V.Kasiulevičius calls for a drastic reduction in the spread of COVID-19: in some clinics in Lithuania and Santara, which is already a real explosive mix


In a post published on Facebook on Sunday morning, V. Kasiulevičius explains why we must drastically reduce the spread of the virus.

According to him, this is necessary to avoid the exhaustion of the health system.

The professor points out that many people in Lithuania are convinced that doctors and the Ministry of Health (SAM) could ignore too much attention to the spread of the virus and provide “personal” planned personal healthcare services.

Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min photo / COVID-19 patients are taken to the Vilnius city clinical hospital

Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min photo / COVID-19 patients are taken to the Vilnius city clinical hospital

“This last thesis was actively used by politicians in the electoral campaign. The authorities did not pay or … did not want to defend themselves. Let us remember that in the middle of the electoral campaign, SAM itself asked for an increase in the planned aid. Is that why the ancient rulers at that time did not pay and did not want to defend themselves? ”, Writes V.Kasiulevičius.

In his view, because defense is based on the simplest paradigm, the healthcare system is not a bastion, but a house of cards defended not by a well-coordinated defense, but by chaotically opposed enthusiasts – heroes.

V.Kasiulevičius explained that each virus attack does not destroy the external fortifications, but instead rips bricks from the base.

“The constant information we receive about thousands of empty beds is worthless when it is known that those thousands of beds are served by at-risk doctors who easily become infected and become serious and long-lasting. Doctors who have heard for the first time in their lives what infection control is. Or desperately launch newcomers into battle – medical residents who perceive themselves as part of clear rules, legitimately demanding what we, “a long time ago,” had nothing to offer them. Young people would like to defend themselves in well-equipped fortifications, and we can only offer to dig a trench for ourselves. And it is not surprising, because my generation received a similar offer from senior colleagues, “says the doctor.

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas (VUL Santara Clinics) / Doctors fighting the coronavirus

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas (VUL Santara Clinics) / Doctors fighting the coronavirus

According to V. Kasiulevičius, yes, in that war new doctors are born who cover the “buttocks” of all of us.

He mentioned that Professor Ligita Jančorienė, director of the Center for Infectious Diseases at the Santara Clinics, wrote a beautiful letter to residents who came to “war” this month.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Ligita Jančorienė

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Ligita Jančorienė

“It just came to our attention then. A true example of devotion. Journalists show a lot of Sela and Viktor, when the heroes of the real world are quite different,” writes the VU professor.

Crosses for planned assistance

According to V.Kasiulevičius, the problem is that the hospital of several hundred places is infected after the infection and the absence of the main doctors and nurses at work.

He emphasizes that oxygen was supposed to be introduced everywhere during the summer.

“The televisions show images of the city of Vilnius (!!!), where that oxygen is rushed in. And it does not matter whose subordinate hospital is: the pandemic, which has been going on for half a year, hits us unexpectedly every week, ”says the doctor.

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas (VUL Santara Clinics) / Doctors fighting the coronavirus

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas (VUL Santara Clinics) / Doctors fighting the coronavirus

According to V. Kasiulevičius, the pandemic is severely affected by planned care, because COVID-19 needs beds, doctors who perform complex surgeries and procedures simply fall ill.

According to the VU professor, there are many doctors, but only a few can and do pay.

At Santorai, he says he knows a dozen doctors who will stop all transplants, stroke extractions, coronary angioplasty, stenting, or complicated cancer surgeries.

“They may not stop, but their results will be worse.” For some, it’s just numbers, but the healthcare system holds onto talent. That’s all their “drive” and courage, “he emphasizes.

123RF.com nuotr./Chirurginė operacija

123RF.com nuotr./Chirurginė operacija

V.Kasiulevičius explains that complex care is mainly concentrated in the hospitals of two universities and its part in Klaipėda, Šiauliai, Panevėžys.

“It is not for nothing that our colleagues at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU)” protect “their university clinics from the invasion of COVID-19: a large flow of patients from central and western Lithuania” retains ” these clinics. You won’t do a lot of complicated operations and interventions in the area, don’t be upset anymore. Meanwhile, the rest of Lithuania and the Santara Clinic don’t have that luxury, and here’s a really explosive mix: COVID-19 and planned complex patients in a hospital. It is difficult for Šiauliai and Panevėžys, because the hospitals in these cities, which were visited by patients from the surrounding areas, have also become COVID-19 treatment centers, and it is also necessary to provide planned services for patients with other diseases, ”says V. Kasiulevičius on Facebook.

The rest of Lithuania and the Santara Clinic do not have that luxury and there is already a really explosive mix here: COVID-19 and complex patients planned in a hospital.

Can fail in an instant

According to V. Kasiulevičius, SAM, who enthusiastically urged institution directors to provide as many planned services as possible in the summer, told the public very superficially how many of those planned services are provided in the health system.

He said that it seems to many in the public that without COVID-19, doctors do nothing.

“But after all, surgeries are being performed, heart attacks and strokes are being treated, cancer is being treated at full capacity and family doctors are providing live and remote consultations as much as before the crisis,” he said. the doctor.

Photo by Luke April / 15 minutes / Quarantine in Vilnius

Photo by Luke April / 15 minutes / Quarantine in Vilnius

However, V. Kasiulevičius warns that when the infection accelerates, all of this can collapse in an instant.

Therefore, as the professor emphasizes, we must “suppress” the spread of infection to at least 200 cases a day.

To track COVID-19 contacts, we protect scheduled care and have enough staff to treat patients in intensive care.

On his Facebook account, V. Kasiulevičius shared a graph showing the situation in the Czech Republic.

Reuters / Scanpix photo / Second wave of coronavirus in the Czech Republic

Reuters / Scanpix photo / Second wave of coronavirus in the Czech Republic

“At the beginning of the pandemic, more than 10 percent of those who were sick were hospitalized, that number dropped to 2 percent in the summer, we were very satisfied with the mitigation of the pandemic, but now the numbers are increasing again to the 4 percent. Winter carries the risk of exhaustion arriving earlier than expected. That is why we need to stop the spread of the virus, “he stressed.

Winter carries the risk of burnout coming sooner than expected. That is why we must stop the spread of the virus.
