Quarantine proposals, which are already on the government table: they will determine the number of contact health services and the conditions of business support.


The draft resolution will be considered by the government on Wednesday afternoon.

Establishes the procedures by which companies can request help.

It is proposed that aid be granted to companies if their turnover has decreased by at least 30% or at least 40% of their activity in the sector of economic activity in question.

The Government Resolution establishes the obligation of people to:

  • Being in groups of no more than 5 people in public places, except for family members (spouse or person with whom a registered partnership contract has been signed, children or survivors, etc.).
  • observe a distance of at least 2 meters between people or groups of people (up to 5 people or family members), avoid direct physical contact, observe personal hygiene requirements. No more than 10 people can attend the funeral.

After the adoption of the resolution, from Saturday, people over 6 years of age will have to wear masks or respirators and other protective equipment in public places in Lithuania. They fit the face and completely cover the nose and mouth.

The exception only applies to people who play outdoor sports, athletes, judges during competitions, the disabled, or people who provide services that cannot be provided with a mask.

Without masks, it is only allowed to be on the road when there are no more people than family members within a radius of 20 meters. By the way, family members are considered to be spouses or persons with whom a registered partnership agreement has been concluded, and children, parents.

Intercity buses can only occupy a minimum distance of 1 meter.


  • to restrict movement for unnecessary reasons: to leave the place of residence only on the way to work, to the place of sale, to receive medical care and other services;
  • do not organize personal celebrations in private spaces or organize them with the participation of no more than 10 masked people;
  • limiting close contact with members of other families and / or households or meeting with members of no more than two families wearing masks.
  • organize religious ceremonies for existing religious communities remotely (except funeral ceremonies with a maximum of 10 participants) or in such a way as to avoid meetings, or refrain from performing religious rites.

Work in offices:

The Government Resolution establishes that work will be organized in state and municipal institutions, establishments, state and municipal companies and customers will be served remotely or partially remotely, except in cases where the corresponding functions must be performed on the spot. of work.

It is recommended that the private sector work in the same way of organizing work as in the public sector.

Contact allowed health services

The government document stipulates that a specialist providing outpatient personal health care services, after assessing the patient’s health status, makes a decision on the method of service delivery that best suits the interests of the patient.

However, the resolution establishes which services will be provided by contact:

  • dental services;
  • health services for pregnant women, mothers and newborns;
  • vaccination services for children and adults of the National Immunoprophylaxis Program;
  • disease prevention programs;
  • preventive health examination services for employed persons seeking to work in an area of ​​activity where exposure to relevant risk factors is relevant;

The resolution establishes that the directors of a health care institution shall ensure that the services at the institution under their administration are provided in accordance with the approved plan of planned inpatient and / or outpatient health care services.

Medical institutions are obliged to process all patient data through e-health.

Shops, hotels and entertainment venues

Stores, markets and other outlets, as promised, will not be closed, they will be asked to provide an area of ​​at least 10 square meters per visitor.

Recipients must have the same area.

Hotels or other accommodations cannot accommodate more than 2 people in a room, everyone must wear masks in common areas.

As promised, it is proposed to prohibit the activities of health service centers that provide recreational services.

Likewise, according to the decree, it is prohibited to visit cultural, leisure, entertainment, sports institutions and physical services to visitors.

Professional athletes can play sports, they can play sports one by one together with the coach.

Libraries can continue to function if they manage visitor flows and everything goes with security measures.

Restaurants, cafes, bars

The activities of public food establishments, restaurants, cafes, bars, nightclubs and other entertainment venues, gambling houses (casinos) and slot machines, bingo halls and gambling venues are prohibited.

Kitchen companies may offer take out food.

Meals can be prepared for employees of companies, institutions or organizations where shift work is performed on the premises or premises of these companies, institutions or organizations.


All cultural, entertainment, sporting events, celebrations, fairs, festivals or other organized gatherings of people in a public place, commercial and non-commercial, during a specified period of time at a predetermined time, are prohibited in open and closed spaces of public places.

Exceptions apply to high performance sports competitions without spectators, funerals when no more than 10 people participate.

Educational activities

Preschool, preschool and primary education are allowed.

Basic and secondary education is carried out at a distance or in combination with distance on a daily basis, except for students of special schools and special classes of general education schools according to the programs of basic education (individualized basic education), secondary education (development of social skills).

Non-formal education for children is provided at a distance or detained, except in programs that control flows, observe distances and use safeguards. Individual education or outdoor education is allowed.

Education is also allowed in groups of up to 5 students (teacher must work with a group) when a child has an area of ​​10 square meters.

Non-formal adult education and non-formal vocational training are delivered remotely or on an interrupted basis.

Institutions of medical and social care

Visits to the population in social service institutions are prohibited with rare exceptions, and medical institutions must ensure the management of patient and visitor flows.

Visits to patients in personal health institutions are prohibited, except visits by terminally ill patients, patients under 14 years of age and mothers with the permission of the director of the institution or another person authorized by him;

The organization and execution of long-term visits in prisons and pretrial detention centers is restricted.
