Skvernelis: Global quarantine will be offered for 3 weeks starting Saturday


After recording the maximum daily number of coronavirus infections and deaths over the weekend, the government will announce the latest decisions made to handle the pandemic.

“Unfortunately, we wanted such measures to be avoided, but we listened to doctors and specialists. Apparently, we have no alternative,” Skvernel said.

He reported that tomorrow, Wednesday, the government will be offered universal quarantine starting at the end of this week, probably at midnight on Saturday.

As the Prime Minister said, the COVID-19 steering group convened by the government made proposals, all of which were accepted. He stressed that more details will be provided at tomorrow’s government meeting.

Bans on communicating with families

As announced by the Prime Minister, he will intend to refrain from having contact with other members of the family or household.

The introduction of quarantine will prohibit communication between more than two families or between two families in a household. In total, no more than 10 people. The bans would go into effect across the country.

Domestic travel is not prohibited but is not recommended.

Transportation restrictions will be similar to those in the spring. It will be necessary to maintain distances, travel only in occupied seats, using a certain planting scheme.

Personal celebrations are not recommended, weddings and funerals will be open to groups of up to 10 people. Only close family members can participate.

The church will also be offered to stop all direct worship, to switch to remote communication.

Food: take away only, sports clubs will be closed

The catering establishments will be closed and only take away food will be allowed. There will be no special restrictions in supermarkets and pharmacies, they will operate in the normal mode. It will be important to limit the flow of buyers, make sure 10 square meters. meters per buyer.

“The restrictions on hair salons and salons shouldn’t be as absolute as they were in the spring. in accordance with the hygiene and safety requirements, pre-registration ”, said S. Skvernelis.

As reported, it is proposed to suspend the activities of the massage rooms, except for medical procedures.

Sports clubs, swimming pools, spas are also suspended. It is also offered to prohibit dancing, singing, and other contact activities.

“When it comes to sports, individual activities, it is possible to organize only individual training outdoors, outside the field it can be done individually for two or with family members, maintaining all the necessary conditions. However, tomorrow we will mention what the possible final solutions will be, ”said the Prime Minister.

Kindergartens don’t close

It will be suggested that primary and preschool education in kindergarten should function without restrictions, but parents should have the right to decide for themselves whether to allow children to attend kindergarten.

Schools offer distance or blended learning, with 50 percent. education is carried out remotely, 50 percent. – remote form.

“But the details will be tomorrow, and many things will probably be left to the schools themselves, their founders, depending on the situation,” he said.

Day centers for the disabled continue to operate, if possible, to ensure the use of masks and social distance for all participants in the process. Higher education is expected to provide distance education.

Museums, theaters, cinemas, casinos and non-public events are also closed. Sporting events can take place without spectators.

The hotel only allows single guests to stay for 2 years. and with masks.

Indoor or outdoor work or leisure meetings are prohibited.

How will the treatment be provided?

As the Prime Minister stressed, the issue of treatment services was actively discussed.

Emergency care is expected to be fully provided, as well as COVID-19 diagnosis, treatment, and isolation; planned emergency care is fully guaranteed, without which the patient’s condition can deteriorate significantly.

Only in institutions where Covid-19 treatment is provided, planned care can be proportionally limited to ensure compliance with the principles outlined above.

The Prime Minister has ensured that private services will not be restricted.

In general, all services that can be provided remotely are offered there and relocated.

“Extremely severe winter”

On Saturday, in response to the latest data on the Covid-19 infection, the prime minister stressed that a break from normal life will likely be needed in the near future.

“We have a rapidly deteriorating COVID-19 situation across Europe. It will be an extremely difficult winter. The increasing number of illnesses and losses is a clear sign that we must take stronger action.

I have been speaking with our scientists and doctors for several days and in person. Reality like a pancake: the choice of instruments is not great. “It seems that we will have to take a break from our normal life in the near future,” he wrote on his Facebook account.

Vaccine or quarantine

According to him, the practice of all European countries (and not only) shows one thing: whatever actions have been taken, what strategies have not been applied, in the end the same conclusion can be reached: only quarantine or the vaccine can stop infectious diseases.

“We still do not have the last, the first option remains,” he said.

The portal recalls that the possibility of universal quarantine has not been ruled out by the Minister of Health, Aurelijus Veryga.

“I certainly would not rule out the possibility of a national quarantine being issued. As the saying goes, fewer and fewer municipalities are in the yellow or green zone. But the government should decide on that, I really can’t say,” he told reporters on Friday.

More and more “red” municipalities

Quarantine is currently being announced in 21 municipalities. According to the resolution adopted by the Government on Monday, the local quarantine is currently announced in Elektrėnai, Joniškis district, Jurbarkas district, Kaunas city, Kelmė district, Klaipėda city, Klaipėda district, Kretinga district, Marijampolė district from Pasvalys, Plungė district, Skuodas district, Šiauliaiė district, Šilauodas district, In the territories of Širvintos district, Švenčionys district, Telšiai district, Trakai district, Vilnius city and Vilnius district municipalities. The Raseiniai district was also quarantined a little earlier.

As of Monday, 13 more municipalities are at risk of quarantine: Prienai district, Rietavas, Šalčininkai district, Šiauliai city, Šilutė district, Tauragė district, Utena district, Varėna district, Kaunas district, Kaunas district Mažeikiai, Molėtai district, Palanga and Panevėžys districts. municipalities.
