On Saturday, 2.58 million people were tested for COVID-19. The Slovak population turned out to be 25 thousand. 850 people or 1 percent. the subjects are infected with an infection, according to the website of the British newspaper The Guardian.
Teams of more than 40,000 doctors and soldiers, police officers, civil service personnel and volunteers worked in approximately 5,000 places where investigations could be carried out.
5.5 million in a populated country, the goal is to explore as many citizens as possible.
The tests are not limited to Slovak residents under the age of 10.
Scanpix / AFP / Slovakia is conducting a world population survey on coronavirus
This is the first global coronavirus population survey in the world.
Other countries are closely monitoring whether Slovakia can offer an alternative approach to coping with a pandemic.
According to The Guardian, although COVID-19 testing is free and technically voluntary, the Slovak government will impose certain quarantine measures on those who do not. Suppose these residents are prohibited from going to work.
“Freedom must go hand in hand with the responsibility of those who are the weakest of us: cancer patients, the elderly, people with other diseases,” Slovak Prime Minister Igor Matovic told a news conference.
Freedom must go hand in hand with the responsibility of the weakest of us: cancer patients, the elderly, people with other diseases.
Reuters / Scanpix nuotr./Igoris Matovičius
During the first wave of COVID-19, only a few thousand cases of the virus were registered in Slovakia after the rapid application of certain restrictions.
However, the number of cases has increased in recent weeks.
Scanpix / AFP / Slovakia is conducting a world population survey on coronavirus
2,282 new coronavirus infections were reported in Slovakia on Sunday, according to The Guardian.
A total of 59,946 cases of COVID-19 were reported in the country (this figure does not include the cases identified during the general population survey).
In Slovakia, 219 people died from coronavirus.