Earthquake casualties on the rise: at least 26 people died and hundreds were injured in Turkey and Greece


According to the CNN news portal, at least 24 people died on the west coast of Turkey during the earthquake.

Two teenagers, a boy and a girl, were killed on the island of Samo in Greece when the wall of a building fell on them.

As CNY Mayor Tinc Soyer told CNN, at least 20 buildings in this city have collapsed.

The media reported that the walls of the buildings had crashed into cars, and people were cleaning up the ruins in hopes of finding survivors.

Scanpix / Reuters / Earthquake in Turkey

Scanpix / Reuters / Earthquake in Turkey

At least 804 people were injured during the earthquake in Turkey. Ten of them were rescued by rescue teams.

After the earthquake, the epicenter of which was at the bottom of the Aegean Sea, 196 repeated shocks were recorded.

23 his strength was 4 on the Richter scale.

Scanpix / Reuters / Earthquake in Turkey

Scanpix / Reuters / Earthquake in Turkey

Early Saturday morning, people who saw the rescue operation in Izmir rejoiced when rescuers pulled a teenager, Inci Okan, out of the ruins of an eight-story apartment building.

Friends and relatives of the disappeared waited outside the building, waiting for information on the people still trapped, including the staff of the dental office located on the first floor of that building.

Reuters / Scanpix photo / Effects of the earthquake in Turkey

Reuters / Scanpix photo / Effects of the earthquake in Turkey

Two women aged 53 and 35 were rescued from another collapsed two-story building.

At least 24 people died in Izmir, including an elderly woman who drowned, the Turkish Emergency Management and Natural Disaster Management Agency (AFAD) said.

AFP / Scanpix photo / Consequences of the earthquake in Greece

AFP / Scanpix photo / Consequences of the earthquake in Greece

Same killed two teenagers with a collapsed wall on top. At least 19 people were injured on the island.

Two of them, including a 14-year-old, were flown to Athens, seven more are being treated at Samos Hospital, health authorities said.

A small tsunami that hit the Turkish coast also affected Sama, with seawater flooding the streets of the main port city of Vati.

Authorities warned people to stay away from the shoreline and potentially damaged buildings.

The epicenter of the earthquake, which according to the Istanbul-based Kandilli Institute was 6.9, occurred at the bottom of the Aegean Sea northeast of Samos.

According to AFAD, the magnitude of the earthquake was 6.6 points, with its hypocenter at a depth of about 16 km.

Reuters / Scanpix photo / Effects of the earthquake in Turkey

Reuters / Scanpix photo / Effects of the earthquake in Turkey

The earthquake was felt in all the islands of eastern Greece, as well as in Athens and Bulgaria.

In Turkey, it shook the Aegean and Marmara regions, including Istanbul.

The governor of Istanbul said no reports of damage had been received in Turkey’s largest city.

Greece and Turkey are among the most active earthquake zones in the world.

A 7.4 magnitude earthquake in northwestern Turkey in 1999 killed more than 17,000 people. people, including 1,000 in Istanbul.

In 2011, another earthquake in southeastern Van province claimed more than 600 lives.

In Greece, the last earthquake that claimed human lives occurred in July 2017 on the island of Kos, near Samos.

Authorities warned Izmir residents not to return to the damaged buildings, saying they could collapse through repeated heavy blows. Many people spent the night on the streets because they were too afraid to return home, even if they were not harmed, the DHA news agency reported.

More than 3,000 rescuers were dispatched to Izmir, as well as relief resources.

Demonstrating solidarity, which has been rare in recent months due to strained bilateral relations, Greek and Turkish government officials issued announcements and Greek and Turkish presidents spoke by phone.

The ongoing tensions between Turkey and Greece, which bicker over rights to energy resources in the eastern Mediterranean, have sparked fears of open conflict between the two neighbors and NATO allies.
