Hospitals Fill COVID-19 Patients: A Plan of Where They Would Be Located


Having rejoiced to successfully overcome the first wave in the spring, today doctors can no longer put COVID-19 patients to bed and are not jokingly warning that the limits have already been reached.

Although Minister Aurelijus Veryga opened his hands with a new order to treat patients with COVID-19 in practically all institutions (those that have licenses for the treatment of internal diseases), according to those responsible for the institutions, they could only help in mild forms of the disease.

Consult with Ukmergė and Alytus hospitals

That is, if during the summer between 20 and 30 patients presented every day to the Emergency Admission Department of the Center for Infectious Diseases of the VUL Santara Clinics, then, according to the head of the department Linas Svetikas, now there are more than 40 of them every day. As reported in the morning, the hospital has 10 beds left to care for these patients.

According to Aušra Bilotienė Motiejūnienė, the institution’s managing director, clinics should consult with support hospitals in the region regarding new locations for COVID-19 patients. So we are talking to Ukmergė, Alytus and other hospitals.

As of November 4, the Santara clinics are treating 117 COVID-19 patients, including 13 in the Resuscitation and Intensive Care Unit. Two of those affected are children.

A Kaunas resident who received no help died in the reception room - there was a live queue of patients at the hospital door

On Friday, some patients began to be transferred to the first supportive medical institution in the capital – the Vilnius City Clinical Hospital.

He is currently treating 61 patients with COVID-19, one of whom is in the Intensive Care Unit.

As planned, 130 beds were prepared for Covid-19 patients in the Anovalnio street unit on Friday. 124.

20 oxygen beds were prepared for patients requiring a constant supply of oxygen. In 20-30 days a further 86 beds of the planned total will be prepared with a constant supply of oxygen.

Although several hospital wards were closed as a result, the facility ensured that patients continued to receive necessary care.

Make beds in Jurbarkas and Marijampolė

Saulius Tvirbutas, a representative from LSMU Kaunas Hospital, said he expected more medical institutions to open.

“Our infectious forces are no longer sufficient, the limits have already been reached. We hope that other institutions will accept Covid-19 patients and treat them. This has already become a global problem, it is not possible to concentrate everything in a single medical institution. The bed in the hospital is worth nothing without the help of specialists ”, he emphasized.

The Kaunas Clinic, as an institution that organizes the treatment of patients with COVID-19 disease in the Kaunas region, has already requested regional hospitals to reorganize work and establish additional beds for COVID-19 patients.

“Following this decision, the number of beds at LSMU Kaunas Hospital increased from 100 to 130. Following the announcement of the quarantine in Marijampolė and Jurbarkas counties, 30 beds were established in Marijampolė and 20 in Jurbarkas for COVID-19 patients. “reported Eglė Karalienė, representative of the clinic.

Kaunas Clinics

At that time, 20 COVID-19 resuscitation beds were formed in the Kaunas clinics for patients with COVID-19 and other more complex diseases that require specialized care (oncology, heart surgery, neurosurgery, etc.) or require artificial lung ventilation.

After assessing the severity of COVID-19 patients, their distribution to various locations in the Kaunas region, we will decide in which hospitals to increase the number of COVID-19 beds, as well as reduce scheduled services, vacate necessary facilities, and use health professionals who have previously provided scheduled assistance. patients with other diseases, “said a spokeswoman for the institution.

In the queue: Utena, Rokiškis, Mažeikiai

According to the Republican Hospital of Panevėžys, a total of 108 beds are currently installed in the institution for patients with coronavirus. Following the increase in the number of beds in the Infectious Diseases Clinic, it is planned to limit, relocate or interrupt scheduled services.

“If that was not enough, the hospitals in Utena and then in Rokiškis are planned as support hospitals, to which we would refer patients,” explained the hospital representative.

Visaginas, Pasvalys, Anykščiai would prepare more if the patients did not fit in.

As Remigijus Mažeika, the head of the Republican Hospital Šiauliai, explained to the portal, the Mažeikiai Hospital would be lined up in Šiauliai, where COVID-19 patients would be accommodated.

“According to the current plan, there is a Mažeikiai hospital, which plans to prepare 20 places for the treatment of COVID-19 patients. By early November they should also have several resuscitation beds ready, ”he said.

Representative of the Vytautas Riaubiškis hospital

Smaller institutions would also be involved

At the same time, he pointed out that in the evaluation of the plan, which is enshrined in a ministerial order, it is also discussed with other hospitals in the region in the event that a situation occurs and is necessary.

“The district hospitals are already being treated covidinių patients. These are not complicated cases. But if they are between mild and moderate, when the expertise of the professionals allows it, resuscitation is not necessary, those cases can be supervised. At least that can happen. Of course, this in any case would be a relief for major COVID-19 treatment facilities, “he said.

As he said, the facility has around 80 beds for COVID-19 patients, most of which are occupied.

“Teams are formed for a greater number of patients, if necessary, they will be activated,” said R. Mažeika.

According to the manager, the fact that a part of the patients who have almost recovered but are still being cared for at the institution have been transferred to the nursing-geriatric center is a rescue.

The coronavirus is spreading

Minister: There is no magic plan

For his part, the Minister of Health, Aurelijus Veryga, affirms that there is no miraculous plan for the places where patients can be laid.

“The plan is very simple. If all the beds currently available for Covid-19 patients are covered, the scheduled patient rooms will continue to close and become rooms for the treatment of Covid-19 patients.

There is no magic plan. If you think that open-air hospitals will be built somewhere and things like that, I can repeat that it is difficult to imagine such open-air hospitals, because building a building that we would bring beds to somewhere will not treat patients and beds. .

What’s more, they need oxygen, artificial lung ventilators, doctors who work there, so they should be brought in from functioning institutions somewhere. This is the least considered option, ”said the minister.

Almost 700 patients are hospitalized

676 people are being treated for COVID-19 in Lithuanian hospitals, 57 of them in resuscitation, the Health Ministry announced on Wednesday.

According to her, 297 patients are treated with oxygen masks and 26 people receive artificial lung ventilation.

In total, 18,000 people in Lithuania have been infected with coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic. 92 people, 12 thousand. 765 – still ill, 5082 – recovered.

Of almost 17.5 thousand. more than 9.4 thousand of all hospital beds are currently occupied. Resuscitation beds are occupied by more than half: 359 of the existing 655.

Of the 603 beds with artificial pulmonary ventilation, 204 are occupied, of the 6.4 thousand. around 1.8 thousand beds were occupied with oxygen.
