Simple and clear: how to choose an electricity supplier Business


Broadly speaking, this means that electricity has become the same product or service as mobile, cable TV, or the Internet. It is provided by several companies, and it is up to the residents to choose which of them to sign the electricity supply contract.

Naturally, you must get used to that change. Residents wonder how and when to choose a provider. That’s why we share a simple instruction on how to choose your electricity provider.

How to choose your electricity supplier

1. Get to know us. First of all, residents who want to get acquainted with the innovations in more detail should visit the website specially dedicated to this change. The website presents all the information related to changes in the electricity supply market to the population in a concentrated and detailed manner.

2. When do you have to choose a provider? The transition to an open electricity market is being implemented in stages, in stages. For example, this year only people who consume more electricity, more than 420 kWh or in cash, have to choose a supplier, paying about 60 euros or more per month.

This year, only the population that consumes the most electricity has to choose a supplier.

On the website you will find detailed information and a calculator to help you know to which stage the property you manage belongs. You can also find out what stage you are at ESO self-service or by calling tel. + 370-626-55565.

3. Contact suppliers. If you belong to the first stage, your email box may already be full of personal offers from suppliers. So it remains to choose the most suitable for you. However, you can also contact them yourself, just as you would a mobile service provider to purchase mobile services. Ask power companies or just those of your choice to provide you with a service offer.

You can also find the list of electricity providers and contact details on the website

4. Compare offers. Provider prices or plan offerings can be very different, but they can also be very similar. For example, they can link prices based on the origin of the electricity, they can offer other services.

On the information website you can find out which components make up the price of electricity. About 60 percent. Prices for kilowatt-hours of electricity are currently set by the state, which is part of the price of state-regulated services. However, about 40 percent. Prices are now determined by the supplier and the stock exchange, so this part of the price will differ in the suppliers’ offerings. Compare offers and choose the one that best suits your needs.

About 40 percent. prices are now determined by the supplier and the exchange.

5. Enter into a contract with the supplier. Write or call the provider whose offer you have chosen to enter into a service contract with them. The provider will send you a contract template. Please review it in detail. Make sure the contract performance, termination, price, and other terms are clear and understandable.

6. Congratulations. You have already chosen your electricity supplier, there is nothing else to do. The supplier will inform ESO of the contract with you. As early as 2021. in January (or earlier, if the date of entry into force of the contract with the independent supplier is earlier), it will be necessary to declare the meter readings to the new electricity supplier, as specified in your contract with the supplier. February bills for January. that you will receive from your new electricity supplier.

What happens if you don’t choose your electricity supplier on time?

The state makes sure that even if you don’t choose a supplier on time, you won’t suddenly lose your electricity supply. All residents in Phase I who have not selected an independent provider in time, as of January 1, 2021. will receive a guaranteed electricity supply service.

In order not to waste, it is worth choosing an electricity supplier for your home!

The guaranteed electricity supplier is ESO and it will supply electricity for up to half a year. During this period, residents will need to choose their preferred electricity provider. For guaranteed electricity supply, a price coefficient of 1.25 is applied to the electricity price and the electricity price is calculated monthly. So it’s not worth losing it, it’s worth choosing an electricity supplier for your home!

Detailed information on all stages of supplier selection can be found on the website or by calling + 370-626-55565.
