Coronavirus detected by the family of businesswoman Song Boss: her condition, more serious for her husband and daughter | Names


Unpleasant news about a positive coronavirus test that Daina Bosas shared on Instagram. Here he revealed that other people around him had been infected with the virus that had taken over the world.

“After all, there is no crown until you find it yourself. Not only am I sick, but my whole family is sick. Both a boy and a man. But they are asymptomatic. To my great surprise, I am worse. I swear to you that None of you would want to know how the crown will tickle you. How many people, so many stories, “Daina told the social network.

The woman pointed out that the virus is similar to the flu or cold, and also stressed that the symptoms are unpleasant but reminiscent of other respiratory illnesses.

Upon learning of a positive response to the coronavirus, the businesswoman also had a question about the vaccination of her husband Antanas Bos. The song wonders if it could have led to her being symptomatic and a man without her.

Photo by Monika Svėrytė / Daina and Antanas Bosai with their daughter Urte Magdelena

Photo by Monika Svėrytė / Daina and Antanas Bosai with their daughter Urte Magdelena

“But what I can’t help thinking about is that my husband got a flu shot a month ago. And we had a dispute with him in which I said I would not get vaccinated and he got vaccinated. It may not be linked in any way, but I can’t stop thinking about it.

Since he was 65 years old, he is now asymptomatic and I am symptomatic. Maybe it’s a coincidence here, but I can’t stop thinking about it. So you know from my personal experience, next time I’ll get a flu shot, “said D. Boss.

15 minutes Remember that a few days ago, Deividas Alejūnas-Corsalis, a member of the group 8 Kambarys, the interpreter Nijolė Putyytė-Rukaitienė and the family of the journalist Šarūnas Mazalas also fell ill with coronavirus.

15 minutes In contact with David Alejūnas, he revealed that he felt the first symptoms of the coronavirus on Sunday.

“My eyes started to hurt, my bones were easily broken, my nose was clogged. I immediately isolated myself at home and signed up for a paid test,” said D. Alejūnas.

The test was performed by the interpreter on Tuesday and the response was received on Thursday.

Artist Nijolė Putyytė-Rukaitienė reported some unpleasant news on Friday on her social media account.

“Well, I want to officially announce that I have COVID-19. My test is positive. It is as it is,” she commented. The artist added that she is currently disinfecting the house.

Journalist Šarūnas Mazalas not only admitted suffering from coronavirus, but also shared his experiences on how the disease affected his health. The man also claimed that he had begun to see the virus in a completely different way; now you are more likely to see some public speeches and general skepticism.
