Quarantine in Lithuania is introduced for three weeks starting on Saturday


The quarantine regime will last from 2020. November 7 00:00 until 2020 November 29 24:00

“Taking into account the unfavorable epidemiological situation of Covid-19 in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania, taking into account the suggestions of doctors and experts, we propose to the Government to declare quarantine throughout the territory of the Republic of Lithuania,” said the Minister of Health, Aurelijus Veryga.

Mandatory masks

People over 6 years of age should wear protective equipment (masks, respirators or other means) that covers the nose and mouth in public places that fit comfortably and completely cover the nose and mouth.

This requirement does not apply to outdoor exercisers, high-performance sports and physical activity professionals, high-performance sports and physical activity instructors, and judges participating in high-performance sports exercises or competitions. high performance.

Furthermore, the masks are not necessary during the provision of the service, when the service cannot be provided while the recipient of the service is wearing the mask; people with disabilities who, due to their health, cannot wear masks or their use could endanger the health of a person. It is recommended that these people wear a face shield.

Masks are optional outside the residence area and when there are no other people within a 20 meter radius, except family members.

Woman at the stop

Communication restrictions

In public places, people can gather in groups of no more than 5 people, except family members, keep a distance of at least 2 meters between people or groups of people, avoid direct physical contact, and observe hygiene requirements personal. No more than 10 people can attend the funeral.

Limiting close contact with other family or household members or meeting with no more than two family or household members wearing masks is recommended.

Seats are only allowed in public transport, maintaining a safety distance of 1 meter between passengers.

Traveling between municipalities is not prohibited, but it is recommended not to.

Trade restrictions

The activities of public catering establishments are prohibited, except the provision of take away food.

10 square meters. It must be provided in stores, supermarkets, markets and other places of public commerce and territories close to them. meters of business premises per visitor or more than one person is not served at a time and hygiene conditions are ensured and people are provided with the necessary personal protective equipment.

Barbers, beauty salons, and other service establishments can operate in accordance with safety requirements. 10 m2. It must be provided at the places where the service is provided. meters of service area per visitor or more than one person is not served at a time.

Quarantine in Lithuania

The activities of sports clubs, swimming pools, spas, dancing, singing and other contact activities, the activities of massage parlors, except medical procedures, are suspended.

Only members of a family or family farm or no more than two people can play together, subject to safety requirements.

Hotel security is allowed, except for catering and other group services, food can only be delivered to guest rooms or taken away.

The activities of museums, theaters and cinemas are suspended and institutions are allowed to provide services at a distance. Libraries can work to ensure customer security.

Public sector work must be done remotely, except when it is not possible to do the activity remotely. It is recommended that the private sector work remotely.

Event restrictions

All cultural, entertainment, sporting events, celebrations, fairs, festivals or other organized gatherings of people in a public place, commercial and non-commercial, during a specified period of time at a predetermined time, are prohibited in open and closed spaces of public places.

High-level sports competitions can only take place without spectators.

It is recommended that religious services be conducted at a distance or in such a way as to avoid gatherings (10 square meters per person and a distance of at least 2 meters between individuals or groups of people) or that they refrain from conducting religious services.

It is recommended to forego personal vacations, except for funerals: up to 10 relatives and relatives can attend.

Restrictions on education

Education in kindergartens and primary classes can continue in the usual way. It is forbidden to demand to justify the days not visited in kindergarten. If there is a risk of a possible spread of the virus, nurseries and primary classes can be stopped immediately.

Education in schools is carried out at a distance or in combination with distance education on a daily basis, except in special schools and special classes in general education schools.

Professional and higher education will be carried out, at least in part, at a distance. Vocational training, with the exception of initial vocational training combined with a social skills program, and higher education studies (or parts thereof) will be delivered at a distance, under separately defined conditions.

Day care centers for the disabled can function to ensure safety.

The teacher Jovita waited for her students with surprise

Restrictions on sanitary facilities

Health care institutions must provide emergency care, diagnosis, treatment and isolation of COVID-19 patients, planned emergency care, and institutions can restrict scheduled services. The services of private medical institutions are not prohibited.

Visits to patients are prohibited, except for the visit of terminally ill patients, children under 14 years of age and mothers with the permission of the head of the institution or another person authorized by him.

Lithuania is closing

Crossing the state border is restricted by prohibiting the entry of foreigners into the Republic of Lithuania.

This prohibition does not apply to: citizens of the European Economic Area, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Andorra, Monaco, San Marino and the Vatican.

Also for foreigners who have the right to reside in Lithuania, people who work in Lithuanian companies engaged in international commercial transport or who carry out international commercial transport in any type of vehicle, as well as seafarers.

The exception also applies to incoming health professionals, athletes, artists, journalists and students who come to work in Lithuania.
