Yesterday 47 cases of coronavirus were registered in Panevėžys county – AINA


The National Center for Public Health (NVSC) reports that 895 cases of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) were confirmed in Lithuania last day. 251 of them were registered in Vilnius, 180 in Klaipėda, 154 in Kaunas, 99 in Šiauliai, 77 in Telšiai counties. A further 47 cases were reported in Panevėžys, 30 in Tauragė, 27 in Alytus, 24 in Marijampolė and 6 in Utena counties.

Of these, the vast majority were reported when people became infected after contact with people who were confirmed to have coronavirus. At that time, cases in which the circumstances of people’s infection are unclear, i. and Epidemiological studies have shown that people have not gone abroad, they have not communicated with confirmed cases of COVID-19, registered 153. However, these figures have not yet been reviewed, since not all epidemiological studies have been completed .

Shoots were recorded in shoots on the last day

In Vilnius county, cases related to the event that took place in the “Mililitrai” bar operating in Vilnius were registered last day, as well as cases related to outbreaks were registered in the Vilnius “Materialistė” club, bar “Sanatorija”, “Get Fit” sports academy. In addition, COVID-19 cases were recorded in Vilnius and Kaunas counties, which are related to infections in the “Taboo” club operating in Kaunas.

In addition, last-day coronavirus-related outbreaks were reported at Vilnius Sports Center, Širvintos District Municipality, Ukmerg “” Saulutė “Kindergarten, Švenčionys District Pabradė” Rytas “Gymnasium, Vilnius Baltupiai Progymnasium , Progymnasium of Vilnius John Paul II. Rapolas Kalinauskas Gymnasium, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University.

According to epidemiologists, cases were reported in Klaip condadoda County last day related to outbreaks in the Skuodas branch of the Klaipėda Republican Hospital, Klaipėda University Hospital, Šilutė Hospital, in the “Seniors Eldorado” nursing home that operates in the Šilutė district.

Outbreak-related COVID-19 disease cases have also been reported in Klaipėda County at Klaipėda Vėtrungė Gymnasium, Klaipėda Kindergarten Aitvarėlis, Klaipėda State College, Klaipėda Varpo Gymnasium, Šilutė District Katyčiai Basic School.

In addition, cases related to outbreaks were recorded in the companies “Mars Lietuva” and “Lietuvos geležinkeliai” in Klaipėda county. Isolated cases were also recorded in several other companies.

In Kaunas county, outbreak-related cases were registered on the last day in the Kaunas clinics, the LSMU Kaunas hospital units, as well as the “Akacijų Žiedai” welfare house located in the Kaišiadorys district.

Outbreak-related cases were reported in Šiauliai County at Kelmė Hospital, Šiauliai State Chamber Choir “Polifonija”, Šiauliai Kindergarten “Three Dwarfs”, Šiauliai Jesuit School, “Šiaulių vandenys company ”.

In Telšiai County, outbreak-related cases were reported on the last day at Plungė District Municipal Hospital, Plungė Ambulance Station, Telšiai Regional Hospital, Stonaičiai Social Workhouse located in Plungė District, Varniai Nursing and Supportive Treatment Hospital.

In addition, chimney-related infection cases were recorded in the mixed choir “Draugystė” of the Mažeikiai District Municipal Cultural Center, Mažeikiai Cultural Center, Telšiai County. In addition, cases related to the outbreak were recorded in the “Bardakas” bar operating in Vilnius.

In Panevėžys County, COVID-19 cases related to outbreaks in Biržai District Kindergarten “Rugelis”, Kupiškis Povilas Matulionis Progymnasium, Panev dežys Republican Hospital were recorded last day.

In Tauragė County, outbreak-related cases were reported at Jurbarkas Hospital, Šilalė Hospital, Skaudvil Hospital for Nursing and Supportive Treatment last day. Cases related to the Daugialaukis “Mamyčiai choir” of the Tauragė district were also recorded.

In Alytus County, epidemiologists reported cases related to outbreaks yesterday at Alytus County S. Kudirka Hospital, Prienai Ambulance Station, Varėna Sodra Branch, Haltex Sewing Shop in Alytus.

Last day there were cases of coronavirus in Marijampolė County, related to outbreaks at the Marijampolė Ambulance Station, Marijampolė Social Assistance Center, Marijampolė Special Social Care Home, Vernitas.

At that time, outbreak-related infection cases were registered in Utena County in the Utena Expert Division of the State Forensic Psychiatry Service, Molėtai District Municipality, Molėtai Hospital.

Information from the National Center for Public Health
