STT detained the mayor of the Kelmė Andrulis district: he suspects he claims 10,000. bribery in euros


It is suspected that the mayor demands a bribe of 10 thousand euros for favoritism in the implementation of the project to improve the municipal public space. Today, the mayor was detained by STT officials after accepting part of the required bribe: 5,000 euros.

During the investigation, STT officials took important documents from the Kelmė Municipal District and conducted other necessary pre-trial investigation activities.

The pre-trial investigation is controlled and directed by the Prosecutor of the Organized Crime and Corruption Investigation Division of the Šiauliai Regional Prosecutor’s Office.

The data available for the STT and the results of sociological research show that corruption in the municipality is a problem that needs additional attention.

37 percent. of all pre-trial investigations initiated by the Office in 2018 and 28% All studies launched in 2019 are related to local government. During 2018-2019, the Service initiated 36 pre-trial investigations in the field of self-government, in which 170 crimes were identified.

According to the 2019 Lithuania Corruption Map survey, city and district municipalities are still considered one of the most corrupt institutions in Lithuania. In the open-ended question, in naming the most corrupt institutions in Lithuania, residents rank municipalities in fourth place (23%), business managers in fifth (16%), and public officials in second place (31%) among all institutions. According to residents and business leaders, municipal purchasing departments and committees, the construction and spatial planning departments are considered the most corrupt. According to officials, municipal construction and spatial planning departments and mayors are considered the most corrupt.
