Members of the new Seimas legislature have received an invitation to investigate the coronavirus: Matelis refuses


“I received a phone message asking me to check for coronavirus. It is said that this must be done before the oath of a Seimas member. All Seimas members received such invitations. I understand the concern of the Ministry of Health that the virus does not spread to the entire Seimas. The state cannot pay it, “writes B. Matelis.

However, the politician emphasizes that, according to him, future parliamentarians have exceptional conditions to take the test: time is allocated before other residents have that opportunity.

“Due to the sudden outbreak of the virus, people with a fever sometimes cannot call the hotline even 50 times, and the study is offered only after a week. Some mobile points will be closed on weekends, which means that congestion will be guaranteed again. And those who experience symptoms will not be able to enter the study. The investigation was assigned to me at the weekend, “says parliament.

As a result, Matelis said he would not accept a proposal to investigate this weekend.

“I cannot accept an offer to do a test without a queue when I received the invitation on the eve of the show. Maybe someone else needs it more. If my oath is delayed as a result, so be it. I would not like this decision of mine to be understood as a condemnation of those members of the Seimas who will go to the scrutiny. Let’s see how and who we feel. If necessary, let’s check. It would not be good for a feverish or spiteful politician to come and take the oath. By the way, call and let me know that I refuse this test, the mission is impossible ”, added B. Matelis.

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