Giedrius Vanagas: The quarantine will definitely not last just three weeks


Let’s not lie to each other

“The government decided today to introduce a 3-week quarantine, with some exceptions for athletes, funerals, and merchants. Think the way you want, but that will only be the beginning if the goal is to control the now uncontrollable spread of the virus. 3 weeks will be only the beginning because we will not have control of anything during that time. In the coming weeks, not only will we not see a decrease in cases, but we will continue to see an increase in morbidity, “writes G. Vanagas.

It is important that we all understand and prepare for at least 6-8 weeks of quarantine. To this day, I believe this is the minimum time required if the purpose of this quarantine is to control the spread of the virus.

According to him, we will see growth for simple and understandable reasons, because until now, for some time, we have had an uncontrollable and exponential growth of cases.

Quarantine for 3 weeks, only for optimists or ignorant people.

“So, in the coming weeks, we will continue to diagnose those cases that spread before the introduction of quarantine. The fact that we will miraculously see the effect of quarantine measures in a few weeks is difficult to expect, only the optimistic or the Ignorant people can believe it.

This assumption is also confirmed by the statistics on the introduction of quarantine measures, which we observed during the first wave and this was observed not only in Lithuania, but also in other countries that introduced quarantine in March (see epidemic curves in March-April ). Therefore, for the next several weeks, we will continue to see new records rather than a decline.

It is important that we all understand and prepare for at least 6-8 weeks of quarantine. To this day, I believe this is the minimum time required if the purpose of this quarantine is to control the spread of the virus to such an extent that the NVSCs can once again manage the epidemiological situation without balancing themselves, without running out of beds and without interrupting the care of other patients.

So, let’s be nice, don’t lie to each other, because it is important that both companies and each one of us have the correct information and expectations, after all, people’s patience cannot eat them up like this, ”writes G. Vanagas .

S. Skvernelis and A. Veryga hope that three weeks is enough

The global quarantine will take effect in Lithuania from midnight on Saturday and new restrictions will be introduced to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis says the decision to declare quarantine was inevitable. He hopes that the measures taken will stabilize the situation. Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga says it will be possible to talk about easing restrictions when the spread of the infection starts to slow down and the health system returns to normal.

VIDEO: The government has decided to introduce quarantine in Lithuania from Saturday night.

“We see a slight optimism. Even the measures that have been introduced in the so-called red municipalities are already giving results. This is an unavoidable step and I hope that three weeks will be enough for us. After that, we will be able to live again, perhaps a little more freely, but without relaxing, as long as the threat persists, especially the threat to our health system, ”said the Head of Government.

Health Minister A.Veryga said that specific criteria for the termination of the quarantine have not yet been approved.

According to him, it seems that in three weeks there will be a general assessment of the situation.

Photo by Luke April / 15 minutes / Saulius Skvernelis, Aurelijus Veryga

Photo by Luke April / 15 minutes / Saulius Skvernelis, Aurelijus Veryga

He mentioned that the growth and spread of new infections must be stopped.

“It’s the least that needs to happen to see anything on the mitigation side. And of course the situation needs to improve so much that we no longer need to reorient the healthcare system to help COVID-19 patients. I can only remember that one. initial number of our beds, which could have been directly assigned to COVID-19 patients, we are talking about 400 beds, which we calculate to occupy, you probably remember, we mentioned 70% more than once. That is when the health system it will return to normality, and if the spread stops and begins to diminish, then it will be possible to speak of making the measures more flexible, ”said A.Veryga after the government meeting.
