New COVID-19 Case Registry: Outbreaks at GMP Stations Are Worrying


During the last day, most of the new infections were registered in Vilnius county, accounting for more than a third of all new cases, according to data from the National Center for Public Health (NVSC).

Out of 1001 new cases of coronavirus infection (COVID-19), 325 were registered in Vilnius county, 184 in Klaipėda, 157 in Kaunas, 105 in Telšiai, 103 in Šiauliai counties.

Another 36 cases were recorded in Panevėžys, 35 in Marijampolė, 24 in Alytus, 17 in Tauragė and 15 in Utena counties.

According to the NVSC, the circumstances of the infection of 187 people could not be clarified. Furthermore, not all epidemiological studies have been completed.

The infection spreads in schools, hospitals, family celebrations.

Outbreak-related cases in Vilnius County were recorded at the Vilnius Republican University Hospital, the Santara Clinics, the Širvintos District Municipality, the Intersurgical Company, the Vilnius Locomotive Repair Depot, the Sport Center of the City of Vilnius and the National Agency for Education.

Outbreak-related COVID-19 cases were also reported at Maišiagala Grand Duke Algirdas Gymnasium of Vilnius District, Ukmergė “Saulutė” Kindergarten, Modern School Center, Vilnius Mickūnai Gymnasium District.

There were also dozens of cases of coronavirus infection during various family vacations on the last day.

In Klaipėda County, cases were reported on the last day, according to epidemiologists, related to outbreaks in the Republican Hospital of Klaipėda, the Palanga Rehabilitation Hospital, the Klaipėda University Hospital, the Šilutė Hospital and the Lithuanian Association for Care of People with Intellectual Disabilities “Klaipėdos Viltis”.

In addition, cases of COVID-19 disease were recorded in Klaipėda county, related to outbreaks in the Šilutė district municipality administration, Klaipėda Vytautas Magnus gym, Klaip Klada “Saulut” “kindergarten-school, Klaipėda Simonas Dachas progymnasium , the Klaipda nursery school “Beržydutė”, Šilutė district Žemaičių Naumiestis gymnasium.

Coronavirus infections were also detected in West Baltic Shipyard, Lithuania Railways, Home Group, Klaipėdos Baldai and Vakarų Krova.

Large fireplace in a nursing home in the Plungė district

In Kaunas County, outbreak-related cases were registered on the last day in Kaunas “RIO Sports Stadium”, Kėdainiai District Municipality, at “Raseinių kelias Supervision” company, at “Danspin” company operating in Raseiniai.

Cases of the COVID-19 disease, associated with outbreaks, have also been recorded in Raseiniai Hospital, Kdainiai Kindergarten “Pasaka”, Lithuanian Sports University Kėdainiai “Aušra” Progymnasium.

In Telšiai county, another 33 cases of coronavirus infection were recorded last day, related to the outbreak in the Stonaičiai welfare home located in Plungė district: 22 residents of the home and 11 employees became ill. A total of 106 cases related to this outbreak were confirmed.

In addition, in Telšiai County, outbreak-related cases were recorded on the last day at Plungė District Municipal Hospital, Plungė Ambulance Station, Telšiai Regional Hospital, Telšiai Social Services Center, Home Plinkšiai Care Center located in the Mažeikiai District.

Coronavirus was also detected in the mixed choir “Draugystė” of the Mažeikiai District Municipality Cultural Center, Mažeikiai Merkel Račkauskas Gymnasium, companies “Mažeikių mėsinė”, “Vakarų medienos grupė”, “ORLEN Lietuva” in Mažeikiai.

Outbreak-related cases were recorded in Šiauliai County at Kelmė Hospital, Joniškis District Jurdaičiai Welfare Home, Šiauliai Ginkūnai Sofia District and Vladimir Zubovas School.

In Panevėžys County, outbreak-related COVID-19 cases were reported in Kupiškis Povilas Matulionis Progymnasium, Panevėžys City Municipality, Panevėžys Republican Hospital Department of Neurosurgery, as well as family outbreaks on the last day.

In Marijampolė county, new infections have been detected in the Sūduva football club, the Marijampolė municipality administration, the Marijampolė welfare center, the Marijampolė ambulance station, the Vilkaviškis ambulance station, the administration of the Kalvarija municipality, the Juodeliai company.

In Alytus County, epidemiologists related to outbreaks were reported yesterday at S. Kudirka Hospital in Alytus County, Druskininkai Hospital, Var ambulana Ambulance Station, Varėna Žilvičius Kindergarten, Primary School in Alytus “Sakalėlis”.

In addition, diseases related to the event that took place in the “Mililitrai” bar operating in Vilnius were reported in Alytus county.

In Tauragė County, outbreak-related cases were reported at Jurbarkas Hospital, Šilalė House of Social Services, Taurag day nursing home on the last day.

In Utena County, cases of infection were registered with the Utena Expert Division of the State Forensic Psychiatric Service, DHL Lietuva parcel warehouse.
