It has been announced how Lithuania will likely live for three weeks from Saturday.


Instructions for the population

People will be required to be in public places in groups of no more than 5 people, except family members, to maintain a distance of at least 2 meters between people or groups of people, to avoid direct physical contact, to comply with the requirements of personal hygiene. No more than 10 people can attend the funeral.

People over 6 years of age should wear protective masks in all public places.

Masks will not be used during outdoor exercise, for specialists in high-performance sports and physical activity, instructors of high-performance sports and physical activity, and judges who participate in exercises or high-level sports competitions; during the provision of the service, when the service cannot be provided while the recipient of the service is wearing a mask; people with disabilities who, due to their health, cannot wear masks or their use could endanger the health of a person. These people are recommended to wear a face shield; outside the place of residence (cities, towns, villages, single-family homes, gardener associations) and when there are no other people within a radius of 20 meters, except family members.

It will also be proposed to restrict travel on regular urban, long-distance and suburban passenger transport routes, allowing only seats to be occupied at a distance of at least 1 meter.

The government will decide on a recommendation to restrict movement for unnecessary reasons: leaving the place of residence only on the way to work, a place of commerce, medical care and other services. Also, do not organize personal celebrations in private spaces or organize them with the participation of no more than 10 masked people. And limit close contact with other family and / or household members or meet with no more than two family and / or household members wearing masks.

The draft resolution establishes that during the quarantine all cultural, entertainment, sporting events, celebrations, fairs, festivals or other organized gatherings of people in a public place would be prohibited in open and closed spaces for a specified period of time at a time. default, for commercial and non-commercial purposes, except: High-quality sports competitions, where they take place without spectators and funerals, when no more than 10 people participate.


These changes are foreseen in the organization and execution of educational activities during the quarantine.

Preschool, preschool and primary education is carried out ensuring the conditions of personal flow management, safe distance and other conditions necessary for public health, safety, hygiene, provision of people with the necessary personal protective equipment established by the Manual of Statewide Emergency Operations.

Education in schools according to basic and secondary education programs is carried out at a distance or in combination with distance and every day, except for pupils in special schools and special classes in general education schools according to the basic education programs (individualized basic education), secondary education (development of social skills), securing the state. the conditions for the management of the flow of people, the maintenance of a safe distance and other conditions necessary for the protection of public health, hygiene and the provision of people with the necessary personal protective equipment.

The non-formal education of children will be carried out remotely or suspended, except for programs that ensure traffic management conditions, safety distance and other conditions necessary for public health, hygiene, provision of necessary personal protective equipment established by the statewide Emergency Operations Manual and:, in the course of that school’s curriculum, extended day group, or full-time school activities; organized in open spaces, outdoors; carried out in the form of individual teaching / education; It is carried out in the facilities of a teacher who works with a single group of no more than 5 students and only in one institution, ensuring an area of ​​10 m2 per student.

Non-formal adult education and non-formal vocational training will be provided remotely or suspended, except when the flow of people, safe distance and other conditions necessary for public health, hygiene and personal protective equipment specified by the State Emergency Operations Manual. in groups of 5 people, in the rooms where the training is given, with an area of ​​10 m2 per student.

Vocational training (or part of it) other than initial vocational training combined with a social skills program and higher education studies (or part of it) will be provided remotely, ensuring the flow of people, safe distance and other necessary public service requirements established by the Statewide Emergency Operations Manual. conditions of health, safety, hygiene, provision of people with the necessary personal protective equipment.

Educational assistance is provided ensuring the flow of people, safe distance and other conditions necessary for public health, safety, hygiene, provision of the necessary personal protective equipment established by the Emergency Operations Manual at the state level, in the same way as activities in the educational institution and other educational providers. ; or provided remotely.

In the field of organizing activities of social service institutions:

Visits to the population will be prohibited in all social service institutions for hospitalized patients, families, collective and community housing, except for the terminal population and / or people whose visit is related to the performance of their functions, the social services in the social service institutions and private homes provide emergency services at the state level. The situational operations director has established the necessary conditions for public health, safety, hygiene and the provision of people with the necessary personal protective equipment.

In the field of organization of activities of health institutions, regardless of their subordination and legal form: to ensure the management of patient and visitor flows, use and management of infrastructure and material and human resources;

Hospital care services for coronavirus infection will be organized by territorial-cluster in accordance with the Annex to this Resolution and in accordance with the requirements established by the Minister of Health and the Head of Emergency Operations of the State in accordance with their competence .

The provision of services for COVID-19 will be organized by the personal care institutions (hereinafter, the organizing ASPs) listed in the Annex to this Decree, which have units or human resources for infectious diseases, and which organize and coordinate COVID -19 in the area of ​​operation established in the Annex to this Decree.

The organizers of the ASPI will use other personal health institutions located in the area of ​​operation and listed in the Annex to this Decree (hereinafter, the ASPI) for the provision of services related to COVID-19. The instructions of the organizing ASPOs regarding the organization of the provision of services for the provision of COVID-19 to the ASPOs used are mandatory (unless otherwise provided by law). The procedure for the organization of health care services for COVID19 will be established by the Minister of Health and the Head of State Emergency Operations in accordance with their competence.

The Chief of State Emergency Operations to coordinate the provision of COVID-19 services to ASPI will designate a Coordinator of the ASPO Organizing Bodies (hereinafter the Coordinator), the Coordination Group and will approve its internal regulations. The coordinator organizes the provision of services for COVID-19 in collaboration with the mayors and directors of the administrations. The coordinator’s protocol instructions are binding on the organizing ASPI and the ASPIs used (unless otherwise provided by law).

Visits to patients in personal health care establishments should be prohibited, except for visits by terminal patients, patients under 14 years of age and mothers with the permission of the director of the institution or another person authorized by him. And the specialist who provides outpatient personal health care services, after assessing the patient’s health status, makes a decision on the method of service delivery that best suits the interests of the patient.

In contact, the following services will be provided: dentistry, maternal and neonatal health care, vaccination of children and adults under the National Immunoprophylaxis Program, disease prevention programs, people employed to work in an area where exposure to risk factors relevant is relevant, preventive health screening services.

The heads of a health care institution shall ensure that personal health care services are provided at the institution in accordance with the approved plan of planned inpatient and / or outpatient personal health care services, which is prepared from in accordance with the requirements established by the Minister of Health.

Institutions belonging to the Lithuanian national health system must process all patient data related to the personal health care services provided, including epicrises, referrals, referral responses, medical images and their descriptions, only through the Information System of Cooperation Infrastructure and Electronic Health Services, and Institutions 7 that do not belong to the national health system of Lithuania guarantee the processing of this data and its traceability through the information system of the institution.

The organization and execution of long-term visits in prisons and pretrial detention centers will also be restricted.

It is recommended that active religious communities organize religious ceremonies remotely (except for funerals with a maximum of 10 participants) or in a way that avoids gatherings, with an area of ​​10 m2 per person and a distance of at least 2 meters between people or groups of people. (up to 5 people or family members), or refrain from performing religious rites.

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