Freedom Party’s Proposals to Support Farmers May Not Make It – Conservatives Opposed Too


Conservative Kazys Starkevičius, named on the sidelines as a true candidate for agriculture ministers, ambiguously assesses the proposals of these partners. Other farmers partially support the cultivation of medicinal cannabis, but consider the abandonment of labeled diesel and the ban on wildlife farms as a mistake.

Petras Puskunigis, president of the Lithuanian Association of Agricultural Companies, economically evaluates most of the Freedom Party’s proposals: “Party programs are party programs and real life is real life. We will see what proposals are implemented ”.

The goal is a greener economy

“Agriculture creates a lot of value, but it is the same business as all the others. We suggest reviewing all the benefits, but the marked diesel (this benefit is proposed to be abolished in the ed.) It can be discussed, although this benefit is abused, it is poured cheaper fuel in private cars, “explains Aušrinė Armonaitė, leader of the Freedom Party. The distribution of benefits should be done not only by the Ministry of Agriculture but also by the Ministry of the Environment.

According to the politician, agriculture is a sufficiently polluting branch and if it can be made “greener” together with the Ministry of the Environment, this opportunity can be taken advantage of.

“We have had many discussions about the ban on animal farms and have listened to the arguments of animal rights specialists, and we have followed the example of Poland, where this activity is prohibited. We should look at animals differently. It is not just raw and food. They must have certain conditions of well-being and be part of our ecosystem ”, explains A. Armonaitė.

Aušrinė Armonaitė

Aušrinė Armonaitė

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

Pigs will not touch

In Delphi A. Armonaitė responded to the question whether cow and pig farms will be destroyed, which is also criticized by EU officials and animal advocates (for example, the European Commission recently formally complained to Lithuania that are violating pig welfare requirements because their tails are docked) that such plans do not yet exist.

“Agriculture is a branch of business where we will be able to sell our products not only in Lithuania, but also abroad, but this activity must be based on innovative and smart technologies. I would like agriculture to be treated simply as a branch of business and more equality is needed under the law with other companies. There are also risks in other branches of activity ”, explains A. Armonaitė.

It also emphasizes how specific you will be pursuing. This will allow the processing of raw hemp fiber that we now export to other countries. Plans and legalization of medical cannabis.

“Legalizing medical cannabis is a great opportunity for farmers, processors and patients,” said the leader of the Freedom Party.

However, the coalition partners are less categorical and in no rush to start work on bans.

“Abandoning so-called green or excise duty diesel would be only a superficial solution. We have already heard the slogans that in 2030. we are ars with electric tractors, but we have to land on the ground and be realistic. That is why there is a common agricultural policy to create a level playing field. The same preferential diesel is available in other EU countries. If we only withdraw the profit, we will not be competitive ”, K. Starkevičius sees agricultural machinery fuel differently.

Kazys Starkevičius

Kazys Starkevičius

© DELFI / Karolina Pansevič

Doubts about agricultural bans

The politician is also less categorical about the ban on agricultural farms, saying that they are banned in some European countries, but remain in Scandinavia. If we decide to close them, it would take a transition period and we would simply give the market to our eastern neighbors, because the leather world will still benefit. The quantities we produce will be borne by others. It will be a gift.

“By including direct payments in the Ministry of the Environment, we will increase the bureaucracy and lose responsibility. A ministry must be responsible for the work. I am in favor of a stricter and clearer policy,” says K. Starkevičius.

Vytautas Buivydas, president of the Young Farmers Union, is optimistic about the possibility of growing medicinal cannabis, but is skeptical about other points.

“Medical cannabis is a crop that other European farmers grow. This would be an opportunity to create the highest possible value per hectare. However, surprisingly, they recorded a decision to eliminate the possibility of buying preferential diesel. Perhaps they were wrong or did not examine the practices from other countries. It’s a hasty decision, “speculates the farmer.

V. Buivydas is also outraged by the proposal to ban animal farms. He says that the Freedom Party, by its very name, seems committed to fighting for free business and taking the forbidden. For example, allowing the cultivation of cannabis. It is not known why it was decided to ban these farms, since high added value is created and practically all products are exported.

“I would like to ask how we will replace this loss of income. If there is a discussion, we will show that we cannot be different from the EU and that animal husbandry is a necessary business, and giving up on labeled diesel is detrimental,” hopes V. Buivydas.

Before medical cannabis

Mr Puskunigis agrees with his colleagues that preferences for diesel can be removed when they no longer exist in other parts of the EU.

Petras Puskunigis

Petras Puskunigis

© DELFI / Karolina Pansevič

“If we work on equal terms with others, we will live like everyone else. If the price of fuel rises just for us, or we will have to raise the price of products, or we will have to withdraw and bring food. The walls are open, the people will choose a cheaper option ”, says the farmer.

The head of the business association says he does not have a specific opinion on the destruction of wildlife farms because his association does not have such farms. But don’t rush. If this is allowed in other EU countries, why should you ban us?

“We strive to be the first and the first to implement all the requirements. And the farms are people’s jobs and taxes. The first are not worth dancing in front of the train,” explains the farmer economically.

Regarding hemp, Mr. Puskunigis would only support a permit to process fibrous hemp. Growing medical cannabis when we are not dealing with alcoholism would only lead to an increase in additional problems.

Freedom Party software requirements for agriculture.

The measures of the DNA plan of the future economy should include support to bioeconomy producers (agriculture, food, processing of forest products, etc.) by co-financing investments in high value-added product chains in order to guarantee that the final products are produced in Lithuania.

Completely abandon excise duty exemptions on diesel for farmers.

Ensure the balanced development of the protection of natural habitats, taking into account the objectives set in the EU Green Course of at least 30%. ensure the status of the protected areas of the country’s territories; at the same time initiating and approving a compensation agreement to landowners to ensure the effective status of protected areas. Complete the establishment of the Natura 2000 network.

Review the mechanism of direct payments to farmers so that it only covers environmental and social objectives. The distribution of direct payments should become a common area of ​​the Ministries of Environment and Agriculture.

Ban fur farms.

The transfer of state land use issues to the municipalities, including vacant land management, land auctions, and lease auctions. Liquidate the National Land Service.

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