will continue to close and become rooms for the treatment of Covid-19 patients,” he said.

However, as the Minister assured, efforts will be made to conserve resources so that as many patients as possible receive the necessary care.

“Medical institutions will not be able to close, there are no plans to close them. We will endeavor to conserve all possible resources so that patients have the widest possible access to medical care. Because they are expanding anyway covidinių the number of beds and therefore will be limited. This will not artificially stop the institutions themselves as long as possible, they will provide assistance, ”said A. Veryga.

The nature of the consultation will be decided by a physician.

As indicated in the Resolution on the announcement of quarantine on the territory of the Republic of Lithuania, a specialist providing outpatient personal medical care services, after assessing the patient’s state of health, will make a decision on the method of providing services that best suit the interests of the patient.

As the minister assured, this will not necessarily be a remote consultation.

Dental, maternity and neonatal care, vaccination of children and adults will be provided within the framework of the National Contact Immunoprophylaxis Program.

Similarly, disease prevention programs and preventive health screening services are organized for busy people seeking to work in an area of ​​activity where exposure to relevant risk factors is relevant.

Patient visit bans

During the quarantine, the visit of patients to personal health care institutions is prohibited, except for the visit of terminal patients, patients under 14 years of age and mothers with the permission of the director of the institution or another person authorized by him.

It is also specified that the directors of a health care institution must ensure that personal health care services are provided in the institution in accordance with the approved inpatient personal health care service plan and / or planned outpatients, prepared in accordance with the requirements established by the Minister of Health;

The data is provided through eHealth

Institutions belonging to the Lithuanian national health system are required to process all patient data related to the personal healthcare services provided, including epicrises, referrals, referral responses, medical images and their descriptions, only through the Information System of Cooperation Infrastructure and Electronic Health Services.

Institutions that do not belong to the Lithuanian national health system guarantee the processing of this data and its traceability through the information system of the institution.
