Veryga’s message to All Souls: “I can’t imagine how to explain that the situation is very serious.”


The minister also wrote to rethink the need to go visit nearby graves and, if possible, postpone it altogether.

“Sometimes I have to read such speeches that in other countries the public is told the real situation without lying and then society very consciously decides to act responsibly.

Tomorrow after the elections - peasant press conference (photo by Justinas Auškelis / Photo Day)

I have no idea what else should be said to the Lithuanian population, what figures or in what way to explain that the situation is really very serious and is unlikely to improve in the near future. Unless the measures that have been applied begin to bear fruit.

We say with all our responsibility that the situation is bad, the disease continues to spread, that is why I invite those who have decided to visit relatives to change their minds ”, emphasized A. Veryga.

The minister urged not to visit those relatives who suffer from chronic diseases and the elderly. “

“It just came to our attention then. If you have decided to visit the graves on the weekend, it will be limited to that.”

SAM circulated recommendations

Before the weekend, the Ministry of Health recalls that due to the extremely unfavorable epidemiological situation in the country, residents must observe additional preventive measures: always wear protective masks that cover the nose and mouth, avoid close contact with other people, keep at least 2 meters if possible to attend at the end of the weekend | This is the only way to prevent further spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).

Before visiting the nearby graves, it is recommended to find out which zone, green, yellow or red, belongs to a particular municipality.

If quarantine is announced at the planned destination, it is proposed to postpone the trip. People who are in isolation or who have acute signs of upper respiratory tract infections (fever, cough, shortness of breath, etc.) are prohibited from visiting the graves of their loved ones. It is mandatory to stay home and consult the Coronavir Hotline (tel. 1808) or your family doctor for any questions you may have.

If you decide to visit the graves of loved ones during the weekend, it is recommended to go to the place by car, if possible, to avoid trips by trolleybus, bus or train. However, people who cannot use public transport should wear appropriate protective equipment that covers their nose and mouth during the entire trip: a medical or textile mask, a respirator without a valve. Remember to sanitize your hands regularly.

Meeting restrictions

In quarantine zones, cemeteries, as in other public spaces, should not be grouped with groups of more than 5 people (excluding family members). It is mandatory to maintain a distance of at least 2 meters between people or groups of people, to avoid direct physical contact (handshakes, hugs), in order to follow personal hygiene requirements.

It is not recommended to attend family gatherings organized indoors after visiting the graves. It is important to avoid contact with people with whom you do not normally interact.

The most important thing is to follow the prevention measures recommended by SAM everywhere and at all times: use nasal and oral protective equipment: a medical or textile mask for people over 6 years of age in public places (except exceptions for facial protection for people with disabilities when they are sick). Those who have a disability can opt for alternative face protection (such as masks), a respirator without a valve, try to maintain a distance of at least 2 meters between people, avoid any direct physical contact, disinfect hands, surfaces.

Images of how the Covid-19 study is carried out, in a video report.

New death record

Last day 735 cases of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) were confirmed in Lithuania. 181 of them were registered in Kaunas, 129 in Klaipėda, 128 in Vilnius, 80 in Šiauliai, 78 in Telšiai counties. Another 38 cases were recorded in Tauragė 37 Panevėžys, 31 Marijampolė, 21 Alytus and 12 Utena counties.

7 deaths were also recorded. This is the highest number of coronavirus deaths reported per day since the start of a pandemic. Two others died from other causes. A total of 157 people have died since COVID-19. Another 57 people died from other causes.

A total of 13 thousand people in Lithuania were infected with the coronavirus. 823 people, 8918 – still ill, 4691 – recovered.

There are currently 29,000 in isolation. 636 people. As of June 1, 396 import cases had been registered in Lithuania.

12 thousand were examined on the last day. 736 samples for suspected coronavirus. So far a total of 1 million have been investigated. 10 thousand 596 samples.
