US Presidential Election: How It Goes And When Will The Winner Be Announced?


The American political system is dominated by two parties, so the president always belongs to one party or the other, reports the BBC.

The Republicans are a conservative American party and their candidate in this year’s elections is the president of the United States, Donald Trump, who hopes to be re-elected for a second term.

Republican Party, also known as the Great Old Party. In recent years, the party has advocated for lower taxes, the right to a gun, and stricter restrictions on immigration. The party receives more support in rural areas. Former Republican presidents include George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, and Richard Nixon.

The Democratic Party is a liberal political party and its candidate is Joe Biden, a seasoned politician who has been Barack Obama’s vice president for eight years.

A hallmark of the Democratic Party is its liberal stance on civil rights, immigration, and climate change. One of the party’s provisions is that the government should have more influence over people’s lives, such as taking out health insurance.

Support for parties is higher in cities. Some of the former Democratic presidents are John F. Kennedy and Barack Obama.

This year’s two candidates for the presidency of the United States are in their eighties; At the beginning of the second term, D. Trump would be 74 years and 78 years old. Biden, if elected, would become the elected chief president for the first term.

Technically, in a presidential election, Americans do not vote for the candidates themselves, but for state voters who then elect the president. All states collect a specified number of voters, which is calculated based on the size of the state. Voters are state officials or important party members.
Historically, the United States has a fairly complex electoral system.

Each state, depending on its population, has a certain number of votes in the electoral college, out of a total of 538, so the candidate wins the support of at least 270 voters.

Electoral college votes normally reflect the will of all voters. It is true that a candidate with the most votes in the entire United States may not get a majority of votes in an electoral college and lose.

For example, 2016 Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton got more votes from the people in America, but Trump won because he got more votes at the polling stations.

Therefore, a situation may arise in the United States where a candidate who does not receive the most votes is elected president.

In almost every state except two (Maine and Nebraska), there is a winner-take-all system: if the candidate gets more votes in the state, he gets the support of all voters.

Many states have historically supported the Democratic or Republican candidate, so it is important that the candidates win every election in some of the fiercest fights. In these so-called fluctuating states, voters’ priorities are roughly equally divided between Democrats and Republicans.

The states of Florida and Ohio are traditionally considered fluctuating states. Some states, like Arizona and Texas, have supported Republicans in the past, but by 2020 they have beefed up support for the Democratic Party and are now considered volatile states.

If the person is 18 years old. A US citizen, you are allowed to vote in the four-year presidential election. Many states have laws that require anyone wishing to vote to present proof of identity.

These laws are often passed by Republicans, who say they want to protect themselves from potential voter fraud. Democrats are outraged that this is a stumbling block for voters, as representatives of the poorest minorities are often unable to provide proof of identity, such as a driver’s license.

This year, due to the coronavirus crisis, many Americans tend to vote by mail, although the country’s current president, D. Trump, has repeatedly complained that this will allow Democrats to falsify votes in his favor.

Is only one new American president elected?

No. Americans elect not only the president, but also members of the House of Representatives and a third of the members of the Senate by vote. So this year there will be elections for all 435 seats in the House of Representatives and all 33 seats in the Senate.

Democrats will work to maintain positions in the House of Representatives, as well as seek greater control in the Senate.

If Democrats had a majority in both houses, they could block or postpone President Trump’s plans if he were re-elected for a second term.

When will we know the final results?

The election will last two days, starting on November 3. and the last polling stations will close on November 4. US East Coast Time

It takes a few days before the votes are counted, but it is still clear first thing in the morning after the vote who won the election. 2016 D. Corto already at 3 pm The night delivered a victory speech in New York.

This year, the election results may have to wait for mailed votes, as several states will count the votes after the final vote.

Officials warn that we can wait days or even weeks for the results of the vote-by-mail.

The last time the outcome was unclear after some pigeons was in 2000, when the Supreme Court declared the winner of the election a month later.

When the president-elect takes office

If Biden wins the election, he will not assume the presidency immediately; the new leader will have time to appoint ministers and make plans.

The inauguration ceremony of the newly elected president is traditionally held on January 20. in the capital city of Washington.

After the ceremony, the newly elected president travels to the White House, marking the beginning of a four-year term.

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