From Saturday – quarantine across the country



According to the government resolution, the quarantine will be announced throughout Lithuania starting on Saturday, which will last for three weeks. During this period, activities in certain sectors of the economy will be suspended or restricted, infection control measures will be strengthened, and work and training will be organized with as few contacts as possible.

As of November 7. until November 29. All commercial and non-commercial cultural, entertainment and sporting events in open and closed public places shall be prohibited in the country, with the exception of high-level sports competitions without spectators and funerals with a maximum of 10 participants, excluding family members ( spouse or person (adopted) of the person with whom the registered partnership contract was concluded, including minor children, parents (adoptive parents), guardians) and persons who render ritual services to the person and their spouse or the person with whom the registered partnership agreement was entered into.

Visits to cultural, leisure, entertainment, sports and physical services facilities for visitors are also prohibited, with the exception of libraries, high-performance sports exercises and individual physical activity (per visitor) provided by a specialist in physical activity or sports, physical activity instructor or service provider or sports specialist. .

Catering establishments You will not be able to serve visitors on site, but you will be able to supply take out or deliver food. This rule will apply to restaurants, cafes, bars, nightclubs, and other entertainment venues, as well as casinos and gambling venues.

The catering establishments that operate in the facilities of companies, institutions or organizations, that provide food to the employees of those companies, institutions or organizations, may continue their work.

Commercial and service activities It will not be suspended, but 10 square meters of commercial space will be served per visitor or no more than one customer at a time. The requirement to provide an area of ​​10 square meters per visitor will also apply in areas close to shops, supermarkets, markets and other public outlets.

In public places The gathering of groups of more than five people, excluding family members, will be prohibited and a distance of at least two meters from other people or groups of people will be required. People over 6 years of age will be required to wear protective equipment that completely covers the nose and mouth and fits snugly over the face: protective masks, respirators or other equipment.

The requirement to wear masks shall not apply to athletes, professional athletes during trainings and competitions, and disabled persons who, due to their state of health, cannot wear masks or their use may harm a person’s health. The removal of the mask will also be allowed for services that cannot be provided while the recipient is wearing the mask, outside the residential area and when there are no other people within a radius of 20 meters.

Walk around town, interurban and suburban transport It will only be possible by occupying a seat, maintaining a distance of at least one meter.

The crossing of the state border remains limited: foreigners can enter Lithuania only according to the exceptions provided for in the Government Resolution.

Lithuanians are advised to refrain from unnecessary travel and to leave their place of residence only when going to work, a place of commerce, to receive medical care and other necessary services.

In state and municipal institutions, establishments, state and municipal companies work will need to be organized and clients will be served remotely or partially remotely, unless the relevant functions need to be performed at the workplace. It is recommended that the private sector work in the same way of organizing work as in the public sector.

Preschool children and elementary school students, as well as students from special schools and special classes You will still be able to attend educational establishments, but for older students, lessons will need to be arranged remotely or in combination with distance learning on a daily basis. Non-formal education for children and adults will be provided remotely or suspended, but exceptions will be made in certain cases, provided that the conditions for traffic management, safety distance, and other necessary public health, hygiene and safety requirements are met. personal protective equipment established by the operations manager.

Vocational training (or part of it), with the exception of initial vocational training combined with a social skills program, and higher education studies (or part of it) must be delivered at a distance.

Visits to residences and other inpatient institutions providing social services will be prohibited., with the exception of visits by residents of the terminal and / or people who visit the institution in connection with the performance of their duties.

Visits to patients in medical institutions will also be prohibited, except for patients with terminal conditions, patients under 14 years of age and mothers with the permission of the head of the institution or another person authorized by him.

Medical facilities will be needed to manage patient and visitor flows. After assessing the patient’s health status, the family doctor or other health professional will have to choose the method of service delivery that best suits the patient’s interests: contact or remote.

The following services will be provided by contact:

* dental services;

* health services for pregnant women, mothers and newborns;

* vaccination services for children and adults under the National Immunoprophylaxis Program;

* in the implementation of disease prevention programs;

* Preventive health examination services for employed persons seeking to work in an area of ​​activity where exposure to relevant risk factors is relevant.

SAM Press Office
